Your body considers the effect of rapid drinking fizzy drink as pain

The cause unpleasant burning sensation in the throat, which occurs if you drink soda too fast, that carbon dioxide affects the same pain sensors in the brain that mustard and horseradish, though with less intensity.

Carbonation of the beverage (saturation of a solution of carbon dioxide) causes two human sensations: sour taste and burning. Burning occurs due to the fact that a particular type of nerve triggered responsive to pain, pressure and temperature of the skin in the nose and the mouth. Gas activates only a certain type of cells that cause expression of the gene TRPA1, serving, among other things, as a pain sensor.

The question arises: if the soda irritates the pain receptors, then why do we drink it? Perhaps the reason is hidden in the study of the already 1885, when it was found that the mode included in the carbonation is useful in the prevention of diseases, as well as sharply reducing the growth of bacteria. It is possible that the body sees as a kind of soda antibacterial agent.
