How to respond to criticism — 5 useful tips
Seventy one million seven hundred eight thousand two hundred sixty six
Calm down, smile and think it over.
Let's see the truth: no matter whether we're talking about creativity and related efforts, or simple things like the breath and fatigue, most of us are not aware of what he's doing. And what would we do in between we while away our time criticizing each other.
If you are a person, it means that you constantly judge other people. And not always silently. But this does not mean that we cannot adequately cope with foreign criticism. And if someone is attacking your lovingly crafted fan fiction for "Twilight", then you can do the following:
1. Not to answer srasota that you criticized is only your problem and no one else. Maybe someone wrote in your blog a pompous insulting comment just because I saw a small mistake in the text. Or maybe you really made a serious mistake, and you have it. Or are you actually in some situation behaved inappropriately.
But let's assume that you've received an abusive message, or a letter in the mail, and the criticism is clearly unfounded. Yes, it happens, nothing can be done — this is the Internet age.
So when you hit below the belt for the most Holy (figuratively, of course), and you immediately turn on the knee-jerk reaction: you find the offender and try to destroy it in response. Yes, to do so you want, even very, but it is important to resist the temptation.
Respond immediately — this is the most stupid thing you can do. Remember the following:
First, step away from the keyboard. Seriously. Right now, when you're angry, you can't do anything under the influence of emotions to come up with a decent answer is easy, really. Wait at least an hour, before you answer, compose yourself, give yourself to calm down. To be distracted by this hour, occupy yourself with something not too important and exciting, for example, go to the store or go to a cafe and eat cake. Shopping in such cases can be a wonderful therapy.
Secondly, if possible, reply by email or return comment, and call the offender. Keep calm when you speak to a real person in real time, much easier. But if you are too angry and the anger that still need somewhere to vent, open a text file and write there everything that think. Only the file is not send — it just for myself. This will help you to let off steam and calmly assess the situation.
Still not calmed down? Yes, it happens. However, before you click on the "send" button, take a pause to...
2. To determine the type criticised how to rush in a retaliatory attack, it is important to determine the type of criticism you were subjected to. It is constructive criticism or plain nitpicking? You really deserve it or is it completely unjustified? The answers to these questions can be the key to overcoming the situation as a whole.
Of course, most of your criticism is unfounded attacks on you incompetent people, but it's not always an attack on you personally. Most often the critic is trying to point out flaws in the work, or inappropriate behavior.
Even if the words seem too mean or harsh, criticism is not necessarily an attack. Maybe the man deliberately chose this style of communication to attract your attention, or he is not able to speak normally, he can't. Maybe their cat died, so he wrote to you in that tone because angry at fate, not on you personally.
Give criticism a chance, even if you think he is, the bastard, you and chance have left. Respond to criticism with arguments.
Always remember that critic isn't always trying to hurt you. Often he instead wants to point out a mistake so you have to fix it. Perhaps is you're right, but before criticism it is still necessary to convey. Then you need...
3. Ulybnetsja, you should smile in the face of criticism. In fact, the wider your smile, the better.
Remember the old saying on the topic that smiling requires less muscles than when you frown? A smile will help you not only destroy the morale of the critic, if he is spoiling for a fight, but also to improve your mood, even if you smile through force. In addition, it is another way to calm down.
Repeatable: to be calmer and not act like a frenzied savage and as civilized people you don't even have to smile sincerely, creepy grin will work too. In the end, you're going to talk with another person, even not very pleasant things, but if you are going to tell him (preferably covertly), what's on your mind, then a smile should be appropriate.
So, once you adjust your mood, you are finally ready to deal with the criticism directly. It's time to...
4. Enjoy mastiya now call and say what I think. Or write, if the call is impossible. After considering all the arguments, you can afford to destroy the opponent mentally. But try not to go beyond — even if your opponent (whether in writing or orally) improves the tone, you do not need. You're a civilized man.
Moreover, when you understand who is right and who is wrong, try to show concern about criticism: listen, sympathize, if necessary, can even in a mocking manner, only that he did not understand that he is being.
The more polite you are, the: a) higher chance to persuade the enemy to their side and b) as revenge bring him out of himself, being rude polite angry. And you're right, right? In principle, both options will fit.
5. And then again all orionathletic is not necessarily something bad. Of course, the majority of the criticism is very mean, but we perceive it painful only because of our own pride.
Every time someone criticizes our actions or our ego reacts to it like we got a knee in the groin, and that's our biggest problem when we are dealing with criticism. That is your self-esteem, we must learn to win if we want to learn from all in this life, and from the critics as well.
To accept criticism as something positive is possible. In fact, criticism is one way to know what you are doing wrong (if you do). If you're not aware of it as you get better?
Before you proceed to take decisive action, your offense at the criticism must first be processed your head, coldly and calmly thought out. Perhaps a strong response after thinking it through and will not follow. Never hear, never need to physically retaliate for the offense.
Be careful in their deeds and actions, think carefully about every action — perhaps then you will gradually learn how to make fewer mistakes, and criticism will also be less. published
Source: www.publy.ru/
Calm down, smile and think it over.
Let's see the truth: no matter whether we're talking about creativity and related efforts, or simple things like the breath and fatigue, most of us are not aware of what he's doing. And what would we do in between we while away our time criticizing each other.
If you are a person, it means that you constantly judge other people. And not always silently. But this does not mean that we cannot adequately cope with foreign criticism. And if someone is attacking your lovingly crafted fan fiction for "Twilight", then you can do the following:
1. Not to answer srasota that you criticized is only your problem and no one else. Maybe someone wrote in your blog a pompous insulting comment just because I saw a small mistake in the text. Or maybe you really made a serious mistake, and you have it. Or are you actually in some situation behaved inappropriately.
But let's assume that you've received an abusive message, or a letter in the mail, and the criticism is clearly unfounded. Yes, it happens, nothing can be done — this is the Internet age.
So when you hit below the belt for the most Holy (figuratively, of course), and you immediately turn on the knee-jerk reaction: you find the offender and try to destroy it in response. Yes, to do so you want, even very, but it is important to resist the temptation.
Respond immediately — this is the most stupid thing you can do. Remember the following:
First, step away from the keyboard. Seriously. Right now, when you're angry, you can't do anything under the influence of emotions to come up with a decent answer is easy, really. Wait at least an hour, before you answer, compose yourself, give yourself to calm down. To be distracted by this hour, occupy yourself with something not too important and exciting, for example, go to the store or go to a cafe and eat cake. Shopping in such cases can be a wonderful therapy.
Secondly, if possible, reply by email or return comment, and call the offender. Keep calm when you speak to a real person in real time, much easier. But if you are too angry and the anger that still need somewhere to vent, open a text file and write there everything that think. Only the file is not send — it just for myself. This will help you to let off steam and calmly assess the situation.
Still not calmed down? Yes, it happens. However, before you click on the "send" button, take a pause to...
2. To determine the type criticised how to rush in a retaliatory attack, it is important to determine the type of criticism you were subjected to. It is constructive criticism or plain nitpicking? You really deserve it or is it completely unjustified? The answers to these questions can be the key to overcoming the situation as a whole.
Of course, most of your criticism is unfounded attacks on you incompetent people, but it's not always an attack on you personally. Most often the critic is trying to point out flaws in the work, or inappropriate behavior.
Even if the words seem too mean or harsh, criticism is not necessarily an attack. Maybe the man deliberately chose this style of communication to attract your attention, or he is not able to speak normally, he can't. Maybe their cat died, so he wrote to you in that tone because angry at fate, not on you personally.
Give criticism a chance, even if you think he is, the bastard, you and chance have left. Respond to criticism with arguments.
Always remember that critic isn't always trying to hurt you. Often he instead wants to point out a mistake so you have to fix it. Perhaps is you're right, but before criticism it is still necessary to convey. Then you need...
3. Ulybnetsja, you should smile in the face of criticism. In fact, the wider your smile, the better.
Remember the old saying on the topic that smiling requires less muscles than when you frown? A smile will help you not only destroy the morale of the critic, if he is spoiling for a fight, but also to improve your mood, even if you smile through force. In addition, it is another way to calm down.
Repeatable: to be calmer and not act like a frenzied savage and as civilized people you don't even have to smile sincerely, creepy grin will work too. In the end, you're going to talk with another person, even not very pleasant things, but if you are going to tell him (preferably covertly), what's on your mind, then a smile should be appropriate.
So, once you adjust your mood, you are finally ready to deal with the criticism directly. It's time to...
4. Enjoy mastiya now call and say what I think. Or write, if the call is impossible. After considering all the arguments, you can afford to destroy the opponent mentally. But try not to go beyond — even if your opponent (whether in writing or orally) improves the tone, you do not need. You're a civilized man.
Moreover, when you understand who is right and who is wrong, try to show concern about criticism: listen, sympathize, if necessary, can even in a mocking manner, only that he did not understand that he is being.
The more polite you are, the: a) higher chance to persuade the enemy to their side and b) as revenge bring him out of himself, being rude polite angry. And you're right, right? In principle, both options will fit.
5. And then again all orionathletic is not necessarily something bad. Of course, the majority of the criticism is very mean, but we perceive it painful only because of our own pride.
Every time someone criticizes our actions or our ego reacts to it like we got a knee in the groin, and that's our biggest problem when we are dealing with criticism. That is your self-esteem, we must learn to win if we want to learn from all in this life, and from the critics as well.
To accept criticism as something positive is possible. In fact, criticism is one way to know what you are doing wrong (if you do). If you're not aware of it as you get better?
Before you proceed to take decisive action, your offense at the criticism must first be processed your head, coldly and calmly thought out. Perhaps a strong response after thinking it through and will not follow. Never hear, never need to physically retaliate for the offense.
Be careful in their deeds and actions, think carefully about every action — perhaps then you will gradually learn how to make fewer mistakes, and criticism will also be less. published
Source: www.publy.ru/
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