The signs of the zodiac and money: how to earn, spend and save
Each person cute idea of wealth, and everyone is trying in some form to implement it. This comes to the aid of the ruler planet of zodiac sign.
ARIESthe representatives of the sign Aries with more than enough energy and ambition. Manages the fiery Mars, and he's thinking and doesn't like to wait, he acts. Field of activity – sport, army, cars and extreme sports. Aries is a natural leader, bossy, but poristosti makes wrong actions.
Money for Aries only means to be first. Rams are famous for the fact that the money in their pocket are not delayed. They can spend without thinking about tomorrow. But the desire to be first can encourage Aries to search for paid work.
TAURUSthe Sign of Taurus ruled by Venus. Its space Agency is money, she is responsible for the cash in their wallets. Representatives of the mark are under her patronage and protection. Taureans are famous for their ability to earn and accumulate. They love money and money loves them.
Taurus is the most material sign. They are practical and reliable. The need to have is their natural need. Taureans rarely spenders, but live by the principle "the avaricious pays twice", so try to buy expensive, high-quality and beautiful things.
GEMINISign Gemini governs swift and ubiquitous mercury. They can't sit still and have the ability to do several things at once. The weak point is the unreliability and superficiality.
The best areas for earning connected with obtaining, processing and transmission of information, traffic, advertising and trade. The twins – the best journalists, translators, managers. Earn money easily, but easy to spend.
Representatives of the sign are in second place after Bulls by the ability to accumulate. Manages the Moon, so the financial savings are a measure of peace and security. Cancers are rarely poor, they are tied to what they have, and every "decent" Cancer is "stash". For Cancers (especially men) it is important to have a solid and reliable financial situation.
Part with money reluctantly Cancers. But when it comes to loved ones, parents and children, the Cancers unconditionally and with love spend. Cancers it is important to feel safe, so another item can be of high quality and durable doors and locks.
LEOthe Sign of Leo manages the king of the zodiac – the Sun. And kings a priori can not live in poverty. Lions motivation is the desire to be ahead and on top.
Routine work is not for them! Charismatic and noble Lions are unusually generous, not only with members of her pride, but also with those who just need help. But this should be able: a) to ask Leo about it and b) not forget to thank.Financial fortune is smiling Lions, engaged in the sphere of show business, organization of festivals, sports and games.
VIRGINBorn under the sign of Virgo love to work. Virgo is a famous zodiac "workaholics". Controls the sign of the critical and practical Proserpine. The work process is essential and financial reward as deserved and earned the result.
Virgo is able to work "on line" and in the areas of service and submission. Here they are irreplaceable. Spend money wisely and systematically. Like keeping records of income and expenses. Stars in the sky is not enough, but over time become very wealthy people.
LIBRATo Libra in the work it is important to feel the "elbow" partner. Alone they are indecisive and restless, like Buridan's ass. Manages planet Chiron. His prerogative – diplomacy, consultation, law.
One of the most valuable qualities of Libra is the ability to judge without prejudice and with absolute impartiality. Libra is happy when the world around is beautiful and harmonious. Money for Scales – a means to beautify life.
SCORPIOthe Pursuit of wealth characteristic of the Scorpions. Familiar controls Pluto, his Department – Bank accounts, Bank money, loans, and, in General, a lot of money. Scorpions – are good businessmen, by instinct, they know at what depth you can find "big fish", and most importantly, know how to achieve it.
A remarkable property of Scorpions is the ability to start over, even if start-up capital are the ashes and ruins.
Sagittarius lucky too! They are controlled by Jupiter, the cosmic benefactor. Sagittarians do not like routine work, it is important for them to know and see that there are perspectives and horizons, only under this condition they achieve great results.
And Jupiter will not miss the opportunity to help and support players if they work in teaching, advertising, science, places of worship and religious institutions. Spending money is easy, but provided that expenses will be investment in something interesting and informative.
CAPRICORNCapricorn is ruled by strict Saturn. And, it would seem that, where is this planet of limitations and control, there is no place big money. Indeed, Capricorns are characterized by asceticism, but through dedication and seriousness to achieve career heights.
The best Capricorn zodiac heads, politicians and administrators. But the money comes as a consequence of higher positions and professional achievements. Capricorns spend wisely. I do not regret only to maintain a high status.
AQUARIUSIntellectual Aquarians do not like to work and earn in the conditions of the regime and framework. Freelancing – the best conditions for a freedom-loving Aquarius. Computer technology, TV, scientific research, astrology is the prerogative of Uranium. It is he who governs Aquarius. Thanks to the original ideas and discoveries in the above fields Aquarians can achieve financial success.
Money for Aquarius nothing more than a social condition of existence. They are important to live interesting. Aquarians do not spend money on advanced technical innovations and will give "the shirt" friend. And that and the other, the weaknesses of the representatives of the sign.
PISCESPisces looking for "her haven". Manages the Pisces dreamy Neptune, sometimes taking them into the world of dreams and fantasies. But the richness of the Fish may come if the activities connected with the sea, chemistry, pharmacology, music, poetry and spirituality. The motto of the Fish "Money is not made in bright light". Not able to save, you should see "need" and the money will float away in their pocket.
The above relates to typical representatives of the signs, and such, in pure form, in nature almost does not exist. Any man is a "cosmic cocktail" mixed with the various planetary energies. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: domashniy.ru/article/astroprognozy/prikladnaya_astrologiya/znaki_zodiaka_i_dengi_kak_zarabatyvat_tratit_i_kopit.html
ARIESthe representatives of the sign Aries with more than enough energy and ambition. Manages the fiery Mars, and he's thinking and doesn't like to wait, he acts. Field of activity – sport, army, cars and extreme sports. Aries is a natural leader, bossy, but poristosti makes wrong actions.
Money for Aries only means to be first. Rams are famous for the fact that the money in their pocket are not delayed. They can spend without thinking about tomorrow. But the desire to be first can encourage Aries to search for paid work.

TAURUSthe Sign of Taurus ruled by Venus. Its space Agency is money, she is responsible for the cash in their wallets. Representatives of the mark are under her patronage and protection. Taureans are famous for their ability to earn and accumulate. They love money and money loves them.
Taurus is the most material sign. They are practical and reliable. The need to have is their natural need. Taureans rarely spenders, but live by the principle "the avaricious pays twice", so try to buy expensive, high-quality and beautiful things.
GEMINISign Gemini governs swift and ubiquitous mercury. They can't sit still and have the ability to do several things at once. The weak point is the unreliability and superficiality.
The best areas for earning connected with obtaining, processing and transmission of information, traffic, advertising and trade. The twins – the best journalists, translators, managers. Earn money easily, but easy to spend.
Representatives of the sign are in second place after Bulls by the ability to accumulate. Manages the Moon, so the financial savings are a measure of peace and security. Cancers are rarely poor, they are tied to what they have, and every "decent" Cancer is "stash". For Cancers (especially men) it is important to have a solid and reliable financial situation.
Part with money reluctantly Cancers. But when it comes to loved ones, parents and children, the Cancers unconditionally and with love spend. Cancers it is important to feel safe, so another item can be of high quality and durable doors and locks.
LEOthe Sign of Leo manages the king of the zodiac – the Sun. And kings a priori can not live in poverty. Lions motivation is the desire to be ahead and on top.
Routine work is not for them! Charismatic and noble Lions are unusually generous, not only with members of her pride, but also with those who just need help. But this should be able: a) to ask Leo about it and b) not forget to thank.Financial fortune is smiling Lions, engaged in the sphere of show business, organization of festivals, sports and games.
VIRGINBorn under the sign of Virgo love to work. Virgo is a famous zodiac "workaholics". Controls the sign of the critical and practical Proserpine. The work process is essential and financial reward as deserved and earned the result.
Virgo is able to work "on line" and in the areas of service and submission. Here they are irreplaceable. Spend money wisely and systematically. Like keeping records of income and expenses. Stars in the sky is not enough, but over time become very wealthy people.
LIBRATo Libra in the work it is important to feel the "elbow" partner. Alone they are indecisive and restless, like Buridan's ass. Manages planet Chiron. His prerogative – diplomacy, consultation, law.
One of the most valuable qualities of Libra is the ability to judge without prejudice and with absolute impartiality. Libra is happy when the world around is beautiful and harmonious. Money for Scales – a means to beautify life.
SCORPIOthe Pursuit of wealth characteristic of the Scorpions. Familiar controls Pluto, his Department – Bank accounts, Bank money, loans, and, in General, a lot of money. Scorpions – are good businessmen, by instinct, they know at what depth you can find "big fish", and most importantly, know how to achieve it.
A remarkable property of Scorpions is the ability to start over, even if start-up capital are the ashes and ruins.
Sagittarius lucky too! They are controlled by Jupiter, the cosmic benefactor. Sagittarians do not like routine work, it is important for them to know and see that there are perspectives and horizons, only under this condition they achieve great results.
And Jupiter will not miss the opportunity to help and support players if they work in teaching, advertising, science, places of worship and religious institutions. Spending money is easy, but provided that expenses will be investment in something interesting and informative.
CAPRICORNCapricorn is ruled by strict Saturn. And, it would seem that, where is this planet of limitations and control, there is no place big money. Indeed, Capricorns are characterized by asceticism, but through dedication and seriousness to achieve career heights.
The best Capricorn zodiac heads, politicians and administrators. But the money comes as a consequence of higher positions and professional achievements. Capricorns spend wisely. I do not regret only to maintain a high status.
AQUARIUSIntellectual Aquarians do not like to work and earn in the conditions of the regime and framework. Freelancing – the best conditions for a freedom-loving Aquarius. Computer technology, TV, scientific research, astrology is the prerogative of Uranium. It is he who governs Aquarius. Thanks to the original ideas and discoveries in the above fields Aquarians can achieve financial success.
Money for Aquarius nothing more than a social condition of existence. They are important to live interesting. Aquarians do not spend money on advanced technical innovations and will give "the shirt" friend. And that and the other, the weaknesses of the representatives of the sign.
PISCESPisces looking for "her haven". Manages the Pisces dreamy Neptune, sometimes taking them into the world of dreams and fantasies. But the richness of the Fish may come if the activities connected with the sea, chemistry, pharmacology, music, poetry and spirituality. The motto of the Fish "Money is not made in bright light". Not able to save, you should see "need" and the money will float away in their pocket.
The above relates to typical representatives of the signs, and such, in pure form, in nature almost does not exist. Any man is a "cosmic cocktail" mixed with the various planetary energies. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! © Join us at Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: domashniy.ru/article/astroprognozy/prikladnaya_astrologiya/znaki_zodiaka_i_dengi_kak_zarabatyvat_tratit_i_kopit.html