Which of the zodiac signs is best at lying
Why do people cheat ? Someone does this for fear of telling the truth, someone does not want to upset the interlocutor, and someone does not even understand that they are lying. Although there are people who lie and cannot stop. That is why they cheat even for no reason, as if they like to do it.
Everyone has to tell a lie from time to time. Someone lies so skillfully that the interlocutor, even who knows the real state of affairs, has to doubt that he is right. And some lie so clumsily that it becomes embarrassing to even listen.
Surprisingly, astrologers are sure that the propensity to deceive and the ability to deceive is largely determined by the stars. And here experts see the most direct connection with when a person was born and what his zodiac sign is.
Why do people cheat Fire Signs Aries
Aries don't like to cheat. But if they are forced to do something unpleasant, then they begin to use all their imaginations and invent incredible fables. True, representatives of this zodiac sign resort to lies only in rare cases. It is much easier for Aries to always speak frankly than to come up with excuses.
Royal Lions do their best to maintain their authority. And if a little lie helps them in this, then they do not see anything terrible in it. To embellish the story? Easily! Add interesting details to your life description to impress a girl? No questions at all! But when Leos understand that deception can ultimately ruin their reputation, they try to be as honest as possible.
They can embellish, and not finish, and "accidentally" mix up or forget the details. But a big lie for a Sagittarius turns out to be too difficult a task that he simply cannot dare to. Therefore, Sagittarius cannot be attributed to insidious or deceitful people.
Taurus earth signs
If this zodiac sign lies, then it will be tormented for a long time by remorse. Taurus knows this, so he will not even try to deceive, because comfort is much more important to him. But if we are talking about a Taurus man, then he can go for a deception if he has the prospect of getting some gorgeous woman. After all, in order to spin the young lady's head, he is ready to go even against his own conscience.
Virgos rarely cheat and rarely flatter. If their opinion is rather harsh, they prefer to remain silent than to scatter in insincere compliments. But sometimes, in order not to offend a person, Virgos know how to tactfully lie. Moreover, they consider this a lie for the good and do not feel guilty at all.
Representatives of this zodiac sign hate to lie and are always ready to tell the truth, no matter how bitter it may be for the interlocutor. But if we are talking about the status of Capricorn himself, then it is painful for him to admit his inconsistency. Therefore, he may well lie so that others would consider him cool and successful.
Gemini air signs
These people seem to combine two natures: good and bad. In rare cases, this is manifested in the fact that they can be both insidious and mean. They often cheat on trifles, without even thinking that their lies can harm someone. Gemini is frivolous and frivolous, but they should be accepted like that. After all, it is enough to get to know them better, and they will turn out to be very interesting and pleasant people.
A very harmonious and balanced zodiac sign. But if Libra discovers the talent of a deceiver, then they will begin to use it to the fullest. They lie to make friends with the right people or to raise their status in the eyes of others. They come up with when they don't want to do something. But Libra also has a good feature - they almost never lie to the closest people.
True masters of deception. Although they rarely use their "talent". In words, they are always for the truth, but when it comes to business, Aquarians will easily keep silent about unpleasant facts. And if you can't keep silent, then they will turn on their irrepressible imagination. Although it is worth noting that Aquarians do not like to deceive and do it with the best intentions.
Cancer water signs
Here he is, one of the most honest signs of the zodiac. True, the secret is that Cancers are distinguished by their extraordinary secrecy. And therefore, if they share their innermost, then only with the most trusted and close people. And such interlocutors Cancers always tell the truth. Unless they can keep silent about the details that a loved one is better off not knowing.
Famous sly ones who not only adore manipulation, but also perceive it as entertainment. It is not surprising that they can and do love to cheat. They know how to control their own emotions well, and therefore they know how to lie smoothly, convincingly and in any manner. At the same time, Scorpios really do not like it when they themselves are deceived. It's strange, why would it be ...
The representatives of this zodiac sign have a good imagination, so they know how to lie. And they like to do it, albeit in completely harmless things. Pisces are sometimes so addicted to the process that they themselves can believe in their own inventions. Therefore, it turns out that they often deceive even themselves. It is not difficult to bring Pisces to clean water, but it is better not to do this, because it will be a big blow for this vulnerable sign.
As you can see, it is difficult to say unequivocally why people are cheating. After all, each sign of the zodiac is sometimes able to lie, although they all do it in different ways, with different diligence and different goals. Someone can lie easily, but then someone cannot sleep. Someone cheats for the good, and someone weaves their intrigues with the help of lies. We hope that now it will be easier for you to figure out the deceivers in your environment.
Everyone has to tell a lie from time to time. Someone lies so skillfully that the interlocutor, even who knows the real state of affairs, has to doubt that he is right. And some lie so clumsily that it becomes embarrassing to even listen.
Surprisingly, astrologers are sure that the propensity to deceive and the ability to deceive is largely determined by the stars. And here experts see the most direct connection with when a person was born and what his zodiac sign is.

Why do people cheat Fire Signs Aries
Aries don't like to cheat. But if they are forced to do something unpleasant, then they begin to use all their imaginations and invent incredible fables. True, representatives of this zodiac sign resort to lies only in rare cases. It is much easier for Aries to always speak frankly than to come up with excuses.

Royal Lions do their best to maintain their authority. And if a little lie helps them in this, then they do not see anything terrible in it. To embellish the story? Easily! Add interesting details to your life description to impress a girl? No questions at all! But when Leos understand that deception can ultimately ruin their reputation, they try to be as honest as possible.
They can embellish, and not finish, and "accidentally" mix up or forget the details. But a big lie for a Sagittarius turns out to be too difficult a task that he simply cannot dare to. Therefore, Sagittarius cannot be attributed to insidious or deceitful people.

Taurus earth signs
If this zodiac sign lies, then it will be tormented for a long time by remorse. Taurus knows this, so he will not even try to deceive, because comfort is much more important to him. But if we are talking about a Taurus man, then he can go for a deception if he has the prospect of getting some gorgeous woman. After all, in order to spin the young lady's head, he is ready to go even against his own conscience.
Virgos rarely cheat and rarely flatter. If their opinion is rather harsh, they prefer to remain silent than to scatter in insincere compliments. But sometimes, in order not to offend a person, Virgos know how to tactfully lie. Moreover, they consider this a lie for the good and do not feel guilty at all.
Representatives of this zodiac sign hate to lie and are always ready to tell the truth, no matter how bitter it may be for the interlocutor. But if we are talking about the status of Capricorn himself, then it is painful for him to admit his inconsistency. Therefore, he may well lie so that others would consider him cool and successful.

Gemini air signs
These people seem to combine two natures: good and bad. In rare cases, this is manifested in the fact that they can be both insidious and mean. They often cheat on trifles, without even thinking that their lies can harm someone. Gemini is frivolous and frivolous, but they should be accepted like that. After all, it is enough to get to know them better, and they will turn out to be very interesting and pleasant people.
A very harmonious and balanced zodiac sign. But if Libra discovers the talent of a deceiver, then they will begin to use it to the fullest. They lie to make friends with the right people or to raise their status in the eyes of others. They come up with when they don't want to do something. But Libra also has a good feature - they almost never lie to the closest people.
True masters of deception. Although they rarely use their "talent". In words, they are always for the truth, but when it comes to business, Aquarians will easily keep silent about unpleasant facts. And if you can't keep silent, then they will turn on their irrepressible imagination. Although it is worth noting that Aquarians do not like to deceive and do it with the best intentions.

Cancer water signs
Here he is, one of the most honest signs of the zodiac. True, the secret is that Cancers are distinguished by their extraordinary secrecy. And therefore, if they share their innermost, then only with the most trusted and close people. And such interlocutors Cancers always tell the truth. Unless they can keep silent about the details that a loved one is better off not knowing.
Famous sly ones who not only adore manipulation, but also perceive it as entertainment. It is not surprising that they can and do love to cheat. They know how to control their own emotions well, and therefore they know how to lie smoothly, convincingly and in any manner. At the same time, Scorpios really do not like it when they themselves are deceived. It's strange, why would it be ...
The representatives of this zodiac sign have a good imagination, so they know how to lie. And they like to do it, albeit in completely harmless things. Pisces are sometimes so addicted to the process that they themselves can believe in their own inventions. Therefore, it turns out that they often deceive even themselves. It is not difficult to bring Pisces to clean water, but it is better not to do this, because it will be a big blow for this vulnerable sign.

As you can see, it is difficult to say unequivocally why people are cheating. After all, each sign of the zodiac is sometimes able to lie, although they all do it in different ways, with different diligence and different goals. Someone can lie easily, but then someone cannot sleep. Someone cheats for the good, and someone weaves their intrigues with the help of lies. We hope that now it will be easier for you to figure out the deceivers in your environment.
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