The last digit of the year of birth plays a key role in your life.
People underestimate the importance of the birth year in their lives. But numerologists are sure that the last figure can tell a lot about a person. Whether you believe in the power of numerology is up to you. However, to find out what hides the date of birth is very interesting. Today's edition. "Site" I'll tell you everything!
It is believed that the year of birth of a person is predetermined from above. From the point of view of numerology, the last digit is especially important. It corresponds to one of the sacred elements. They determine the course of life and hide the main secret of human existence.
It is believed that the date of birth encrypted a special code, the main number of the life path of a person. The last number in the year of birth dramatically affects the fate of each of us. I will go into detail about all the elements and their meaning.
What does the last number in the year of birth mean?
The value of the year of birth: the last digit
Last digit of the year of birth
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It is believed that the year of birth of a person is predetermined from above. From the point of view of numerology, the last digit is especially important. It corresponds to one of the sacred elements. They determine the course of life and hide the main secret of human existence.

It is believed that the date of birth encrypted a special code, the main number of the life path of a person. The last number in the year of birth dramatically affects the fate of each of us. I will go into detail about all the elements and their meaning.
What does the last number in the year of birth mean?
- Numbers 0 and 1. If your year of birth ends with these numbers, Your element is metal. It manifests itself in a tough character and self-confidence. Such people know how to stand up for themselves and know exactly how to achieve their goals. In this they help their best qualities: patience, creativity, curiosity and energy.
Owners of metal spirit are not afraid of difficulties. They are particularly successful in finance. Independence and independence help them in all situations. Such people are alien to chaos, they maintain a balance in everything that surrounds them.
Emotional restraint sometimes interferes with establishing contact with people. But for metal personalities, that's not a problem. They have formed their own narrow circle of communication, which they grasp with their heads. Among the negative qualities can be distinguished stubbornness and excessive demands. - Numbers 2 and 3. These numbers symbolize water. Its owners are very kind in nature. They are able to feel other people subtly, reflecting their attitude towards themselves. Art, psychology and philosophy are the main directions with which such people are best to connect their lives. They can succeed at that.
The water element is inherent in those who can swim with the flow and adapt to any situation. This helps creative thinking and well-developed imagination. It is easy for water representatives to make new acquaintances. They also listen to their inner voice and trust their intuition.
Such people perfectly cope with the role of both organizer and performer. Despite all the good qualities, they often behave secretively. Water lords don't like difficulties. In everything and always they are looking for an easy way out, so they can resort to manipulation. Next to such a person, you need to keep your ear open.
The value of the year of birth: the last digit
- Figures 4 and 5. If your year of birth ends at 4 or 5, you’re probably a practical, down-to-earth person. And your element is wood. Such people are able to work hard to achieve their goals. They do not try to jump above their head and do not chase excesses.
Owners of this element get along well with other people. They like to work in a team, make new acquaintances and travel. They can excel in industries such as banking, management, science or agriculture.
Water people have a rare power of persuasion. In addition, they are very artistic and creative, which helps them both at work and in their personal lives. However, sometimes they do not know the measures and take on too many obligations. Despite the riot of colors in the character of such people, they are often characterized by passivity. - Numbers 6 and 7. The numbers match. firestorm. Energetic and ambitious owners of this element know exactly what they want from life. They do not like being alone, so they try to be in the company of people all the time. Spontaneity and adventure is their middle name. This helps not only to live boringly, but also to establish contacts, for example, at work.
Fire people are especially sensitive to loved ones and support any family ties. To achieve their goal, they are ready to do anything, even if you have to go head to head for it. So with such personalities you need to be extremely careful.
However, by nature, these people are kind and friendly. They are confident because they know their worth. However, they are often hampered by their excessive emotionality and impulsivity. Sometimes they behave selfishly towards others.
Last digit of the year of birth
- Numbers 8 and 9. Reliable, patient and balanced people earthly beings. They like to control everything, but it doesn’t always work. When things get out of hand, they often need the support of loved ones. More than anything, they are afraid of the unknown.
Representatives of the land can become excellent teachers, lawyers, doctors and politicians. With difficulties they cope gradually, not in a hurry. Among the good qualities of such people are responsibility, ambition and morality. They also know how to take advantage of their benefits.
Earthlings subtly feel the money energy. For their own benefit, sometimes they are ready for anything, because they tend to show selfishness and stubbornness in their character.
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