Wikimedia rejects claims photographer at Self monkey

If the monkey makes self, then who owns the photo? The Wikimedia Foundation believes that is clearly not the person who the owner of the camera, пишет The Verge. In his first "Report on Transparency", which reveals the government and corporate requests for information to the users and delete content, Wikimedia told several stories that illustrate the type of queries that it receives, and one of them has to do with a photograph taken monkey. Photo uploaded to Commons photo hosting, and when the photographer asked to remove a photo, Wikimedia has refused, saying that he does not own the copyright.
Wikipedia editors said that in fact, no one could submit specific claims on the photo. In their opinion, it is in the public domain, because "being the work of an animal, not a person, it has no human author who owns the copyright." The very same monkey is unlikely to present a claim.
Specializing in intellectual property lawyer Brad Neuberg, a partner firm Reed Smith, agrees: "Just because a person has a camera, it can not hold a photo, because he did not make this picture. He did not choose the light, he did not choose the camera angle. " However, this does not mean that someone can not possibly qualify for a photo, which he did not take off: "If the photographer is actually handled it in a certain way, put some effects, used some lighting to make the original versions, and, basically said, "Look at my cooperation with this monkey," he would have been part of the creative process ».
Among other strange requests to Wikimedia has a claim on the language center on the copyright of a language and a request to remove the books that have long been in the public domain. As noted by The Verge, in the rest of the report on the transparency of the Wikimedia Foundation is not much information. Perhaps because of its open nature Wikimedia is not much information to the government or the company would be looking for, but could not get. From June 2012 to June 2014 Wikimedia received only 56 requests for user data. Eight of these requests, in general 11 accounts Wikimedia satisfied.
Request to delete and change information was also quite small. According to the Wikimedia Foundation received 304 such requests and rejected all of them. However, of the 58 requests that fall under the "Law on Copyright in the Digital Age» (DMCA), has granted the Wikimedia 24. Most of all requests has been received from the United States and in most questions related to the English Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons with the second place.
Wikimedia itself notes that it received far fewer requests than other major sites, which have released similar reports. In principle, it is clear that Google and Facebook is much more personal data users than that of Wikipedia. The Foundation has created a chart showing how much difference between them in the number of requests:

Source: habrahabr.ru/post/232495/