In 1000 Greece will establish bitcoin ATMs

Installing bitcoin ATMs in Greece, allows users to share fiatnuyu currency for bitcoins, it is a consequence of the growing interest in cryptocurrency in terms of economic instability.
In the current difficult economic situation, many people regard the Greek bitcoin as a way to circumvent the strict government restrictions imposed on the action, as the anti-crisis measures last June. Recall that all the accumulation of the Greeks, they have entrusted the deposit of traditional financial institutions, within a few weeks of summer were completely unavailable, and repayment periods of access to these funds is still unclear. In the midst of economic crisis, the Greek government has closed all the banks in the country and set a limit on cash withdrawals. This measure is completely cut off from ordinary Greeks international trade and their own savings. Today, the Greeks banned convert more than € 60 a day ($ 66) and place the funds in the accounts in foreign banks. But such restrictions did not apply to the bitcoin network. Bitcoin in these conditions is an alternative source of value, that many are willing to give a chance in the first place - Marinos Thanos, founder BTCGreece.
We are trying to create an ecosystem of bitcoin on the local market - says Marinos - at the moment, we plan to launch in 1000 bitcoin ATMs and provide turnkey solutions for e-commerce and the tourism industry. blockquote>
An analysis of Google searches shows that the peak of interest in Bitcoin among the Greek audience is in the summer - the period of the greatest fears about the consequences of leaving the euro zone. The consequence of acute interest in Bitcoin was the marked increase in the cost of the most expensive of the existing cryptocurrency that last July, reached the mark of 300 $.
Bitcoin network is distributed in Greece, a very swift pace. It is not just a fashion trend, and the solution of urgent problems of individuals and private companies under tight government control of capital. In addition, the driving factor is a serious long-lost confidence in the banking system within a country: people are willing to accept bitcoin. Blockquote> Marinos states that have received requests to install bitcoin ATMs from 300 different retailers.
"In difficult times, people are investing in safe assets such as gold, - полагает Founder Bitcoins Greece Heleno Varela - but now the electronic assets such as bitcoin already quite can be attributed to this asset class because cryptocurrency not tied to geographic boundaries and do not depend on the reliability of the banking system. In times of crisis, in terms of inhabitants, it is logical to invest in bitcoins ».
The first bilateral bitcoin ATM was запущен in central Athens community TheCube , combining several innovative start-ups and functions is not the first month.
"This system can not be controlled," - before заявил at the opening of an ATM Fenoy Joaquin, the director of a startup. Indeed, while he made his speech, the young man took 120 euros from your bitcoin wallet, which is twice more than the Greeks allowed to withdraw from bank ATMs.
Cryptocurrency can be especially helpful for young entrepreneurs who can not make cross-border payments due to the recent restrictions.
Events, развернувшиеся in Greece in recent months has shown the world that the wealth stored in the traditional financial system, in essence, is just IOUs that the government may cease to recognize at any time.
It seems that the Greeks began to learn from previous mistakes and realized that the storage of wealth in the central financial institutions does not guarantee its availability in the future. Governments and banks voluntarily may freeze or seize your money.
We know when Bitcoins almost everything i>