Escape from New York: Bitcoin startups leave the city
Rebit and Genesis Mining - the latest in an impressive names списке bitcoin companies dissenters to obey the harsh requirements of the new regulation. Reasons for escaping from the global financial capital, one way or another, are reduced to a reluctance to communicate with the time consuming and expensive process of obtaining Bitlitsenzii and meet stringent regulatory requirements.
The founder of a new trend - leaving from New York rather than to carry the heavy burden of itlitsenzii - became electronic exchange ShapeShift, whose director has launched a website to protest against the actions of regulators ( ), it was followed by BitFinex , Kraken and LocalBitcoins, along with several other startups. All of them clearly expressed their disagreement with the new legislative initiative of the state.
Representatives of the company Genesis Mining, in particular, explicitly commented on this occasion:
We express the position of all kriptovalyutnogo community, we believe that this, the specific government initiative is a serious and insurmountable obstacle to the development of the free market. We believe that this is the main point of it. Despite the fact that the government may mistakenly thought our escape his victory, to win the battle and win the war - it is not the same thing ». Blockquote> Bitlitsenziya is a long list of terms and conditions aimed at to increase the time and money costs associated with the implementation of kriptovalyutnogo business in New York, which already is a scarce resource for startups.
In particular, section 200.10 appears as an insuperable barrier for growing companies:
Section 200.10 of significant changes in the business.
(a) Every licensee shall obtain the prior written approval of the Superintendent (supervisory inspector) for the implementation of any plan or a new product, service or activity, or when you make significant changes to an existing product, service or activity, if it is a business related with the city of New York and its inhabitants. blockquote> Many adherents of Bitcoins bombarded with criticism of Ben Louski, the author of the bill on bitlitsenzii that, besides the owner of his own company, which advises Bitcoin startups on the subject of how best to comply with the new law. However, it is obvious that the idea Louski found considerable response among other regulators, who together had declared war kritpovalyutnymi startups. This provocation immediately reflected, among other things, courses cryptocurrency: bitlitsenziyah law - one of the reasons why the price of Bitcoin has continued to decline over the past week.
Bitlitsenzii Act contradicts the spirit of innovative start-ups. Many members of the community agree that this set of requirements is impractical: innovation and the possibility of exponential growth to create value are in principle impossible. Of course, someone will be able to survive in conditions of strict accountability and compliance, however, these conditions are completely destroying the benefits and opportunities for the implementation of large transformative potential of Bitcoin. After all, the only advantage, Kojima has a startup is its mobility and flexibility among the sluggish corporate giants.
However, kriptovalyutnye start-ups do not tend to give up easily under pressure from the authorities, moreover, the concept kriptovalyutnoy economy requires freedom from geographic boundaries. New York is the financial capital of the United States and the rest of the world, but it is not the only city in the world. Bitcoin has already shown us how a small kriptosoobschestvo able to build a powerful network, the speed is higher than the totals of 500 supercomputers. On the other hand, over time битлицензия It can raspolztis the entire territory United States and in many other countries may see something similar.
Perhaps the best way to change this scenario - to bring Bitcoin into the mainstream as soon as possible to developed innovative environment itself has become a source of new " peering right ".