A. Razin: Ministry of Education -predatel Homeland
This statement was made Deputy Chairman of the expert council of the State Duma Committee on Labour, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs Andrei Razin in an interview with the "Academy". - Perhaps someone words of betrayal may seem harsh. But contrast the few facts. The fact of the first. Today I read a draft order of the Ministry of Education on the Elimination of more than 150 specialties in colleges and universities of our country. Chohom liquidated specialty, including those related to hazardous industries, such as metallurgy, construction. Instead of preparing qualified specialists in the vocational and vocational-technical schools, it is proposed to replace the small, one-two-month internship. That is for the blast furnace, the explosion of which can spread half of the city will meet people who have received brief training rather than proper training and as a result - are qualified. I was raised in an orphanage for 16 years. Then I went to Stavropol GPTU-24, where he received a profession bricklayer. It is this profession, get a quality professional education enabled me later to occupy important positions in the construction industry. Then, in Stavropol was 24 vocational schools, now there are only two. And it is also the result of the "reforms" of the labor education named Livanov (Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation - Dmitry Livanov. - Note. "AN"). All one hundred thousand graduates of Russian orphanages each year is through Vocational schools get a start in life. Now their Ministry of Education thrown into the street, where they are sure to take the criminal elements in turn. Boys - to the fighters. Girls - to the panel. What remains, if the state turns away from them? And criminals will break and engulf Russia. This is a terrible blow to the future of Russia. 25 million new jobs, you say? 25 million gangsters and prostitutes - that's the future of Livanov. This orgy More can and must be stopped. The fact of the second. I am the Vice-Chairman of the expert council of the State Duma Committee on Labour, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs. Expert Council headed by a respected person, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Zapesotsky, rector of St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions. This university is a long and glorious history, it exists since 1924. Only in it to train personnel for the Russian clubs, houses of culture; graduates of the university are engaged in trade union circles and sections with our children, raising them, the question of leisure of youth and the adult population. This is the only institution acts only Russian Faculty of Conflict!
Andrei Razin with the participants of the round table. Photos of "United Russia», er.ru
These days, on the basis of a representative of the university held a world conference, which is attended by the heads of the International Labour Organisation (ILO - International Labour Organization, ILO - a specialized agency of the United Nations, international organization concerned with the regulation of labor relations. - Note. "AN") and President of the International Confederation of Trade Unions, which unites 1 billion 200 million people. At the conference, President of the International Trade Union Confederation congratulated Russia on its entry into the ranks of the trade unions of the Crimea! In such a difficult period in international relations serious, representational, weighty organizations in the world and, more importantly, under the auspices of the UN to be involved in this conference just make it clear that they support the position of Russia.
Mikhail Tarasenko, A. Isaev, V. Burmatov. Photos of "United Russia», er.ru
It was at this time on the site Rosobrnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Head - Sergey Kravtsov. - Note. "AN") comes out false information that allegedly the St. Petersburg University of Humanities deprived of accreditation. The information is absolutely false, I repeat, but despite the indignation of the members of the expert council, it hangs on the site so far. This is a sneaky punch in the stomach in Russia exactly the selected time. I conclude that the head of the Ministry of Education and Rosobrnadzor are traitors to the motherland. These agents of influence who you know are used in today's situation with a very definite purpose - to destroy our country.
Comment on the emotional charge Andrei Razin treason on the part of the Ministry of Education, we asked the chairman of the Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs Andrei Isayev:
I do not dare to share hot emotional evaluations Andrei Alexandrovich (Razin. - Note. "AN"), but I confirm that the Ministry of Education operates at least strange.
Host country's decision to liquidate the 150 working specialties without the consent of the Russian trilateral commission on regulation of social and labor relations (this commission is a coordinating and advisory body of the government of the Russian Federation, Director - Olga Golodets, deputy chairman of the government. - Note. "AH»).
Then these continuing attacks on trade union high school - and in fact St. Petersburg State University for one year only the last 10 lawsuits won in court from Rosobrnadzor. It did not work to solve the problem by legal means - they went through fraud, by openly publishing defamatory material about the alleged refusal of the trade union in the state accreditation the university.
Activities of the Ministry of Education needs to be serious discussion. Instead of performing the tasks set by the President, they are moving in an unknown direction, virtually destroyed and workers' education, and social protection of workers rights in our country.
We took these interviews on Friday, and on Tuesday the party "United Russia" held in Moscow a round table "The crisis with the preparation of personnel in Russia».
Moderator - Andrey Isaev. In his introduction the Chairman of the Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs said that "prepared by the Ministry of Education ordered the delisting of professions of secondary vocational education qualifications more than 150 workers and 100 jobs was" a stroke of lightning in a powder keg. " It is obvious that vocational education in Russia fades, the state ideology in training workers, which acts as a conductor of Ministry of Education, formal and causes a flurry of criticism. Actions Education Ministry are visible and obvious contradiction with the aim of improving labor productivity, with the objective of creating 25 million new highly skilled jobs, with the task of enhancing the value of human capital in the labor market. It causes us serious concern. By its actions, the Ministry of Education gives the signal regions of the actual curtailment of vocational education in our country. I agree with this, we can not categorically. We believe a skilled working class support in our country ».
The keynote address was Mikhail Tarasenko, first deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs, the coordinator of the party (the "United Russia". - Note. "AN") of the "Decent Work". It is with concrete examples and facts from the iron and steel industry (Tarasenko went from the master to the chief of a site at the Taganrog Metallurgical Plant. - Note. "AN") showed that the Ministry of Education developed the "Strategy of development of the system of training of personnel" fragmentary and inconclusive. "Primary and secondary professional education system remains a stepchild. Preparing the workforce - is too serious a matter to the federal center it only affects methodically. This is a public issue, "- said Tarasenko.
The representative of the "profile" of the Duma Committee Vladimir Burmatov, first deputy of the Duma Committee on Education, said that "the statements" do not go to study in these professions, so close "- a dereliction of responsibility. If the Ministry of Education implements the state policy, we have to go on the other. We have to go on the needs of the economy and raise the prestige of working professions, and not throw up your hands - "Well, do not go." We need to change the priorities today in raising the prestige of working trades done too little ».
Andrei Razin, as chairman of the Association of graduates of children's homes, demonstrated "crime" of the order of Ministry of Education to expel occupations, describing the harmful effects of this initiative on the fate of graduates of children's homes. However, not only orphans "in Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts children are removed from the reindeer herders (because it's cold) and to recover the cities in boarding, then - in school and learn a trade there," reindeer herder-mechanic "... You removed this profession! Not you orphans, you are still and small nations bёte! Otherwise as a provocation against the country I can not name ».
Oleg Sokolov, the secretary of FNPR "free secondary vocational education in our country and killed there in spite of the policy, which is carried out. SPTU throughout discharged from the regional budget, their taxes are not forced to think about education, and about making money - and the ministry has nothing to do with it! »
Alex Okounkov, executive director of the Association of Employers of mining and metallurgical complex, "I would like to ask those who develop the orders for the destruction of professions such as" tunneling system operator. " You even know how much is this complex? The modern complex is a billion rubles. Can I trust a man who taught 10 months? »
And so on and so forth. Acting as representatives of public organizations and educational institutions, employers and employment services, even from the students "got" the Ministry of Education.
Ministry of Education courageously defended Natalya Zolotarev, director of public policy of staff training. But she was forced to admit that the explanatory note to the draft order, which has become "a lightning strike into a barrel of gunpowder" was not sufficiently informative ».
- Tell me, but you are consuming 97 professions, as something new entered? - Asked Andrey Razin.
- Police entered.
The resolution adopted unanimously (with a desperate resistance, of course, the Ministry of Education) states that the Ministry of Education pays insufficient attention to the popularization of working skills. It is proposed to conduct a broad, involving trade unions, employers and the general public, discussion of the "Strategy of development of the system of training of personnel" and the draft order "On the exclusion of specialties." According to the draft order "On excluding special" Ministry of Education, by the way, he promised to consider the profession and specialty, and under the prism of demand for graduates of orphanages and children of indigenous peoples of Russia.
UPCOMING every house ...
Source: argumenti.ru

Andrei Razin with the participants of the round table. Photos of "United Russia», er.ru
These days, on the basis of a representative of the university held a world conference, which is attended by the heads of the International Labour Organisation (ILO - International Labour Organization, ILO - a specialized agency of the United Nations, international organization concerned with the regulation of labor relations. - Note. "AN") and President of the International Confederation of Trade Unions, which unites 1 billion 200 million people. At the conference, President of the International Trade Union Confederation congratulated Russia on its entry into the ranks of the trade unions of the Crimea! In such a difficult period in international relations serious, representational, weighty organizations in the world and, more importantly, under the auspices of the UN to be involved in this conference just make it clear that they support the position of Russia.

Mikhail Tarasenko, A. Isaev, V. Burmatov. Photos of "United Russia», er.ru
It was at this time on the site Rosobrnadzor (Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Head - Sergey Kravtsov. - Note. "AN") comes out false information that allegedly the St. Petersburg University of Humanities deprived of accreditation. The information is absolutely false, I repeat, but despite the indignation of the members of the expert council, it hangs on the site so far. This is a sneaky punch in the stomach in Russia exactly the selected time. I conclude that the head of the Ministry of Education and Rosobrnadzor are traitors to the motherland. These agents of influence who you know are used in today's situation with a very definite purpose - to destroy our country.
Comment on the emotional charge Andrei Razin treason on the part of the Ministry of Education, we asked the chairman of the Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs Andrei Isayev:
I do not dare to share hot emotional evaluations Andrei Alexandrovich (Razin. - Note. "AN"), but I confirm that the Ministry of Education operates at least strange.
Host country's decision to liquidate the 150 working specialties without the consent of the Russian trilateral commission on regulation of social and labor relations (this commission is a coordinating and advisory body of the government of the Russian Federation, Director - Olga Golodets, deputy chairman of the government. - Note. "AH»).
Then these continuing attacks on trade union high school - and in fact St. Petersburg State University for one year only the last 10 lawsuits won in court from Rosobrnadzor. It did not work to solve the problem by legal means - they went through fraud, by openly publishing defamatory material about the alleged refusal of the trade union in the state accreditation the university.
Activities of the Ministry of Education needs to be serious discussion. Instead of performing the tasks set by the President, they are moving in an unknown direction, virtually destroyed and workers' education, and social protection of workers rights in our country.
We took these interviews on Friday, and on Tuesday the party "United Russia" held in Moscow a round table "The crisis with the preparation of personnel in Russia».
Moderator - Andrey Isaev. In his introduction the Chairman of the Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs said that "prepared by the Ministry of Education ordered the delisting of professions of secondary vocational education qualifications more than 150 workers and 100 jobs was" a stroke of lightning in a powder keg. " It is obvious that vocational education in Russia fades, the state ideology in training workers, which acts as a conductor of Ministry of Education, formal and causes a flurry of criticism. Actions Education Ministry are visible and obvious contradiction with the aim of improving labor productivity, with the objective of creating 25 million new highly skilled jobs, with the task of enhancing the value of human capital in the labor market. It causes us serious concern. By its actions, the Ministry of Education gives the signal regions of the actual curtailment of vocational education in our country. I agree with this, we can not categorically. We believe a skilled working class support in our country ».
The keynote address was Mikhail Tarasenko, first deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs, the coordinator of the party (the "United Russia". - Note. "AN") of the "Decent Work". It is with concrete examples and facts from the iron and steel industry (Tarasenko went from the master to the chief of a site at the Taganrog Metallurgical Plant. - Note. "AN") showed that the Ministry of Education developed the "Strategy of development of the system of training of personnel" fragmentary and inconclusive. "Primary and secondary professional education system remains a stepchild. Preparing the workforce - is too serious a matter to the federal center it only affects methodically. This is a public issue, "- said Tarasenko.
The representative of the "profile" of the Duma Committee Vladimir Burmatov, first deputy of the Duma Committee on Education, said that "the statements" do not go to study in these professions, so close "- a dereliction of responsibility. If the Ministry of Education implements the state policy, we have to go on the other. We have to go on the needs of the economy and raise the prestige of working professions, and not throw up your hands - "Well, do not go." We need to change the priorities today in raising the prestige of working trades done too little ».
Andrei Razin, as chairman of the Association of graduates of children's homes, demonstrated "crime" of the order of Ministry of Education to expel occupations, describing the harmful effects of this initiative on the fate of graduates of children's homes. However, not only orphans "in Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Districts children are removed from the reindeer herders (because it's cold) and to recover the cities in boarding, then - in school and learn a trade there," reindeer herder-mechanic "... You removed this profession! Not you orphans, you are still and small nations bёte! Otherwise as a provocation against the country I can not name ».
Oleg Sokolov, the secretary of FNPR "free secondary vocational education in our country and killed there in spite of the policy, which is carried out. SPTU throughout discharged from the regional budget, their taxes are not forced to think about education, and about making money - and the ministry has nothing to do with it! »
Alex Okounkov, executive director of the Association of Employers of mining and metallurgical complex, "I would like to ask those who develop the orders for the destruction of professions such as" tunneling system operator. " You even know how much is this complex? The modern complex is a billion rubles. Can I trust a man who taught 10 months? »
And so on and so forth. Acting as representatives of public organizations and educational institutions, employers and employment services, even from the students "got" the Ministry of Education.
Ministry of Education courageously defended Natalya Zolotarev, director of public policy of staff training. But she was forced to admit that the explanatory note to the draft order, which has become "a lightning strike into a barrel of gunpowder" was not sufficiently informative ».
- Tell me, but you are consuming 97 professions, as something new entered? - Asked Andrey Razin.
- Police entered.
The resolution adopted unanimously (with a desperate resistance, of course, the Ministry of Education) states that the Ministry of Education pays insufficient attention to the popularization of working skills. It is proposed to conduct a broad, involving trade unions, employers and the general public, discussion of the "Strategy of development of the system of training of personnel" and the draft order "On the exclusion of specialties." According to the draft order "On excluding special" Ministry of Education, by the way, he promised to consider the profession and specialty, and under the prism of demand for graduates of orphanages and children of indigenous peoples of Russia.

UPCOMING every house ...
Source: argumenti.ru