Mozilla Foundation began accepting donations in Bitcoins

Foundation Mozilla, a non-profit organization that supports the development of open source software, last week announced the acceptance of donations Bitcoins. The Foundation accepts donations, supported by the US operator Bitcoins Coinbase. All donations are no commission from Coinbase.
Adopting Bitcoins Geoffrey MacDougall, the main developer of the fund began to consider a year ago. As he explained at the website reddit, "We - the organization is large, and for the realization of these things need to resolve all issues with the legality, safety and privacy. To implement such a project had to take a lot of steps, and we did it. " Anyone can make a donation to the this page .
After completing this important step, Mozilla joined the glorious cohort of organizations supporting the development of an open - among others can be noted Wikimedia Foundation, also accepts donations in Cryptocurrency. The platform of public funding Bountysource also this year support Bitcoin.
The legal status of Bitcoins in the world still has yet formed. If in the US it is already defined, in many countries the legal framework is still in development. In Russia next year Bitcoin can officially recognize outlaw and criminalize its use - followed by Bolivia and Ecuador.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/242000/