Strange money signs

Lucky coin in Russian is considered irredeemable penny, and the Americans - the first earned dollar. The Germans kept in a pocket or purse or drilled bent coin.
It is believed that on the day of the salary can not spend not a single ruble. The entire amount should spend the night at home. Nor can the evening to lend money.
The money received from the buyer of the first kiss, then spit on them and hide in your purse, so they pulled him more money. It is said that this custom that went from London "Myasnitsky wives" - women who traded in the markets of chickens, butter and eggs.
Russian merchants, hearing the voice of the first in the spring cuckoo, jingled in his pocket money. It was believed that it attracts new money.
Happiest Canadian bills are considered the "head of the devil" - dollars with the image of a young Elizabeth II. A careful consideration of the flirty hairstyle Queen can be seen the face of the devil. They have very little because the Canadian bank immediately issued a new party, with hair retouched. It is believed that the "head of the Devil" brings happiness.
The Chinese monetary Amulet - three yuan, connected through holes red silk ribbon. As a talisman, and the money itself relies occasionally gently stroking and cherish.
In Japan, no one ever raises a lost wallet (except to refer to the police station). The Japanese believe that in such an unexpected gift fate soon ask very strict, depriving you something more valuable.
Another superstition money we owe the legendary Queen of Sheba. Tradition says that she had a very hairy legs. Therefore, in the Mediterranean women with hairy legs considered lucky: they certainly will marry rich.
First banknote $ 2 with the image of US President Thomas Jefferson was issued in 1928. It's hard to say why, but she called it superstition "unfortunate" and buyers tried not to take the money in salaries and delivery, and received, hurry hurry to exchange notes. Since 1976, it ceased to produce.