20 of the most enchanting selfies this year, from all over the world
Sixty eight million six hundred eighty seven thousand six hundred one
If someone thinks that taking photos of yourself on the phone is boring, he should take a look at our selection of bright and really creative selfie.
We Site even a little envious of the ingenuity and fearlessness of these people.
Sixty one million four hundred forty two thousand seven hundred forty nine
For such cases, and need a selfie-stick. To take pictures with sloths.
Fifty four million nine hundred sixteen thousand two hundred five
When you expertly saddled the wave and get a great shot.
Twenty four million seven hundred fifty four thousand two hundred five
Everyone has this friend... Well, you understand.
Twenty million seven hundred fifty nine thousand six hundred fifty five
The boys from Brazil finally found a place where nobody will stop to drink beer.
Father tries to wean her daughter to do a candid self, parodying her photo in his instagram.
Ninety six million one hundred sixty one thousand thirty nine
This photo is from one of the Australian zoos.
Allan Dixon (Allan Dixon) travels around the world taking selfies with animals.
Seventy one million one hundred seventy eight thousand four hundred ninety six
By the way, to make an amazing photo, do not have to go to the edge of the earth.
Twenty two million eight hundred seventy six thousand three hundred thirty
And here is a picture with the sperm whale from a professional underwater photographer.
Ninety nine million four hundred twelve thousand two hundred thirty six
This man worked all his life with predators and deal with them without fear.
Walk in a canoe on the surface of a crystal clear lake, Italy.
Fifty million one hundred eighty five thousand five hundred seventy seven
Pokemon, selfies in bed, standing up. What other trends you can give us, 2016?
Thirty million five hundred seven thousand seven hundred eleven
The Dolphin heard that somewhere nearby are going to do a selfie, and wanted to join.
Seventy six million six hundred fifty seven thousand two hundred eighty six
This man is not up to boredom on the tourist walks.
Twenty four million four hundred sixty eight thousand two hundred seventy three
And this person professionally engaged in photography of natural disasters.
Angela Nicolau (Angela Nikolau) is photographed in the piers of the bridges, the roofs and spires of the skyscrapers.
Forty six million four hundred seventy seven thousand seven hundred seven
Selfie with the risk of getting kicked in the head. And, perhaps, someone he reminds me of.
Ninety million seven hundred ninety five thousand two hundred forty six
Brothers from Canada rescued this eagle caught in a trap.
Tom white (Tom White) were photographed against the backdrop of Paul McCartney and billionaire Warren Buffett.
Ninety million four hundred eighty three thousand one hundred fifty seven
Bright selfie on a flyboard at one of the festivals in Amsterdam.
Thirty million two hundred twenty nine thousand seven hundred thirty three
Selfi on the background of a man in a t-shirt that says "Stop taking selfies".
Forty eight million five hundred forty nine thousand six hundred twenty two
First selfie "with a human face" in space.
Photos on the preview imgur
See also
What do you know about a cool selfie?
10 rules to create a cool selfie
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/10-pravil-dlya-sozdaniya-krutogo-selfi-1220310/
If someone thinks that taking photos of yourself on the phone is boring, he should take a look at our selection of bright and really creative selfie.
We Site even a little envious of the ingenuity and fearlessness of these people.
Sixty one million four hundred forty two thousand seven hundred forty nine
For such cases, and need a selfie-stick. To take pictures with sloths.
Fifty four million nine hundred sixteen thousand two hundred five
When you expertly saddled the wave and get a great shot.
Twenty four million seven hundred fifty four thousand two hundred five
Everyone has this friend... Well, you understand.
Twenty million seven hundred fifty nine thousand six hundred fifty five
The boys from Brazil finally found a place where nobody will stop to drink beer.
Father tries to wean her daughter to do a candid self, parodying her photo in his instagram.
Ninety six million one hundred sixty one thousand thirty nine
This photo is from one of the Australian zoos.
Allan Dixon (Allan Dixon) travels around the world taking selfies with animals.
Seventy one million one hundred seventy eight thousand four hundred ninety six
By the way, to make an amazing photo, do not have to go to the edge of the earth.
Twenty two million eight hundred seventy six thousand three hundred thirty
And here is a picture with the sperm whale from a professional underwater photographer.
Ninety nine million four hundred twelve thousand two hundred thirty six
This man worked all his life with predators and deal with them without fear.
Walk in a canoe on the surface of a crystal clear lake, Italy.
Fifty million one hundred eighty five thousand five hundred seventy seven
Pokemon, selfies in bed, standing up. What other trends you can give us, 2016?
Thirty million five hundred seven thousand seven hundred eleven
The Dolphin heard that somewhere nearby are going to do a selfie, and wanted to join.
Seventy six million six hundred fifty seven thousand two hundred eighty six
This man is not up to boredom on the tourist walks.
Twenty four million four hundred sixty eight thousand two hundred seventy three
And this person professionally engaged in photography of natural disasters.
Angela Nicolau (Angela Nikolau) is photographed in the piers of the bridges, the roofs and spires of the skyscrapers.
Forty six million four hundred seventy seven thousand seven hundred seven
Selfie with the risk of getting kicked in the head. And, perhaps, someone he reminds me of.
Ninety million seven hundred ninety five thousand two hundred forty six
Brothers from Canada rescued this eagle caught in a trap.
Tom white (Tom White) were photographed against the backdrop of Paul McCartney and billionaire Warren Buffett.
Ninety million four hundred eighty three thousand one hundred fifty seven
Bright selfie on a flyboard at one of the festivals in Amsterdam.
Thirty million two hundred twenty nine thousand seven hundred thirty three
Selfi on the background of a man in a t-shirt that says "Stop taking selfies".
Forty eight million five hundred forty nine thousand six hundred twenty two
First selfie "with a human face" in space.
Photos on the preview imgur
See also
What do you know about a cool selfie?
10 rules to create a cool selfie
via www.adme.ru/svoboda-sdelaj-sam/10-pravil-dlya-sozdaniya-krutogo-selfi-1220310/
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