How to destroy the system of education in 7 steps
The idea that the state may have an interest in reducing the quality of education is not new. However, in the "conspiracy theory" is always more difficult to believe than a simple human stupidity. In this paper we propose to check the plausibility of the hypothesis managed reduce the quality of education by means of a technique invented by Strugatsky brothers.
Lyrically and methodological introduction
Once me deeply touched by the Strugatsky book "The Time Wanderers' brothers. In the world described in the book of the future was such a profession - Progressor. Progressors implemented in other less developed than the Earth civilization and gradually directed the society to progress in the right direction.
And once a certain Progressor pierced thought: what if there are too conspiratorial progresory more advanced civilizations on Earth? We must find them! But how? Author of the idea proposed three-step methodology to identify alien progressors.
First, suppose and assume that they do exist. Secondly, knowing their purpose, we try to predict what they should do (what we would do in their place). Third, we will look for a match between our forecast and the actual events on Earth. And then in the book describes the history of the use of this technique by which a gang undercover progressors was uncovered and defused.
I propose to use the methodology of the Strugatsky relation to the education system. Suppose, in the post-operating gang covariates, whose main task - to break up the Soviet Union during the current education system. We think that this should be done, and we will look for matches in real life. In this case, I will speak as a hypothetical regressor and develop a plan for a short diversionary program collapse of the education system. And you, dear readers, do look for matches in real life and make your conclusions.
So, my program is the destruction of the education system (for example, higher education) was obtained from 7 points.
1. Reduction of the creative motivation of teachers
The general idea. As Comrade Stalin taught, "cadres decide everything". The problem is that teachers of high school - even those frames. In the mass self-motivated person working in universities, who are doing their job well is not a salary and not out of fear of punishment, but because it is fun and because they believe that it is important and necessary.
How to reduce the labor and creative motivation of these people nails? They need to be humble. Humiliate so that there was fierce resentment against the system they serve. Keen sense of justice, self-motivated people are usually inherent in this case will do the dirty work - they can not continue to serve as a system that they unjustly humiliated.
Specific actions. An indicator of social status in society and the indicator measures the value of the company to assess labor and human merit is his salary (income). It is necessary to have professors and associate professors salaries were at the level of porters, cashiers and cleaners.
Firstly, it will reduce the teacher's status in the eyes of society. Secondly, it will humiliate the teachers and generate resentment on the system. In this situation it is very important to bring it up to the point of absurdity - to the professor / doctor received less cleaners. This irrational situation is enters the human mind in the heat of passion.
Additionally, the universities should create irrational and demeaning deficits: paper, toilet paper, textbooks, powder for the printer, printers themselves, etc. Worthy Knight does not serve the lord, idiot, and self-respecting professor can not wholeheartedly serve university-jerk.
2. Undermining the authority of teachers
The general idea. Implementing paragraph 1, we kill several birds with one stone. Since wealth is an indicator of social status, students in the bulk will treat teachers with contempt-rogue, considering them suckers and losers. In this respect the process of knowledge transfer efficiency becomes close to zero.
Specific actions. See item 1.
3. The bureaucratization of the educational process
The general idea. Army wisdom says that the soldier had not come mycli bad, it must be constantly busy; no matter what, the main thing - is not available. In order to head teachers not yet penetrated good and intelligent wash, they too should be constantly engaged in some empty and dull work. Since the paint grass in teachers environment as something not made, it is necessary to devise an analogue "painting grass" for professors.
Specific actions. The analogue "painting grass" in universities may be filling countless and useless papers and reports. Every year it is necessary to change the form of basic documents that all documentation had to redo again. But teachers (especially the Soviet training) - harmful people, stubborn and persistent. Even in a meaningless fact they can easily find a creative component. To exclude this possibility it is necessary to introduce an emergency document element: about 30% of all securities should be required to provide urgent and-today-to-morrow.
4. The liberalization of the educational process
The general idea. Education person something new in most cases the cause of resistance. Therefore, violence is an essential element of any effective educational process. The absence of violence dramatically reduces the effectiveness of the training.
Let us remember the old movies with Bruce Lee and Van Damme or teacher "White Lotus" because of the grotesque film "Kill Bill 2". Remember, whatever the teacher taught his disciples? The result was - hoo! In order to reduce the quality of education should be possible to liberalize the educational process. Man - a being lazy (student - in particular), so the student to escape from under the control of the school and parents, and do not fall into the other control system is clearly not up to the study.
Specific actions. Free (though not de jure, but de facto) attending lectures, the selection of teachers by students, an unlimited number of mulligans examinations and tests, the minimum fee (in an ideal - to get rid of all the phenomena deductions) students. Get plenty of skits, KVNov, beauty contests, etc.
5. The destruction of the intellectual atmosphere
The general idea. In university lectures and seminars - it is not important. The main thing - is the creation of the educational field. That is why Western University hunt for Nobel laureates and renowned scientists and are willing to pay them kilobaksov just for the fact of presence.
Why scientists love to travel to conferences and symposia (which, in truth, more "hang out" and "drink" than discussing scientific problems)? Yes, because they're getting smarter! Hundreds of bright minds in one place creates a unique "mind field"; trapped in this field people are getting smarter in his eyes, and give rise to good ideas. However, this intellectual field is easily destroyed under the influence of low-level vibrations. Just enter in this field a dozen idiots and write "missing" - the field is no more. If idiots is more, they are starting to create their field of idiocy, in which people glupeyut.
Specific actions. It is necessary to eliminate the barriers that prevent admission to universities idiots cultureless, aggressive personalities. To do this:
deprive teachers of higher educational institutions the right to select their own students,
to make admission to universities impersonal (elementary face-control to easily identify the above pathological types),
lower income threshold to the level of Losers (this should increase the intake of students).
To increase the number of students did not require additional budget funds, do the following: a surplus of students have to pay for their education, the number of teachers not to increase, increase the load to each teacher (this will help the implementation of paragraphs 1 and 3 of the program). Increasing the number of students per one teacher, it is advantageous also because it dehumanizes the learning process, turning it into a conveyor sweated.
How to destroy the education system in seven steps
6. Selection of leading cadres
The general idea. In senior management positions in the education system is necessary to place people do not comply with these positions. With proper selection and placement imminent collapse of the system is guaranteed.
Specific actions. Who should be appointed to senior management positions in the education system? Firstly, people who do not enjoy the prestige and respect among his colleagues. Second, the "strong economic managers", but not the thinkers who are able to create a holistic view of complex systems. Third, the gray men who do not have the talents and achievements; In this case, they will understand that entirely owe to their patron, and will be perfectly obey and keep the secret.
The following psychological types are especially valuable for the destabilization of the education system: stupid, ambitious, hyperactive, aggressive, cowardly compromisers greedy.
7. Masking
The general idea. To fracture the formation program has not met public resistance, it is necessary to disguise. It is necessary to lie on a grand scale. Social psychology claims: the monstrous deception - the easier it is to believe in him. People tend to think that they can fool the bad people (the enemy) and the sly little things, but very few people willing to believe that they are deceiving good people (their) insolently and big.
Specific actions. Firstly, the media need to create a continuous information noise of modernization, innovation, etc. bolonizatsii To do this, the success of individuals (winning the competitions, contests, etc.) issue for the success of the system as a whole. Secondly, you need to distract the public's attention to secondary issues. To do this, you should periodically zateivaet meaningless reforms: change the 5-point rating system to a 10- or a 20-point, change the number of years of training is 4 to 5, then from 5 to 4; administered first, and then cancel baklavariat, master's degree, specialized education, etc .; propose to reduce or extend the (unhappy in any way there) summer vacation, etc. Suppose against minor innovations utilizes active part of teachers and spray their protest energy.
Notes program
This program is designed for 5-10 years. After this period, start to operate a positive feedback mechanism (when university graduates themselves are taught in schools and universities, to write books, etc.). After that, the degradation of the educational system becomes irreversible and self-sustaining. That's all. As you can see - nothing complex
. Author: DB Sandakov

Lyrically and methodological introduction
Once me deeply touched by the Strugatsky book "The Time Wanderers' brothers. In the world described in the book of the future was such a profession - Progressor. Progressors implemented in other less developed than the Earth civilization and gradually directed the society to progress in the right direction.
And once a certain Progressor pierced thought: what if there are too conspiratorial progresory more advanced civilizations on Earth? We must find them! But how? Author of the idea proposed three-step methodology to identify alien progressors.
First, suppose and assume that they do exist. Secondly, knowing their purpose, we try to predict what they should do (what we would do in their place). Third, we will look for a match between our forecast and the actual events on Earth. And then in the book describes the history of the use of this technique by which a gang undercover progressors was uncovered and defused.
I propose to use the methodology of the Strugatsky relation to the education system. Suppose, in the post-operating gang covariates, whose main task - to break up the Soviet Union during the current education system. We think that this should be done, and we will look for matches in real life. In this case, I will speak as a hypothetical regressor and develop a plan for a short diversionary program collapse of the education system. And you, dear readers, do look for matches in real life and make your conclusions.
So, my program is the destruction of the education system (for example, higher education) was obtained from 7 points.
1. Reduction of the creative motivation of teachers
The general idea. As Comrade Stalin taught, "cadres decide everything". The problem is that teachers of high school - even those frames. In the mass self-motivated person working in universities, who are doing their job well is not a salary and not out of fear of punishment, but because it is fun and because they believe that it is important and necessary.
How to reduce the labor and creative motivation of these people nails? They need to be humble. Humiliate so that there was fierce resentment against the system they serve. Keen sense of justice, self-motivated people are usually inherent in this case will do the dirty work - they can not continue to serve as a system that they unjustly humiliated.
Specific actions. An indicator of social status in society and the indicator measures the value of the company to assess labor and human merit is his salary (income). It is necessary to have professors and associate professors salaries were at the level of porters, cashiers and cleaners.
Firstly, it will reduce the teacher's status in the eyes of society. Secondly, it will humiliate the teachers and generate resentment on the system. In this situation it is very important to bring it up to the point of absurdity - to the professor / doctor received less cleaners. This irrational situation is enters the human mind in the heat of passion.
Additionally, the universities should create irrational and demeaning deficits: paper, toilet paper, textbooks, powder for the printer, printers themselves, etc. Worthy Knight does not serve the lord, idiot, and self-respecting professor can not wholeheartedly serve university-jerk.
2. Undermining the authority of teachers
The general idea. Implementing paragraph 1, we kill several birds with one stone. Since wealth is an indicator of social status, students in the bulk will treat teachers with contempt-rogue, considering them suckers and losers. In this respect the process of knowledge transfer efficiency becomes close to zero.
Specific actions. See item 1.
3. The bureaucratization of the educational process
The general idea. Army wisdom says that the soldier had not come mycli bad, it must be constantly busy; no matter what, the main thing - is not available. In order to head teachers not yet penetrated good and intelligent wash, they too should be constantly engaged in some empty and dull work. Since the paint grass in teachers environment as something not made, it is necessary to devise an analogue "painting grass" for professors.
Specific actions. The analogue "painting grass" in universities may be filling countless and useless papers and reports. Every year it is necessary to change the form of basic documents that all documentation had to redo again. But teachers (especially the Soviet training) - harmful people, stubborn and persistent. Even in a meaningless fact they can easily find a creative component. To exclude this possibility it is necessary to introduce an emergency document element: about 30% of all securities should be required to provide urgent and-today-to-morrow.
4. The liberalization of the educational process
The general idea. Education person something new in most cases the cause of resistance. Therefore, violence is an essential element of any effective educational process. The absence of violence dramatically reduces the effectiveness of the training.
Let us remember the old movies with Bruce Lee and Van Damme or teacher "White Lotus" because of the grotesque film "Kill Bill 2". Remember, whatever the teacher taught his disciples? The result was - hoo! In order to reduce the quality of education should be possible to liberalize the educational process. Man - a being lazy (student - in particular), so the student to escape from under the control of the school and parents, and do not fall into the other control system is clearly not up to the study.
Specific actions. Free (though not de jure, but de facto) attending lectures, the selection of teachers by students, an unlimited number of mulligans examinations and tests, the minimum fee (in an ideal - to get rid of all the phenomena deductions) students. Get plenty of skits, KVNov, beauty contests, etc.
5. The destruction of the intellectual atmosphere
The general idea. In university lectures and seminars - it is not important. The main thing - is the creation of the educational field. That is why Western University hunt for Nobel laureates and renowned scientists and are willing to pay them kilobaksov just for the fact of presence.
Why scientists love to travel to conferences and symposia (which, in truth, more "hang out" and "drink" than discussing scientific problems)? Yes, because they're getting smarter! Hundreds of bright minds in one place creates a unique "mind field"; trapped in this field people are getting smarter in his eyes, and give rise to good ideas. However, this intellectual field is easily destroyed under the influence of low-level vibrations. Just enter in this field a dozen idiots and write "missing" - the field is no more. If idiots is more, they are starting to create their field of idiocy, in which people glupeyut.
Specific actions. It is necessary to eliminate the barriers that prevent admission to universities idiots cultureless, aggressive personalities. To do this:
deprive teachers of higher educational institutions the right to select their own students,
to make admission to universities impersonal (elementary face-control to easily identify the above pathological types),
lower income threshold to the level of Losers (this should increase the intake of students).
To increase the number of students did not require additional budget funds, do the following: a surplus of students have to pay for their education, the number of teachers not to increase, increase the load to each teacher (this will help the implementation of paragraphs 1 and 3 of the program). Increasing the number of students per one teacher, it is advantageous also because it dehumanizes the learning process, turning it into a conveyor sweated.
How to destroy the education system in seven steps
6. Selection of leading cadres
The general idea. In senior management positions in the education system is necessary to place people do not comply with these positions. With proper selection and placement imminent collapse of the system is guaranteed.
Specific actions. Who should be appointed to senior management positions in the education system? Firstly, people who do not enjoy the prestige and respect among his colleagues. Second, the "strong economic managers", but not the thinkers who are able to create a holistic view of complex systems. Third, the gray men who do not have the talents and achievements; In this case, they will understand that entirely owe to their patron, and will be perfectly obey and keep the secret.
The following psychological types are especially valuable for the destabilization of the education system: stupid, ambitious, hyperactive, aggressive, cowardly compromisers greedy.
7. Masking
The general idea. To fracture the formation program has not met public resistance, it is necessary to disguise. It is necessary to lie on a grand scale. Social psychology claims: the monstrous deception - the easier it is to believe in him. People tend to think that they can fool the bad people (the enemy) and the sly little things, but very few people willing to believe that they are deceiving good people (their) insolently and big.
Specific actions. Firstly, the media need to create a continuous information noise of modernization, innovation, etc. bolonizatsii To do this, the success of individuals (winning the competitions, contests, etc.) issue for the success of the system as a whole. Secondly, you need to distract the public's attention to secondary issues. To do this, you should periodically zateivaet meaningless reforms: change the 5-point rating system to a 10- or a 20-point, change the number of years of training is 4 to 5, then from 5 to 4; administered first, and then cancel baklavariat, master's degree, specialized education, etc .; propose to reduce or extend the (unhappy in any way there) summer vacation, etc. Suppose against minor innovations utilizes active part of teachers and spray their protest energy.
Notes program
This program is designed for 5-10 years. After this period, start to operate a positive feedback mechanism (when university graduates themselves are taught in schools and universities, to write books, etc.). After that, the degradation of the educational system becomes irreversible and self-sustaining. That's all. As you can see - nothing complex
. Author: DB Sandakov
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