Construction Bitcoin data centers continues despite the fall in the value cryptocurrency

Companies engaged in mining Bitcoin, do not pay attention to the fall in the unit value cryptocurrency against the dollar. Moreover, these companies continue to develop IT infrastructure, and some even plan the establishment of new data centers.
Thus, the company BitFury, one of the largest miners in the world, bought a plot of land in Georgia, where it is planned to build a huge data center that will host their equipment. Another company, KnCMiner, another heavyweight in the world of mining Bitcoin, purchased a plot of land in Sweden, for the same purpose. Both companies produce equipment of mining cryptocurrency, and plan to build their own data centers for this purpose.

The company plans to build a very powerful data center capacity will be 100 MW. The facility will be very large, this can be judged on the purchased land area in Georgia: 185,000 m2. At the same time there will be placed not only the data center, but also the "Georgian Technology Park».
It is worth recalling that BitFury - one of the largest manufacturers of ASIC-iron for of mining Bitcoins. It is an international organization, which has offices in the US and Europe, as well as its own data centers in Georgia and Iceland. According to the manual, Georgia was chosen because of "ease of doing business" and inexpensive land.
The data center will house the equipment on the basis of 28-nm and 16-nm chips, their production will start soon. By the way, KnCMiner already released 16-nanometer chips on the market.
And yes, in the data center will be used by the immersion method of cooling equipment. The company repurchased BitFury Allied Control, about the organization have written Habré before. Allied Contor promises PUE = 1.01.
And not just promises. Specialists Allied Control built a small data center in Hong Kong, where it was used a special cooling method by which PUE brought to a value of 1.01.

The advantage of this cooling system is the virtual absence of noise - in the data center is quieter than the library. The maximum power, which falls on the counter, using a cooling system can be up to 225 kW.

It looks like blades, they are up to 92 in every yunite i>
"This acquisition will allow us to significantly improve the energy efficiency of our data centers and accelerate the deployment of our new equipment. As a result, we hope to reduce overall capital costs. In addition, the experience of the team Allied Control provides opportunity to enter new markets such as HPC. Application of technology immersion cooling BitFury provide flexibility in choosing locations for new data centers, "- says the purchase of Allied Control Valery Vavilov, CEO BitFury.

This company already has several data centers in Sweden, and now may see a few more. In any case, the management hopes to enter the date of the first such center in operation in September this year. This will be a two-story facility in Boden, Sweden.
It is worth noting that this company has a построить 20 MW data center , which will use energy from renewable sources - mostly DC will draw power from a nearby hydroelectric power station.
Boden is located near the Arctic Circle, which allows efficient cooling equipment. The total area of the new data center will be 1700 Mc. In this region, investors are quite active working with "green" energy, and the company hopes to raise additional funds in the project.

By the way, his new 16 nm chips company calls "revolutionary", claiming These chips will be able to change the rules in the market of mining Bitcoins. Thus, Solar 6 times more productive than previous 28 nm chips, which were previously made by the Company. And in the new data center will be used just such chips.
Data centers, whose main task - Bitcoin Mining, quite different from the standard data center. First of all, less uptime. Indeed, in this area uptime, though important, but not as much as in a "normal" DC. And companies engaged in mining cryptocurrency not willing to pay for a super-secure data centers. Most of these DC built by the company itself.
Source: habrahabr.ru/company/kingservers/blog/260073/