Pavel Durov said that the world is on the verge of a food crisis
There are many problems in the world, many of which we do not even think about. For example, global food crisis It no longer seems distant or unknown. Hundreds of millions of people are starving right now. This is not often talked about in the media. However, media personalities from time to time draw public attention to this. So did the famous entrepreneur and programmer Pavel Durov.
Instagram / @durov Today "Site" He will talk in more detail about the global problem and how Pavel Durov helps solve it.
The world is on the brink of a global food crisis. This is being trumpeted by foreign media. For example, recently on the website of the Indian Internet newspaper The Print published an article on this topic.
There are several reasons why hunger is sweeping the planet. First, we are still reaping the benefits of the long-running COVID-19 pandemic. Second, it is affected by the drought and, of course, the war in Ukraine. Due to the fighting, the volume of sowing this year decreased significantly. This means that the export of goods will also decrease.
In addition, natural gas prices increased last autumn. Accordingly, the cost of all nitrogen fertilizers produced from this raw material increased. This is exacerbating food shortages and rising food prices.
Germany’s minister of economic cooperation and development says the world is threatened by famines not seen since World War II. Svenja Schulze says food prices have risen by a third to a record high. According to the World Food Programme, more than 300 million people are already starving. And that number is constantly growing.
The full-scale war in Ukraine, unleashed by Russia, affects not only prices. The entire food supply chain is disrupted. Crop production is also disrupted. Africa and the Middle East, which depend on cheap grain exports, will suffer the most. As a result, hunger will be a problem for at least 811 million people.
Ukraine is one of the world’s key grain producers. The country accounts for 9% of world wheat exports, 13.5% of corn and 70% of sunflower products. There is enough food to feed 400 million people.
To help those in need, the UAE launched its “1 billion lunches” campaign last month. This is a fundraising effort to provide people with ready-made food. We are talking about the population of 50 countries of the world.
Anyone can make a donation and pay for someone’s lunch. For example, the initiator of the company Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum has already paid for 400 million servings of food for those in need. And Pavel Durov, who drew the attention of his subscribers to the problem, donated money for 12 million lunches.
The company hopes that there will be more sponsors in the future. Perhaps one day the world will be able to achieve the UN’s goal of zero hunger.
In order to overcome the global food crisis, the root causes must first be addressed. So far, the problem is only getting worse. In 2021 alone, the number of people facing hunger increased by 40 million.
World Food Programme Executive Director David Beasley says more funding is also important to address the problem. The food crisis needs to be discussed more often. This is not a secondary topic, and it should be constantly heard.
Unfortunately, the world in which we live, little by little, begins to crack at the seams. And it's really scary. Ordinary people think they can’t change anything. But we don't think so. It's enough to start small. For example, to sort secondary raw materials and take more care of our environment. The contribution of each of us is important. What do you say?

Instagram / @durov Today "Site" He will talk in more detail about the global problem and how Pavel Durov helps solve it.
The world is on the brink of a global food crisis. This is being trumpeted by foreign media. For example, recently on the website of the Indian Internet newspaper The Print published an article on this topic.

There are several reasons why hunger is sweeping the planet. First, we are still reaping the benefits of the long-running COVID-19 pandemic. Second, it is affected by the drought and, of course, the war in Ukraine. Due to the fighting, the volume of sowing this year decreased significantly. This means that the export of goods will also decrease.
In addition, natural gas prices increased last autumn. Accordingly, the cost of all nitrogen fertilizers produced from this raw material increased. This is exacerbating food shortages and rising food prices.
Germany’s minister of economic cooperation and development says the world is threatened by famines not seen since World War II. Svenja Schulze says food prices have risen by a third to a record high. According to the World Food Programme, more than 300 million people are already starving. And that number is constantly growing.

The full-scale war in Ukraine, unleashed by Russia, affects not only prices. The entire food supply chain is disrupted. Crop production is also disrupted. Africa and the Middle East, which depend on cheap grain exports, will suffer the most. As a result, hunger will be a problem for at least 811 million people.
Ukraine is one of the world’s key grain producers. The country accounts for 9% of world wheat exports, 13.5% of corn and 70% of sunflower products. There is enough food to feed 400 million people.
To help those in need, the UAE launched its “1 billion lunches” campaign last month. This is a fundraising effort to provide people with ready-made food. We are talking about the population of 50 countries of the world.

Anyone can make a donation and pay for someone’s lunch. For example, the initiator of the company Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum has already paid for 400 million servings of food for those in need. And Pavel Durov, who drew the attention of his subscribers to the problem, donated money for 12 million lunches.
The company hopes that there will be more sponsors in the future. Perhaps one day the world will be able to achieve the UN’s goal of zero hunger.

In order to overcome the global food crisis, the root causes must first be addressed. So far, the problem is only getting worse. In 2021 alone, the number of people facing hunger increased by 40 million.
World Food Programme Executive Director David Beasley says more funding is also important to address the problem. The food crisis needs to be discussed more often. This is not a secondary topic, and it should be constantly heard.

Unfortunately, the world in which we live, little by little, begins to crack at the seams. And it's really scary. Ordinary people think they can’t change anything. But we don't think so. It's enough to start small. For example, to sort secondary raw materials and take more care of our environment. The contribution of each of us is important. What do you say?
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The guests called at lunch and said that they will be for dinner, lightning fast set on the table.