On order
Purpose. We often mention the word. Or talk about self-motivated people. Or argue about the means, not to mention the goal. Let's see, what is the goal. Objective - this is what you need to accomplish. This simple definition I use for myself. However, deceptive protota requires answering a few questions. Firstly, it is necessary to clearly define, whose aim is: your personal, company, where you work, some groups of people, or perhaps humanity?
Let's start with personal goals. The next thing to be determined - what we want to achieve. One sentence. But how to give a proper definition? The recipe is as follows - when the goal is achieved, you can just understand it. In other words, the goal must be measurable. For example: "I want to get rich." A good definition? No. Who do you think the wealth of a million dollars. When you have it is, you probably considered himself a man moderately well, but not rich. "I want a million dollars" - excellent. In the pocket of a million - the goal is reached.
However, it is important to openly say to yourself - "Yes, damn it, that's exactly what I want!". If it is not, nor towards the goal nor its achievement will not bring satisfaction. This is another principle. You must accept and share this goal.
Another important concept - time. If we do not define what we want to have a million dollars in 1, 3 or 5 years - we will continually postpone our steps towards this goal. When we clearly understand when we deadline, we are looking for options, we are working. But I do not recommend to put too distant targets - may be that they will no longer interesting. Month, year, five - maximum.
The goal should be attainable. This is no less important point than the previous. Put realistic goals. Reaching them you get a promotion. Unrealistic goals will drive you into depression faster than will be the next deadline.
Experienced readers will certainly have realized that the above - freestyle and several condensed interpretation of the principle of SMART an integer. This mnemonic abbreviation enables quick audit objectives by five parameters: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound.
Personal experience
Unfortunately I did not have the mind to reach the above on their own, but a few years ago, a business coach told me about the SMART. This was the starting point of a chain of changes in my own life, which led to the first success in work and career, then to the care of the company, creating your own business and investment.
Deeply imbued with the concept of SMART-goals, one day decided to discuss with my wife our goals for next year. It took us all on this New Year's holidays. We discussed and second child, and a new car and a house in the suburbs and their own business. And the only thing that we both shared and it was a million rubles. Million rubles a year of free money.
We could not agree in advance on what to spend it, but decided that it would be nice to have, and there has to be addressed. A year later, we have achieved this, and the money allowed me to get away with employment and to open his first case after some time. But that's another story.
Good and bad goals
Recently, an old comrade told this story, and there was a debate about how that money can not be the goal. And I suspect if I did not have the eloquence to bring his companion thought. But really - in many sources of money referred to as bad or extremely bad aim. And, I could not remember the objective arguments against money. Personal experience tells me otherwise - the purpose is very clear, it is always possible to identify achievable amount and this goal really give you favor or at least some pleasure.
If you're thinking about how it would be great to create a business, and you need to make the right first step, think about how to start with money. In any case they will be useful. And such a move would be clear and understandable.
If you look further, I inclined to think that the goal does not require evidence and explanations. If you like this purpose and you are going to achieve it - do not listen to anyone. And be prepared that many skeptics intelligibly explain to you why you should not do. Well, if you have chosen a path to the goal - to move. This is your goal, and you decide. Even if you are going to fly to the moon or on Mars die. However PS. It applies only to personal goals, of course. If you decide to share your goal with someone else (his wife, friends, company, state) - all these people have to share it as well as you. Convince all these people can be extremely difficult. Therefore, think twice whether they should devote all this, or can otherwise attract to your side. However, multiple targets already beyond the scope of this article.
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/247557/