His pain is not only the "why" and "WHAT"

In his youth, about the meaning of heartache, I thought. As for many people, the pain was for me a nuisance, I tried not to notice, but if this is not possible, then any means to eliminate. Over the years I realized that pain is the cause. And began to learn to find her so, "you made a mistake once, not to be mistaken again."

But once I saw that pain is not only your "why", and your "why". I saw the meaning of pain. And this meaning not only in the warning, the warning that something in my life I'm doing wrong. Through the pain I saw something in my life missing what longing, what my soul craves. And I've decided I'm not going to numb the pain until until I find something without which my life would have no meaning.

What happened then, one day, when the meaning of pain opened up to you?

— I lost someone I loved. And the pain has awakened in me not only the agony of remorse for all that I have given, misunderstood, love. Not only the despair of powerlessness to change anything in the past. But thirst of my soul is hungering for love. And the desire to make something to drink.

But I never thought that pain and thirst of the soul are related to each other!

— To better understand this relationship, let's try to see it on the example of our body. Tell me, what is thirst?

— Thirst is the desire to drink, expressing a need without which man cannot live.

— Why people are not able to live without water?

Because his body in the ground and water.

— Yes, the water serves as a unifying, quickening the beginning. No wonder it is considered the material counterpart of the Life Energy (prana, qi), thanks to which our body is alive.

Remember Antoine de Saint-Exupery: "Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell. It's impossible to describe, you enjoy not knowing what you are! Not to say that you need for life: you — life itself. You are the greatest wealth in the world."

— It turns out that thirst motivates a person to periodically replenish vital energy? But I do not understand how with such a reliable and logical when the need for water — thirst — quenching thirst" a person may not be enough water? We don't live in the desert!

— Is there such a that a person needs water, he doesn't want to drink?

— The fact that many people cease to notice their thirst.

— It happens. This paradox has convinced scientists that found that many people who have blood tests clearly indicated the lack of water, not thirsty.

— Why are these people so lacking in water, not thirsty?

— The matter is that habit is a powerful silencer of natural needs of our body. Imagine that child when he asked to drink, offered water, and different drinks: soft drinks, tea, coffee, — which only simulate quenching thirst, and actually increase the need for water. With the years of people getting used to drink only these beverages. And his body is forced to learn to survive in a permanent "drought". As a result the person does no longer want to drink water. It is a vicious circle: the feeling of thirst disappears in response to false information that water is nowhere to take, because we don't drink.

— How to break this cycle?

— The human body tries to do this through pain designed to get people's attention and to awaken in him the saving sense of thirst. Of course, we are not talking about all kinds of pain (for example, this does not apply to pain caused by injury or apparent lesion of the internal organs), but only those whose causes are not obvious.

— Yes, it's hard not to notice the pain. But it does not want to endure...

— If you just numb the pain with medication, not even trying to understand the message which it brings, this vicious circle will be open. The relief may be short-lived and allegedly defeated the pain will come back with new force and in a new place, because the situation of protracted internal "drought" will remain unresolved. I urge you to endure the pain and to exclude common methods of relief. I suggest to try to hear what with it trying to tell a man his body. And suddenly it only ask for water!

— How can one learn to "hear" this message? As a person in General to know that the pain and thirst can be related?

— There is one proven way is to start drinking water! First, "forced", without thirst, in the usual sense of the word, drink the medicine. Start the morning with a glass of water and throughout the day drink water in small portions. Especially not to spare water when there is pain, the cause of which is not obvious. It's quite simple, because the source of water always at hand. At first, nothing much happens. But over time the body will be convinced that the threat of "drought" is over, that water is now. The location of the pain is a healthy feeling of thirst, the person will start to want to drink. This will ensure that the natural and necessary link between water demand and its satisfaction finally restored.

Thanks, I understood the connection between pain and lust of our body. Let's go back to the pain and thirst of the soul.

"Water is necessary and the heart," said Antoine de Saint-Exupery. The soul of man is also thirsty — thirsty for Love, Wisdom, Light, sacred, a need for God. It is this thirst distinguishes man from animals. And to quench their thirst, the soul needs to drink from the Source of the Meaning of its existence, which is thus a unifying principle, by which man becomes man.

— What is the Source?

The source of Living Water is mentioned in the myths, legends, sacred texts of different peoples. "Water, thou art the source of all things and of all existence!" — it is told in the Vedic tradition. "Living water is the grace of the Holy spirit" — we meet in the New Testament. In Scandinavian myths, One gains wisdom by drinking from the miraculous spring flowing from the trunk of the world ash Yggdrasil. In Russian fairy tales, sprinkling water from the spring was returning the character to life. On the Golden plates found in Cretan graves and attributed to the Orphic tradition, is inscribed: "Fresh water rushes from the lake of Memory, and the sentinels guarding it. Tell them: "I am a child of Earth and Starry Heaven, but I was dry from thirst and die. Give me the fresh water that flows from the lake of Memory.“ And the guard will give you to drink from the sacred spring and thereafter you will rule among the other heroes."

— You said that the thirst of the soul is a distinctive human trait. But I can't say that all people experience thirst and seek to quench it.

— Yes, many people do not notice the thirst that the soul experiences them. Remember, because water is necessary for all people without exception, but not everyone wants to drink it.

— People don't notice the thirst of his soul is also due to the habits? In your example with the child, who was accustomed to quench their thirst not with water, but accepted in his family drinks?

Yes. And gradually the child's interest in the water was gone, not yet disappeared altogether... the souls of the children too thirsty, but that sometimes offer them adults?

— Computer, video, TV...

— Growing up, people have usually nothing else is looking, only lengthens the list of such "substitutes".

But the soul is still thirsty. But if the soul does not thirst quenching, it may "dry up"?

— Unfortunately, Yes. Soul, not receiving much-needed Water of Life, aging as well as the body.

— Aging of the body is accompanied with its "shrinkage" — the reduction of water in it. What is the aging of the soul?

— Aging of the soul is the loss of human ability to dream and act with faith in the possibility of his dream to realize. Philosopher Jorge angel Livraga wrote: "one gets old, not when they shrink the cells of the epithelium, age when they shrink their dreams, cringe when his hopes". But the soul actively resists premature aging.

— How?

— Trying to reach a person with pain.

From which the person seeks to get rid...

— Yes, a few are trying to understand the meaning of heartache. Basically it do the same as with bodily pain. Only referring to the doctors less and more often "treat" themselves, using the rich Arsenal of "painkillers" and filling the inner void "drugs". Someone resorts to the "help" of drugs and alcohol, someone looking for thrills, someone who pretty much eats, someone indiscriminately swallows books or a clock sits at the TV. But the trouble is that all these "drugs" are not only ineffective, but dangerous.


Because, as in the case of anesthetic drugs bring only temporary relief. And then the pain and longing of the soul to erupt with new force, and in order to suppress them, people looking for more and more powerful tools. And over time, the persistent attempts to silence his soul reach the goal. The pain fades, and the voice of the soul gets fainter until it disappears completely... No, a man does not die, but Alive and I call him can not.

It is not necessary to numb the pain of the soul. In it our salvation. It is a guarantee that we live that are able to recognize the thirst of the soul and to seek the Source.

— Your words touch me, but I don't understand what should I do if I experience pain, sadness, remorse? How to realize emptiness in my heart? What and how to quench it? Where to find the Source?

— Let's return to my example. Then, experiencing intense distress, I was determined not to drown her, not to distract themselves with empty reading and conversations, not wait in a sad omission, while it will heal relentless time. I decided to take the pain to read and try to understand the message that pain is trying to convey to my soul. And me with ruthless clarity opened the back of my imperfections — laziness, callousness, selfishness, conceit. But I found the strength to break out of the cycle of self-flagellation and understand what I lack is not to be what I saw. Through the pain I realized what I want: to learn to love, to be compassionate, to be kind and to find out who I really are. I saw that all these symptoms genuine Thirst of my soul: sacred thirst, lust for Someone much beyond my comprehension, but without Whom my life has no meaning. I realized that in order to become what you decided, I have to take very concrete steps.

— Accustom yourself to "drink the water"?

Yes. I began to look for that can become my "glass of water" in the morning, than I will satiate the soul during the day and before bedtime. I remembered the words of Saint-Exupery: "If you want to learn to love, learn to pray, because prayer without excuse". And I began to learn to thank the sun, nature, people, the one Who gave me this life. I began to learn to listen to the voice of conscience and follow it. I began to learn to read and ponder, searching in his soul a response to a wise idea. I began to learn to see in everything that happens with me, the blessing of Fate, helping me to do. I began to learn to control himself, to the internal storm has not broken yet very fragile and vulnerable sprout of love and compassion, hatched in my mind. I began to learn to water this sprout day by day, accustoming yourself to notice the pain of others and to respond to it.

I told you about my experience, you will have your. The road by walking. Go for it! And Fate will tell you the steps.published

F. Batmanghelidzh. Water for health. 2004.

P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

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Source: www.manwb.ru/articles/psychology/inner_world/pain/


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