Founder of "VKontakte" Pavel Durov left Russia and does not intend to return
The founder of the social network "VKontakte" Pavel Durov left Russia and has no plans to return, writes Techcrunch. About this Durov told the newspaper in an interview.
According to him, Russia "is not compatible with Internet business now»
"I am afraid that there is no turning back. I refused to cooperate with the authorities. They do not like me, "- said Durov.
He also told the newspaper that before the end of this year, will begin work on a new social network. Most likely, it will be created on the basis of the messenger Telegram. "Already this year, I proceed to create a mobile social network," - said the founder of "VKontakte».
The name of the new service as yet unknown. According to the publication, it may be one of the messengers of the new generation, which offers encryption of traffic in order to "protect users from prying eyes».
Previously UCP Foundation issued a statement that the executive director of "VKontakte" Dmitry Sergeyev had exceeded its authority, accepted the resignation from the post of director general Durov without bringing the matter to the board of directors.