Fears that can destroy your health and life
According to experts, not only the stress leads to insomnia, overeating and the deterioration of the heart. Fear to remain without means of livelihood, and fear of appearing incompetent undermine the health of even more.
Paralyzing fear of poverty
Fear of being on the verge of poverty forces many to go for unloved work, to endure unpleasant staff and brawler boss. We are afraid to change everything, as we believe that this job and this salary is the best that we could. We put too low a lath, and when it reaches the perfect thing — calm down. Because the Ukrainians, being in 30th place in the world in terms of intelligence, is a 100-th place in terms of happiness.
Psychologists are strongly recommended to want and achieve more. First you must create a plan that would allow us to change the situation and emerge from change with minimal financial losses. For example, at my old job to get more education and improve skills. In no case should not share their plans with people who are set up for you and life negatively. Better to surround yourself with like-minded people who are also not afraid to take risks and survive. As a rule, these people are healthier and happier.
Fear of criticism kills individuality
Another fear that is very much associated with the fear of poverty the fear of criticism. Many brilliant ideas were not only not realized, but not even expressed. That in turn has a negative impact on the psyche and health. Fear of criticism is a huge obstacle to self-realization, reducing the quality of life and health. Psychologists claim that to err is useful. Even if you are told that your idea does not make sense, remember that it is said people who are afraid of criticism as much as you do. Secondly, the lesson from this situation would be much more useful than people think — fear not, the situation you tempered.
source: heart4life.com.ua
Source: /users/1077