7 ways to treat criticism

1. What can I learn?
Usually criticism has at least a small grain of truth. Criticism may seem negative, but it gives us the opportunity to learn and grow on the basis of observations.
2. Answer the comments, but not critical tone
The problem is that people can make valuable comments that we miss, saying only confrontation and critical tone. In this case, we need to distinguish itself criticism and its shape. Even if people say angrily, should separate their emotions from valuable comments.
3. Appreciate criticism
Usually we only appreciate the praise. People talk about the good things we have, and we are pleased. People criticize us, and we are unhappy. But if all the time just to hear flattery and sycophancy, as we have been successful? If we want to improve and grow, we need to encourage constructive criticism and learn to appreciate the comments.
4. Do not take on your account
It occurs most frequently in connection with the criticism of the problem. If I start to criticize the culinary skills of my mother, she would take it as a personal insult. But to identify with apple pie - is wrong. Someone may find objective shortcomings in our culinary abilities, but that does not mean that criticism relates to ourselves. It is understood that criticizing us, not people criticize our true self, but only one of its aspects. Criticizing others, we can criticize their pride or envy; but envy - it's just an emotion, it passes.
5. Ignore the false criticism
Sometimes we are criticized groundless. It's frustrating. However, potentially with such criticism easier to deal with than justified. One of the options - remain indifferent and completely ignore it. False criticism as insignificant as an ant trying to harm an elephant. Feeling the need to defend - we pay more attention than it deserves. Remaining silent and aloof, we are fueling criticism of energy and maintain dignity.
6. Do not answer immediately
Better to wait a bit. Reply with feeling angry or offended pride, after a while we will regret it. Patiently waiting, we will be able to respond more calmly.
7. Smile
Smile, even stretched, helps us relax. It is a positive response, mitigates the situation and, without doubt, helps psychologically. Smile encourage interlocutor temper his enthusiasm.