Wikipedia for Bitcoin-week collected donations for 140 thousand dollars

In late July, the Wikimedia Foundation announced that it will begin accepting donations in Bitcoin. According partner fund platform Coinbase, the first week he collected 140 thousand dollars, пишет TechCrunch. Taking this opportunity, Coinbase canceled commission for all non-profit organizations.
Wikimedia has no plans to leave yourself Bitcoins instead fund transfers them into dollars at the exchange rate at the time of donation. Last year, the fund has collected a total of 18, 7 million dollars in donations, against which 140 thousand may not be much, but 140 thousand a week can turn into a round sum, unless the rate of Bitcoin donations continue.
In March, Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales has already experimented with Bitcoin. Then he just wrote my Bitcoin-address on Twitter and Reddit, and many began to send him a little Bitcoins to show that Wikipedia should accept Bitcoin as a translation option donations. Thus he unintentionally collected 11 thousand dollars promised to transfer to the account of the Wikimedia Foundation.
"I plan to resume discussions with the Board of Directors of the Wikimedia Foundation at our next meeting (and before that e-mail) on whether to accept the Wikimedia Bitcoins», - написал then Wales on Reddit. One reason for doubt was that "the more payment options we give people, the less they sacrifice" - as illogical as it may sound.
The Wikimedia Foundation is the first partner Coinbase. Nonprofits get a nice advantage over other users Coinbase: instead of paying a small commission NGOs generally do not pay any fees. Other companies are beginning to pay the fee after the transfer of 1 million. At the same time, rival platforms, BitPay, recently refused commissions for all companies, if they do not need support and corporate functions.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/232661/
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