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A life sentence in the US Russian

Something like this should start all the romantic stories that are so fond of women of all ages. Famous film "Pretty Woman" with Julia Roberts in the title role as a time of discharge of such tales. But the harsh truth of life lies in the fact that the manner described above are not usually begin the tale, and the crime drama.

Helen was simpotichnoy and this is its main advantage ... Actually, this list of advantages and limited.

Boris fell in love with Lena to unconsciousness, to such an extent that he agreed to join with her in marriage to give her his name, to take away in the United States and to have children. As to such a clever entrepreneur decided to far and not a naive person can not understand, but ... it happened!

Unlike his wife, Boris was a very interesting person and he deserves to be said about him a few words. Boris was a very rich man, even by American standards - he disposed of hundreds of millions of dollars and the cash flow will never dry up. FBI suspected him of "money laundering" for criminal organized communities of both the US and Russia. Formally, it was believed that he provided consulting services to investment funds, but in fact confused the cash flows to the extent that their true origin could not be traced. He was wound around the world, buying and selling real estate, registering investment companies and pension funds, arranging stock and trade. Boris carried out ¾ time, and even at home never stopped working. It is clear that a stupid man could not engage in such activities, and Boris Kilishez very, very successful in their fisheries.

Boris and his wife opened the door to the fabulous world of real millionaires.

More surprising, that such a person has chosen to marry this woman ... And not just joined her in marriage, and just adored his darling until his last days.

Kilishez family settled in a secluded mansion on the island of Staten Island.

The area seems to be, and was in the city of New York, and the situation there reigned a quiet, secluded and almost suburban.

Upon arrival in New York Helen said that she needed a house with swimming pool inside, because she does not like the pool in the backyard. And then say, is in the order of a madam from Peter to live in a house with a swimming pool in the open air ?! Boris povёz his newfound passion to choose a house. On Staten Island, she chose mansion with swimming pool inside, during which Boris the next day without any haggling paid 4 million. $.

House, bought Boris, turned out quite good, there was not ashamed to make friends and relax your body and soul. The more that ever absent husband does not interfere with rest.

Boris fell asleep his wife expensive gifts. These were not the only executive car that Elena me almost a year, but also jewelry. The cost of many of them tens of thousands of dollars.

This is not a showcase of jewelry store. This is a case for jewelry wardrobe in Helena Kilishez.

As you know, you get used to a good fast, and people like Lena Kilishez Ellochka ogress, is developing rapidly addictive. She quickly forgotten from some shit managed to come up and everything going on around her, began to perceive as something self-granted. And very quickly forgot that that heavenly life, in which she suddenly found herself, her husband bought for money. Many years later, in an interview with one of Boris Kilisheza succinctly described the Lena, categorically and impartially, "it was a real wife" new Russian "- spoiled, lazy and stupid».

Helen led a rich life experiences - love to sunbathe, swim, play tennis. As she liked to play cards. etc.

Elena Kilishez led an interesting and relaxed life.

This went on for quite a long time. Although Helen quickly earned the reputation of "women weak at the front" and the rumor about her amorous adventures are widely dispersed in the narrow circles of Brighton Bichevskaya inhabitants, Boris bad about his wife did not know. So, by the way, happens quite often - the husband learns of his wife's latest exploits. Lena gave birth to two children in the marriage and Boris loved her sincerely and devotedly.

Having children does not spoil the figure of Helen and only increased her self-confidence. She saw that Boris loves children and allows his wife to do anything it pleases. And this attitude too often forms in man exaggerated self-esteem. Elena believed in what her status and authority wife indisputable, and such self-confidence to bring the good can not by definition.

It's hard to say where it would be started the Helen zhituha relaxed, but in November 1999, she met a guy with Brooklyn unthinkable name Mesayya Justice (Messiah Justice - in Russian "Justice of the Lord"). Called this bastard a man to insult the human race - Mesayya was a small trader, with a long list of various violations of the law, theft and robbery. By the time when Elena saw him Mesayya was already present cattle which did not have even their cars (by American standards fall below the New Yorker simply nowhere). Justice was driving through Manhattan in the car, taken from another, and Elena caught up with him at a traffic light and ask for directions. Later, she admitted that she knew the road well, just decided pznakomitsya Man ... slipped a spark, a feeling ... well, like the feeling?

Elena gave him a watch with diamonds. Watch worth 75 thousand. $ - What a trifle for a man to pay her husband's money, right?

Mesayya Justice and watches with precious stones donated by Lena Kilishez.

If they met quietly, nothing terrible has happened to. In the end, kinks and bugs are even quite quiet and sensible people. But stupidity Lena to 35 years took the form of clinical disease and explain many of its actions is simply impossible. She began to drag him along to the clubs and pubs, where she was well known. It is clear that Brighton Beach is not without good people and soon Boris reported misconduct wife.

He, however, did not respond for a long time. Perhaps the house and there were some explanations about it, but for sure it is not known. Sharp deterioration of relations between the spouses contributed two events. Firstly, Helen for 50% of the cost back to the jeweler jewelery she received from her husband. For decoration price of 90 thousand. $ She got half, hoping that my husband did not know about it. But the jeweler, well aware of who is Boris Kilishez, told her husband to return the jewelry. This prank caused a surge of fury Boris.

But other than that Helen made a far more dangerous nonsense. She secretly took one of the bank card and handed it to Boris Justice, so that he could not deny yourself the smallest whim. Mesayya had a ball, apparently not realizing that report, whose money it spends. And he spent the money mafia ... It happened in the middle of March 2000

Boris and Lena ... no sadder story in the world!

When Boris learned about spending from the account, which could not be touched, he fell into a rage. His nervous reaction aggravated history Lena return his gift, what he learned about the same time. Boris decided to punish his wife, but to do it not by violent means. He decided to hit where it hurts most of his wife - in her purse. He told Lena that divorces her, will take the children and deprive it of all property. He had no doubt that his connections in law enforcement and the judiciary, he will achieve the desired solutions without any problems.

A friend of Boris, hearing of his intention, asked: "Are not you afraid that you just killed? Wife get your property by inheritance ... "what Boris with an offended air retorted:" You have forgotten who I am ?! "Boris was a dangerous man, but his wife was a fool, so that the arguments of common sense did not apply to it.

March 28, 2000 Boris Kilisheza last seen. The next day, his mother, calling on a cell's son, did not wait for an answer. Then she called daughter and learned that the family flew to «Walt Disney world» - a large entertainment center in Florida. The mother was not able to speak with his son in that day - he swam in the pool. Within a week, the mother called him a few more times, but Boris did not raise his pipe and constantly found himself away from his wife. In general, the mother of his voice and not heard. April 6 Elena children returned to New York, but her husband was not - he went on a business trip. Then my mother was alarmed in earnest - Boris was attentive son and always found time to talk to my mom, and then for many days no hearing, no spirit!

His mother moved to a house on Staten Island to talk to his son, when he called his wife. Lena was acting very strange. Day after day passed, and still has not called Boris. Anxiety mother prevailed, and finally, on April 12, she literally kicks Elena drove home, so she went to the police and filed a zyavlenie about the disappearance of her husband. Elena came to the police, but the statement that day failed to write - she was in prostration to such a degree that fell on the floor and lost consciousness. She was taken to hospital with severe intoxication ...

The policeman poster with the message tracing Boris Kilisheza.

At first, the question about the reasons for the disappearance of Boris Kilisheza seemed ambiguous. The police, of course, aware of the specifics of its business and the strong contacts with international criminal groups, so the version of the connection with the disappearance of the business activity of Boris seemed quite plausible. In addition, it was impossible to rule out that the businessman fled voluntarily, for fear of persecution. This could explain why Lena was in no hurry to declare the disappearance of her husband - she knew that he hides in good faith.

But gradually the situation became clearer. It was found that business partners Boris themselves concerned about his disappearance and secretly lead him wanted. According to their assurances, nothing dangerous or suspicious around the business Boris has recently happened. It was found out another interesting detail: Lena told police that her husband did not go with her and the children in «Walt Disney world», in the meantime, the mother asserted that Elena assured her in the presence of her husband beside her in Florida. It turns out that Elena lied to her husband's mother, but why she behaved?

Finally, it became known that Elena wished to obtain from the account of her husband's 200 thousand. $ In cash and ordered that amount in the bank. The owner of the bank, who knew personally Boris and knowledgeable about his strange disappearance, contacted fellow businessman and his mother. A small private investigation clarified the question of whether what Lena needed money. It turns out that she wanted to buy his friend "Bentley" for 197 thousand. $. The car was ordered and was already in the cabin, ready to extradition. Of course, the banker was recommended in every way to tighten payment of money, citing technical constraints (that did so, so that Lena coveted money and did not see).

In view of all the foregoing, it became clear that Lena and her friend Mesayya may be somehow involved in the disappearance of Boris. Although prove it is not yet possible. In late April, in the area of ​​Jamaica Bay was discovered plastic barrel with a corpse Boris Kilisheza. In the back of his head medical examiner found a bullet .38.

Then events accelerated sharply. Mother murdered businessman met with a family friend Raymond Grunewald, former Deputy US Attorney General and asked him to help in the speedy investigation of the murder. Two days later, the crime really been solved.

Boris Kilisheza body so swollen that pull it out of the barrel was not possible. To remove the body, the barrel is simply cut with scissors on metal.

Realized it was pretty trivial. Mesayyu Justice brought to the police station, where a detective told him something like this: "Look, gadёnysh, Mr Justice! We know that you would like to help Lena Kilishez prityrit 200 thousand. $ Co counting her murdered husband. But the money did not belong to him, and the Mafia! You want to take the money of the criminal community. Either you tell us how Boris died Kilishez or we will inform his comrades business that you killed him for the kidnapping of the money. Choose! "What he chose not hard to guess. He said that at around 22:30 on March 28 over the phone urgently call Helen. When he came to her house on Staten Island, I saw Boris corpse lying on the carpet floor in the basement of the building. There, in the basement Boris moved after Lena said about the upcoming divorce.

Helen told him that Boris waylaid by hiding in the dressing room.

Shot police videotape made in the basement of the house Kilishez. Boris slept here last days of his life. On the evening of the murder of Lena hid behind the doors leading to the dressing room and when Boris about 22 hours of March 28, 2000 came down here to go to bed, Lena fired his neck.

She fired a gun in the back of her husband when he, about anything without knowing, passed. Lena demanded that Mesayya helped her get rid of the corpse. Mesayya pulled him up and stuffed in the trunk belonged to Elena "Mercedes". There also they put a piece of flooring, which left a large blood stain. This piece they cut out from the cover, cover the entire floor. Mesayya drove the corpse to the pier in Brighton Beach, there placed it in a plastic barrel and threw it into the Atlantic Ocean. He could not have imagined that a barrel, breaking the past month almost 40 km., In the end will be near Jamaica Bay!

While Elena with children was in Florida, the supplier of carpets perestelil carpet in the basement. Workers involved in the implementation of this contract, told during the investigation that the old carpet was missing a piece about the size of 1, 5 m. * 1 m. This piece was just outside the door to the dressing room. Their story confirms the version of events described Mesayey Justice.

Last, signing an agreement with the prosecution, agreed to testify in court against Elena.

Photos of Lena Kilishez and Mesayi Justice of their prison affairs.

Helen, on hearing of his "betrayal" fell into a rage. She tried to shift the blame for Justice, stating that he shot and killed her husband and forced her to participate in concealing any crime. It is clear that this nonsense has not made the slightest impression on any prosecutor or jurors.

Elena Kilishez accompanied by lawyers forwarded to the court.

Lena is serving his sentence in a women's prison in Bedford Hill (Bedford hill).

Lena loves to talk about his fabulous life and journalists during these pinching memories crying, crying, crying. It can be understood - so enchanting profukannyh his life must still contrive!

Mesayya Justice was sentenced to two years in prison for "illegal transportation of the corpse" and Lena Kilishez quite expectedly received a sentence of life imprisonment without the right of petitioning for parole.

That's the story of the birth and the collapse of the American dream. Have everything - and so poorly destroy life by his own hands! Indeed, when God wants to punish, he robs the mind.
