Could Pavel Durov bring down traffic policeman
Interesting facts about how the police tried to accuse the founder of St. Petersburg social network "VKontakte" Pavel Durov in his involvement in the assaults on employees of traffic police. Be sure to read further about the facts of the case and funny answer representative "VKontakte" on this occasion :)
Petersburg police official said that the other day was started
special operation to intercept and detain the driver's white Mercedes. According to them, an expensive foreign car was hit by a German inspector of traffic police on the Griboyedov Canal and fled the scene of the accident. What is most interesting in the video is quite clearly distinguishable plates Mersedela that according to unconfirmed information belongs to the founder of the network "VKontakte" Pavel Durov. Another coincidence, to prove the involvement of Pavel Durov this accident
It is a complete similarity of the make and model of car the founder of "VKontakte" and the culprit accident. By the way, the main office of "VKontakte" is also in close proximity to the Griboyedov Canal, where the crime was committed.
Of course, the press secretary of the social network "VKontakte" denies any involvement Pavel Durov to this incident. According to the representative, in the first place: Paul do not have a car, and secondly, the creator of the social network
moves through the city solely on the subway or on foot :)
And you believe it? See video.

Petersburg police official said that the other day was started
special operation to intercept and detain the driver's white Mercedes. According to them, an expensive foreign car was hit by a German inspector of traffic police on the Griboyedov Canal and fled the scene of the accident. What is most interesting in the video is quite clearly distinguishable plates Mersedela that according to unconfirmed information belongs to the founder of the network "VKontakte" Pavel Durov. Another coincidence, to prove the involvement of Pavel Durov this accident
It is a complete similarity of the make and model of car the founder of "VKontakte" and the culprit accident. By the way, the main office of "VKontakte" is also in close proximity to the Griboyedov Canal, where the crime was committed.
Of course, the press secretary of the social network "VKontakte" denies any involvement Pavel Durov to this incident. According to the representative, in the first place: Paul do not have a car, and secondly, the creator of the social network
moves through the city solely on the subway or on foot :)
And you believe it? See video.