Customer service kettles and other appliances elektroby-tum ...
Havernoe, not in the world of work and interest provides fun-tive than hard work duty Admin istrator office ISP. And night and day phone almost does not stop, call cute, inte-esting people ask fascinating, timely in-asks ... After four hours of continuous telephone communication with customers really want to pick up the phone and BME-hundred traditional "Hello, technical support ! "say," Hello, you've reached in the cases of service-kettles and other appliances elektrobyto-O »...
Correctly noted, our shrewd people: kettles - they are not just whistles. Pick-and modems are ... the morning. Office. Quietly murmuring Comp Yyteri. Idyll violates pilikane standing on the table of the device - the next client has secured ... - Hello, here here what problem: run me, knowledge-cheat program with a little blue bukvochki "E" (the Microsoft Corporation Internet Ehrlogeg - guess I) is loaded I have the Coy golubenky with white screen, where images (old-tum microsoft.som page), and then what?
- Yes, you are out on the Internet. To go to any other page, you need to click the mouse on a hyperlink. Giperssglka - is a underlined text or image, hover which changes the appearance of the cursor ...
- And I know! This is when the "arrow" is transformed into "facts", huh? Well, a full fly! More precisely, and do not say! Here one should be in the creators of the multi-volume study of textbooks on the World Wide Web. And quite simply and tastefully ... Again call.
- Hey, that's what I wanted to ask ... I was told that it would be found in the online information you need to enter in the search box the keyword. Well, I type, and he told me ERROR-ku issues. You have the Internet does not work! Give me back my money!
- Excuse me, but what window you enter the keyword?
- How does it - "at what?" At what not! The fact that under the button-mi "forward", "back", "update" and "stop"! H-Huh ... The ingenuity of our people do not otka-zhesh ... the phone rings again.
- Good evening. I've tried to go on the Internet, but I did not succeed.
- Are you sure that your system is set protocol TSP / 1P?
- Do not know ...
- Let's check. Are you near a computer?
- Yes.
- Double-click on the location on Rabo than desktop icon "My Computer".
- Uh-huh.
- Now - on the icon "Control Panel." There is?
- Well.
- Among other labels there has to be one with the inscription-Sue "Network". Click on it twice. Ready?
- Yeah.
- And what is written there? (Hedovolnoe wheezing in the tube)
- Wait a minute, right now, the machine is on ...
Ahem ... Of course, I know that our people are talented, but the fact that he has psychic powers ... No, set the Internet on the machine switched off - it's cool, I did not argue. Hado learn the circus ... I acted, Paty ... Another call.
- Sorry to bother you ...
- Nothing, we work so bother to health.
- Familiar to me today would come, set up online. I click the mouse on the label "remote connection", which he created me, and swears computer ...
- You have a modem internal or external?
- How is it?
- Look, where is the wire from the telephone jack -in the computer or to a small black box with a light bulb?
- To box.
- Turn it to the mains and press the button on the front panel.
- Oh, light bulb lit up!
- Try again to dial the number as you tried to do it before.
- I tried. I have this box bulbs flashing steel, I got scared and turned ...
What are we, really, people shy ... Hasmotre-gear were about terrorists - now own mo-deme fear. Hado was advised when a long squeaky tone to hide under the table, so that the OC-pegs not hurt ... And again the phone. Oh, damn ...
- Customer service kettles and other appliances elektroby-tum ... What happened?
- Val, are you? This director. Pabotal?
- Pabotal ...
- While working. Once again lyapnesh something likeness-ing - stop, and forever, all right? Listen, there is a problem: I tried to get online ...
Correctly noted, our shrewd people: kettles - they are not just whistles. Pick-and modems are ... the morning. Office. Quietly murmuring Comp Yyteri. Idyll violates pilikane standing on the table of the device - the next client has secured ... - Hello, here here what problem: run me, knowledge-cheat program with a little blue bukvochki "E" (the Microsoft Corporation Internet Ehrlogeg - guess I) is loaded I have the Coy golubenky with white screen, where images (old-tum microsoft.som page), and then what?
- Yes, you are out on the Internet. To go to any other page, you need to click the mouse on a hyperlink. Giperssglka - is a underlined text or image, hover which changes the appearance of the cursor ...
- And I know! This is when the "arrow" is transformed into "facts", huh? Well, a full fly! More precisely, and do not say! Here one should be in the creators of the multi-volume study of textbooks on the World Wide Web. And quite simply and tastefully ... Again call.
- Hey, that's what I wanted to ask ... I was told that it would be found in the online information you need to enter in the search box the keyword. Well, I type, and he told me ERROR-ku issues. You have the Internet does not work! Give me back my money!
- Excuse me, but what window you enter the keyword?
- How does it - "at what?" At what not! The fact that under the button-mi "forward", "back", "update" and "stop"! H-Huh ... The ingenuity of our people do not otka-zhesh ... the phone rings again.
- Good evening. I've tried to go on the Internet, but I did not succeed.
- Are you sure that your system is set protocol TSP / 1P?
- Do not know ...
- Let's check. Are you near a computer?
- Yes.
- Double-click on the location on Rabo than desktop icon "My Computer".
- Uh-huh.
- Now - on the icon "Control Panel." There is?
- Well.
- Among other labels there has to be one with the inscription-Sue "Network". Click on it twice. Ready?
- Yeah.
- And what is written there? (Hedovolnoe wheezing in the tube)
- Wait a minute, right now, the machine is on ...
Ahem ... Of course, I know that our people are talented, but the fact that he has psychic powers ... No, set the Internet on the machine switched off - it's cool, I did not argue. Hado learn the circus ... I acted, Paty ... Another call.
- Sorry to bother you ...
- Nothing, we work so bother to health.
- Familiar to me today would come, set up online. I click the mouse on the label "remote connection", which he created me, and swears computer ...
- You have a modem internal or external?
- How is it?
- Look, where is the wire from the telephone jack -in the computer or to a small black box with a light bulb?
- To box.
- Turn it to the mains and press the button on the front panel.
- Oh, light bulb lit up!
- Try again to dial the number as you tried to do it before.
- I tried. I have this box bulbs flashing steel, I got scared and turned ...
What are we, really, people shy ... Hasmotre-gear were about terrorists - now own mo-deme fear. Hado was advised when a long squeaky tone to hide under the table, so that the OC-pegs not hurt ... And again the phone. Oh, damn ...
- Customer service kettles and other appliances elektroby-tum ... What happened?
- Val, are you? This director. Pabotal?
- Pabotal ...
- While working. Once again lyapnesh something likeness-ing - stop, and forever, all right? Listen, there is a problem: I tried to get online ...