Gemini, at law Tsukrbergom of Facebook, recently earned millions on Bitcoin

If you've seen the film Fincher's "The Social Network", remember this case, when the twins Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss twins sued Mark Zuckerberg for allegedly stealing the idea of Facebook. In the film, the rich students looked like mockery when the court ruled in favor of Tsukreberga. However, the brothers found themselves still do not miss: the other day, they earned $ 11 million on Bitcoin.
Bitcoin - a decentralized digital currency. Peer electronic payment system in recent years has become increasingly popular, and the rate of Bitcoin has grown substantially.
Winklevoss Twins Bitcoin invested in a decent amount of money, and so far they have managed to increase it to $ 11 million. The market Bitcoin, as all stock exchanges, are not immune to the ups and downs. For example, on April 11, the price of Bitcoin has fallen from $ 266 to $ 105, and then increased again to $ 160.
via factroom.ru
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