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Duties of Men and Women on the Slavonic-Aryan Vedas ...

In the Vedic literature states that this woman must have 64 qualities necessary for a full family life:

1. Have a determination to follow her husband.
2. The ability to deliver the most pleasure spouse.
3. The ability to guess and desires ahead of her husband.
4. Ability to be collected in any situation.
5. Ownership and management of sexual force for the realization of their children highly spiritual ancestors of her husband.
6. Cleanliness.
7. Knowledge of love games and art of lovemaking.
8. Indulge in romantic poses.
9. The ability to undress beautiful.
10. Ability to cause the interest of the wife of his behavior and attire.
11. Ability to present yourself.
12. The ability to excite her husband.
13. Ability to leave without disturbing sleeping husband.
14. Know how to sleep after her husband.
15. To be able to sleep in any position.
16. Ability to make different massage, to maintain longevity and health.
17. voodoo treatment: herbal medicine, incantations, the treatment of life-force, etc.
18. Witchcraft, domestic and ritual knowledge of folk customs.
19. Knowledge of the basics in astrology: good and bad days.
20. Ability to communicate with the elements of nature.
21. The ability to use their wisps; knowledge of the hairstyles and the ability to lay the hair.
22. Knowledge of the various characters.
23. Ability to show the necessary character.
24. The ability to express their feelings and subdue.
25. Knowledge of the necessary protection of honor and dignity.
26. The ability to reason, to identify patterns and make inferences.
27. The ability to eloquently express thoughts.
28. Knowledge of the games that develop cognitive abilities of man.
29. Doing business calculations, knowledge of the measures of weight, volume, density, etc.
30. Knowledge of the tax system.
31. Ability to negotiate and conduct business.
32. The ability to prove their case.
33. Ability to recognize the qualities and abilities of people.
34. The ability to decipher dreams and interpret the signs.
35. Ability to grow roots and create comfort in any situation.
36. Ability to make clay utensils, household items and toys.
37. Production of fabrics and yarns made of various materials, production and decoration of clothing; knowledge of the hidden meaning of patterns and characteristics of the products.
38. Preparation of paints; dyeing fabrics, yarn, clothing, utensils, basic knowledge of color science.
39. Knowledge of the properties of rocks and the ability to use them.
40. The art of cooking and preparing beverages.
41. Knowledge of wild plants, their use in the home, food and treatment.
42. The ability to get a good harvest in the garden, keep it and make food harvesting.
43. Knowledge of animal husbandry.
44. Communication and play with the animals; their training, a suggestion of necessary actions.
45. Ability to recognize the human condition in his handwriting beautifully and competently communicate in writing.
46. ​​The ability to convey via his painting and drawing status and perception of the world.
47. Compilation of garlands, wreaths, bouquets and knowledge of their hidden meaning.
48. Knowledge of fairy tales, epics, legends, proverbs and folk songs.
49. Making dolls games, rituals and witchcraft.
50. The composition of poems, songs and their execution.
51. Knowledge of good and bad music rhythms, sizes, music and play various instruments.
52. The ability to plastically move and dance to different tunes.
53. The claim usstva entertainment games; agility and skill.
54. Ability to define the terrain.
55. The ability to juggle various items.
56. Ability to fraud ("fraud" - the fact that next to the mind with the truth: tricks, pranks, jokes, dexterity, cunning).
57. Ability to guess the number conceived, names, objects, phrases, etc.
58. Knowledge of games based on guessing (puzzles, charades, hide and seek, etc.).
59. The ability to mislead opponents.
60. Knowledge of a variety of games on the dispute.
61. The ability to cry.
62. Ability to appease an angry spouse.
63. The ability to control the jealousy of her husband.
64. conscientiously perform their duties, even if the loss of her husband.

The Vedic scriptures are three reasons as to why these arts should be studied:
 - Using these skills, it is easier to win the favor of her lover.
 - The woman who owns the arts, naturally gets a place of honor in society.
 - Knowledge of the arts contributes more charm, affection and attraction to such a sweetheart.

64 iskussstv, makes a man perfect:

1. The ability to consciously act in accordance with the precepts of the Ancestors.
2. Aspiration to the attainment of quality of knowledge (modesty, humility, tolerance, simplicity, self-discipline, fortitude, purity, abandonment of the objects of sense gratification and affection, the absence of false ego, regardless of enslavement wife, housework and work; calm in the face of pleasant and unpleasant events; devotion to Rod; enlightenment of the mind and the care of the idle communication and swarms of people, self-sufficiency, the continuity of deep knowledge of the true "I»)
3. Knowledge of the Vedic scriptures.
4. The ability to transfer his consciousness into the Navier, clubs, Kolobov and Divya body.
5. Knowledge of and ability to mop the right to prove his innocence.
6. The ability to control their feelings.
7. Ability to manage the vitality and the center hara.
8. Ability to organize their family and society.
9. The ability to teach his wife.
10. Ability to define the terrain.
11. Ability to communicate with the elements of nature.
12. The ability to use their Cosmo and beard.
13. Knowledge of folk customs and rites of the performance of the precepts of their ancestors.
14. Knowledge of the basics in astrology; favorable and unfavorable days.
15. Cleanliness.
16. Ability to make different massage, to maintain longevity and health.
17. voodoo treatment: herbal medicine, incantations, the treatment of life-force, etc.
18. Possession of honor and dignity; the ability to protect themselves, their family, clan, nation and fatherland.
19. Knowledge of different types of martial arts.
20. Perfection in art ristalischnyh games, military strategy and tactics.
21. His experience in the possession of various weapons, agility and dexterity.
22. The ability to plastically move and perform in the dance techniques of unarmed combat.
23. The ability to produce various types of weapons, equipment and tools.
24. The ability to design and build; knowledge of symbolism homes.
25. The ability to reason, to identify patterns and make inferences.
26. Ability to be collected in any situation.
27. Ability to clearly and eloquently express thoughts.
28. Knowledge of the various characters.
29. Knowledge of the games that develop cognitive abilities of man.
30. Knowledge of a variety of games on the dispute.
31. The knowledge and skills of deception lukomysliya ("for man" - what next to the mind with the truth: tricks, pranks, jokes, manual dexterity).
32. The ability to mislead opponents.
33. Ability to guess the number conceived, names, subjects, combinations and so on. D.
34. Knowledge of games based on guessing (puzzles, charades, hide and seek, and so on. N.).
35. Doing business calculations, knowledge of the measures of weight, volume, density, and so on. D.
36. Knowledge of the tax system.
37. Ability to negotiate and conduct business.
38. Ability to recognize the quality, capabilities, and intentions of the human condition in his gait, movements, gestures, facial expressions and posture.
39. Ability to recognize the human condition in his handwriting beautifully and competently communicate in writing.
40. The ability to transmit using painting, drawing, sculpture, engraving,
embossing, forging, casting, stone carving and wood, and its state
perception of the world.
41. Knowledge of the properties of rocks and the ability to use them.
42. The ability to decipher dreams and interpret the signs.
43. Compilation of garlands, wreaths, bouquets and knowledge of their hidden meaning.
44. Ability to be made of clay building materials, utensils, household items and toys.
45. Production of fabrics and yarns of different materials; manufacturing and
jewelry clothing; knowledge of the hidden meaning of patterns and characteristics
46. ​​Preparation of paints; dyeing fabrics, yarn, clothes, utensils.
47. The art of cooking and preparing beverages.
48. Knowledge of wild plants and their use in everyday life and power.
49. The ability to get into the field, garden and the garden a good harvest, preserve it and make food harvesting.
50. Knowledge of animal husbandry.
51. Communication and playing with the animals; their training, a suggestion of necessary actions.
52. Knowledge of tales, fairy tales, epics, legends.
53. The composition of poems, songs and their execution.
54. Knowledge of good and bad beats, sizes, music and play various instruments.
55. The ability to juggle various items.
56. Ownership and management of the sexual force.
57. The ability to unleash a whirlwind with his wife of sexual energy sufficient power for conception aristocrat (arias hundredfold) Boyar (more outspoken, bright, enlightened, wise, strong, courageous).
58. Management of sexual energy and its union with the energy of the couple in various amorous postures.
59. Knowledge of the art of lovemaking and games.
60. Ability to meet his wife and give her the most pleasure.
61. Knowledge of the hidden meaning of women's clothes and jewelry, the ability to present them to his wife.
62. The ability not to upset his wife.
63. Knowing the kind words and the ability to use them.
64. faithfully execute the prescribed duties to Rod.

But the main duty of man is to fulfill its highest duty described in detail in the Vedic scriptures - in gaining the kingdom of heaven. That is why, "Reach perfection itself, and around you thousands will reach perfection." The man who has reached perfection, helps its kind for seven generations back and forth.

The Russian people's proverbs says:

At gracious husband wife always idle.

A smart husband wife emasculate have stupid on weekdays hackneyed.

Without her husband's wife - an orphan.

Parents cherish daughter to the crown, and the husband his wife to the end.

Without her husband's head is not covered; without a wife is not home indoor.

Husband is revered for the mind, the mind of his wife.

Children - the grace of God.

Taken here from this source antrana.com.ua/2012/04/20/868/