How to spend money zodiac signs
Stars, as we always repeat - very handy thing, because they provide an automatic response to the most unpleasant questions. For example, should a husband - red face, lips foam - and tragically, like Hamlet with the skull of Yorick, brand new shocking chesnokodavilku with Swarovski crystals.
In the eyes of her husband froze desperate question: "Why?", Surrounded by a halo of priceless question marks. And you're hands are pressed to his chest and whisper: "Honey, I'm Gemini, it is impossible to resist, you can not beat me for brown eyes, right?».
In general, all the fault of the stars and the moon in the third house. They force us to spend money that way:
The good news - Capricorns do not like to spend money. The bad news - as long as they are sober. Capricorn likes to live on a clear plan and part with their money strictly on him though. Money Capricorns usually are not easy, so reasonable greed allows them to make decent savings. The main thing is not to fall into an altered state, when all men - brothers, but the forty viskarik we have not tried. By the way, Capricorns completely optional alcohol to fall into an altered state of consciousness. It will approach the euphoria of the summer sun and beloved friends nearby. Gadsky friends, I wanted a new laptop ...
Aquarius loves to spend money, but it is not aware of this report. Aquarius generally not aware of the financial issues. Money - good, you need them to be, but to sit in an office from nine to six ... I'm too vysokoduhoven. Since innate talents allow Aquarius to cut a couple of centimeters bills quickly and without straining, standard financial life of Aquarius revolves around this wheel of Samsara: I have no money, help - Oops, Boucicaut! - Here, I owe you, keep with interest - Oh, curtains! I take home and the cottage has - Help!
Fish are planning to get hold on your account all the world's money. Therefore, try to intelligently invest seed capital in self-development and the implementation of the business plan, which should bring in Pisces golden billion. Money is just - it's boring. They need to invest here, advertise here, and here - time to pull out. And zashib. However, the standard business plan looks like a Pisces, "the Loan, will put and end of the month will come the white unicorns and poop in the debit of the bills," but it is not interesting details.
The bartender, all visitors - a beer at my expense. Aries - a generous soul. The more friends of Aries, the less money he has. Aries can make ten businesses, and - business successful, but still will be permanently grounded. Because it is necessary to live a bright, feed the guests tasty, and the car for a year, it is high time to change the junk. As a result, Aries works sixteen hours a day, seven days a week, and then pulled out to leave, the rain from falling asleep at the sudden cuts crazed "flooded!" Waiters, taxi drivers and porters suitcases.
Taurus loves money so much that they bought for goods has somehow lost its original appeal. List of major spending is limited to the house of Taurus, the car and - well - won those shoes, to hell with them. At a time when other people admire silly abstract painting by an unknown artist of the bed in the bedroom, Taurus admires bills laid out on the bed of his nest egg. Taurus lays them gently, lovingly straightening, portretik to portretiki, Footprint to the pile, envelope to the envelope ... God, money, what are you beautiful!
Money? I, too, value. The twins live by the principle: "The coffin with pockets do not exist, so you need to take money from the maximum today." Accordingly, the Twins - a wild spendthrift, abruptly Aries. Much cooler. The reasons for which all the twins is still not on the porch, exactly two: 1) They tend to choose their companions in life is very, very low-key people; 2) They are fantastic successfully able to monetize any of their positions in the interests of social networks to cut jigsaw of old oak stump portrait of Bob Marley singing about vumen know, know edge.
Cancer terrible miser. In a good sense of the word. He remembers all the defaults and all underpaid him 20 years ago, two hundred dollars. Rakov problem is that his natural stinginess has to coexist with love for krasivenkim shmotochki pumped to the level of "God." Therefore Raku have to compromise: both buy and won the T-shirt with fashionable holes and goby in tomato sauce on a rainy day.
Leo with no money - not a lion at all. Therefore, the first half is dedicated to the life of Leo, to set up automated making money by investing a minimum of effort. Accordingly, the second half of the life of Leo self-indulgence with the greatest possible scale. And the money spent on social events (even within its own kitchen) and expensive gifts to relatives and friends. It's really expensive. Because, firstly, Leo is generous, and, secondly, everyone should permanently remember who is the Lion, and who - antelope bedraggled.
Virgo - this is the perfect host, in which all painted and laid waste by an envelope at least mentally. Virgo are not inclined to gamble, they do not get caught in pyramid schemes, do not lose to the casino their ancestral lands in the Nadym and spend on life, gifts and vacation as much as they can afford: a penny more, penny less. What can I say - the Virgin is able to go to the store for Boucicaut Boucicaut and buy only one Boucicaut. A surprising number.
Libra love to splurge, so can easily pull your monthly budget on the pretentious accessories. Or, for example, for dinner at a restaurant, then to two weeks eat only an instant pasta sauce with boiled water. If the money from a lot of Libra, he built around himself a garden city for the sybarite which will lazily eating grapes over the pool of mineral water under slow strokes webs two slaves. Approximately Libra looks correct ages, shaded by a dollar sign.
For Scorpios money - the favorite toy. They are so funny. They may invest, to multiply, to lose money and then invest. Dvizhuha! By themselves, the money does not have any value for the Scorpion, Scorpio loves the process. So while other marks twenty years pore over the accounts, wondering - whether to make a major purchase, and how it is beneficial to buy a Scorpion to see - and what happens? And if nothing good comes out, Scorpio will not regret - his motto: "to make money, break through, Nissan!».
Sagittarius is usually not a lot of money. Despicable coin believe that Sagittarius for them too well. Therefore spend Sagittarius falls solely on the essentials. But as soon as the extra penny, she immediately goes to self-education, travel and charity. These are the Archers - mils, and money is high time to look at them more closely.
In the eyes of her husband froze desperate question: "Why?", Surrounded by a halo of priceless question marks. And you're hands are pressed to his chest and whisper: "Honey, I'm Gemini, it is impossible to resist, you can not beat me for brown eyes, right?».
In general, all the fault of the stars and the moon in the third house. They force us to spend money that way:

The good news - Capricorns do not like to spend money. The bad news - as long as they are sober. Capricorn likes to live on a clear plan and part with their money strictly on him though. Money Capricorns usually are not easy, so reasonable greed allows them to make decent savings. The main thing is not to fall into an altered state, when all men - brothers, but the forty viskarik we have not tried. By the way, Capricorns completely optional alcohol to fall into an altered state of consciousness. It will approach the euphoria of the summer sun and beloved friends nearby. Gadsky friends, I wanted a new laptop ...

Aquarius loves to spend money, but it is not aware of this report. Aquarius generally not aware of the financial issues. Money - good, you need them to be, but to sit in an office from nine to six ... I'm too vysokoduhoven. Since innate talents allow Aquarius to cut a couple of centimeters bills quickly and without straining, standard financial life of Aquarius revolves around this wheel of Samsara: I have no money, help - Oops, Boucicaut! - Here, I owe you, keep with interest - Oh, curtains! I take home and the cottage has - Help!

Fish are planning to get hold on your account all the world's money. Therefore, try to intelligently invest seed capital in self-development and the implementation of the business plan, which should bring in Pisces golden billion. Money is just - it's boring. They need to invest here, advertise here, and here - time to pull out. And zashib. However, the standard business plan looks like a Pisces, "the Loan, will put and end of the month will come the white unicorns and poop in the debit of the bills," but it is not interesting details.

The bartender, all visitors - a beer at my expense. Aries - a generous soul. The more friends of Aries, the less money he has. Aries can make ten businesses, and - business successful, but still will be permanently grounded. Because it is necessary to live a bright, feed the guests tasty, and the car for a year, it is high time to change the junk. As a result, Aries works sixteen hours a day, seven days a week, and then pulled out to leave, the rain from falling asleep at the sudden cuts crazed "flooded!" Waiters, taxi drivers and porters suitcases.

Taurus loves money so much that they bought for goods has somehow lost its original appeal. List of major spending is limited to the house of Taurus, the car and - well - won those shoes, to hell with them. At a time when other people admire silly abstract painting by an unknown artist of the bed in the bedroom, Taurus admires bills laid out on the bed of his nest egg. Taurus lays them gently, lovingly straightening, portretik to portretiki, Footprint to the pile, envelope to the envelope ... God, money, what are you beautiful!

Money? I, too, value. The twins live by the principle: "The coffin with pockets do not exist, so you need to take money from the maximum today." Accordingly, the Twins - a wild spendthrift, abruptly Aries. Much cooler. The reasons for which all the twins is still not on the porch, exactly two: 1) They tend to choose their companions in life is very, very low-key people; 2) They are fantastic successfully able to monetize any of their positions in the interests of social networks to cut jigsaw of old oak stump portrait of Bob Marley singing about vumen know, know edge.

Cancer terrible miser. In a good sense of the word. He remembers all the defaults and all underpaid him 20 years ago, two hundred dollars. Rakov problem is that his natural stinginess has to coexist with love for krasivenkim shmotochki pumped to the level of "God." Therefore Raku have to compromise: both buy and won the T-shirt with fashionable holes and goby in tomato sauce on a rainy day.
Leo with no money - not a lion at all. Therefore, the first half is dedicated to the life of Leo, to set up automated making money by investing a minimum of effort. Accordingly, the second half of the life of Leo self-indulgence with the greatest possible scale. And the money spent on social events (even within its own kitchen) and expensive gifts to relatives and friends. It's really expensive. Because, firstly, Leo is generous, and, secondly, everyone should permanently remember who is the Lion, and who - antelope bedraggled.

Virgo - this is the perfect host, in which all painted and laid waste by an envelope at least mentally. Virgo are not inclined to gamble, they do not get caught in pyramid schemes, do not lose to the casino their ancestral lands in the Nadym and spend on life, gifts and vacation as much as they can afford: a penny more, penny less. What can I say - the Virgin is able to go to the store for Boucicaut Boucicaut and buy only one Boucicaut. A surprising number.

Libra love to splurge, so can easily pull your monthly budget on the pretentious accessories. Or, for example, for dinner at a restaurant, then to two weeks eat only an instant pasta sauce with boiled water. If the money from a lot of Libra, he built around himself a garden city for the sybarite which will lazily eating grapes over the pool of mineral water under slow strokes webs two slaves. Approximately Libra looks correct ages, shaded by a dollar sign.

For Scorpios money - the favorite toy. They are so funny. They may invest, to multiply, to lose money and then invest. Dvizhuha! By themselves, the money does not have any value for the Scorpion, Scorpio loves the process. So while other marks twenty years pore over the accounts, wondering - whether to make a major purchase, and how it is beneficial to buy a Scorpion to see - and what happens? And if nothing good comes out, Scorpio will not regret - his motto: "to make money, break through, Nissan!».

Sagittarius is usually not a lot of money. Despicable coin believe that Sagittarius for them too well. Therefore spend Sagittarius falls solely on the essentials. But as soon as the extra penny, she immediately goes to self-education, travel and charity. These are the Archers - mils, and money is high time to look at them more closely.