C our forum. Real stories from real people about lamer and not only :)
I work as a sysadmin in a certain office, faced with constant stupid users. Today comes another aunt and says:
- I moved to a different computer, drag me back my password.
-?!?!? What for?
- Well, my back is not suitable.
- Enter your user name and password from the old computer, it will work.
It takes about 15 minutes:
- Nepoluchaetsya ...
- What is the name and password you enter?
- His ... (give your name and password)
-?!?! IT from the old computer ?????
- No, it's my name and a new password.
- I told you, enter your user name and password from the old computer!
- I want to make it since I'm writing and password new.
- Good.
Create a new user and her new password.
- Well, in fall?
- Which system?!? I even vidovz not yet entered, says the password is incorrect!
- How do you enter a password?
- 19111976!
- So you asked the same password Daisy!
- I have changed my mind.
- I'll be right ...
I went to the department, I write the user name and password. The system logged. I press a chord:
- What is the password you want?
- 19111976.
- Exactly? You think well?
- Yes, I definitely will not forget.
- Good.
It took somewhere 40 minutes:
- I have not loaded vindovz says the password is incorrect.
- What do you type your password?
- (Set of letters).
- I told you set 19111976!
- I changed it so that you did not know!
- Well, then why call me ???
- I forgot the new password ...
- WHAT??????
- I forgot the new password.
I reset passwords and put 123456 forbid change password.
- The password is 123456! Change you can not, do not even try!
- Thank you.
Even after about 10 minutes:
- I have almost removed all my documents!
- And they were there?
- YES! Of course! On the old computer.
- And you are now for the old computer?
- No, for a new ...
- And how do you think your mail and documents will get a new computer?
- Automatically have! I'm about to read a book!
- In which? Computer for Dummies?
- Nepomnyu, there is no such.
- Well, move your data.
Copying profile, edit, check:
- All mail on the spot?
- Yes, sort of.
- And the documents?
- Yes.
- A picture from the desktop?
- Yes thank you.
- From me anything should still necessary?
- Not if I call.
- Good.
After an additional 15 minutes:
- I had a mailbox on mayl.ru, and now it is not. How to get there? (Calls also uebischo)
- Using prohibited Mayl.ru management.
- But ... there ... I need to work on!
- Write a letter to the!
- You or I?
- We have one guide!
- Who?
- Yes, anyone! Though the director of the department early though!
- Okay ...
Calls Chef:
- Do her box zadolbala already ...
- Good.
Customizable drawer in Autglyuki.
- Address?
- (Speaks box)
- Password?
- I do not remember ... And you do not know razve?
-!?!?! Location? I have boxes for your personal non-responsive.
- But you're a sysadmin! Make chtonit!
- Refer to the administration mayl.ru.
- What phone?
- Besponyatiya.
- You can do anything?
- Yes, boss bring a printout of the last sites you have visited.
Blushed like a lobster - But nobody nevidel where I go.
- So I warned all of a month ago, that is the history on the server. Who climb where you nebyli that planning meeting?
- I Was ... So you tell me the password reset?
- No.
5 minutes, the boss calls:
- To restore this fucked ... that password.
- I'll try, but unpledged.
- Think of something! Then report back!
Operations are usually kind and sympathetic person, but this drove him to a white knee.
I pull out your password from the old system.
- ALL?! That's it?
- Yes, thank you, and you really can see who climbs where?
- Of course!
- Can I make it so that no one knew where I go in the internet?
- It is possible, through the TRP, and leadership.
- What is the TRP?
- Deli there! ABOUT!
- Why Oh?
- This is a joke, it is impossible to do so.
- Why?
- Because to use the Internet for personal reasons we DO NOT!
- Who is responsible?
- I!
- It is clear only nedaval director of information on me?
- Schego sudden?
- Well-oo-oo-oo, mneb not want to know the director.
- I'll think about it.
- Thank you.
- It's my pleasure.
I go to the boss, look, sheer Gang bang, dating sites, and other crap, if only restrictions on traffic per hour, generally have rocked movies.
- And it all works? - Asked the chief.
- HZ, mozht and running.
- Sites can limit.
- Kanechno,
- Only a fool does not say this, would get then.
- OK.
I close all the XXX content and Search.
- I have the Internet does not work - again, a familiar voice.
- All or only certain sites? - All.
- What site visit?
- ... On any.
- Try www.ru rabotet?
- Yes,
- Means and the Internet works, name the exact address of the site that nerabotet.
- ... I-I-I, no, no-I do not know ... - aunt stammered. -Here Love.mail.ru.
- What you say?
- Access denayd.
- Well, as it is translated? (My aunt worked as a translator)
- Access is denied.
- Well, then do not have permission to use this resource.
- Why?
- Content is similar to dating sites, chat rooms, etc., so the server and does not let me.
- And who to ask?
- The proxy server.
- And what his phone number?
IT department slid under the table with laughter. I give you my phone Combellga. People in the department of laughs. This aunt calls the Combellga falls to the reception and asked:
- Hello, I want to talk to gospadinom Procom server!
- … It's impossible!
- Why? He is not? Or am I wrong number?
- No, it is, but I'm afraid he will not be able to answer ...
- Tell him to call me this is very urgent. - The aunt had left his position and threw tube.
- Call or later she'll call again!
Aunt department no longer sign.
So almost every day. And they say that we work ...
Told alex_flasher
And we have here such an aunt had ... bookkeeper.
We gathered to give her a new computer, faster. Before that, it we do not trust and personally sat down to copy your data to a temporary computer.
- Give I will copy them myself!
- … what for?
- I do not believe
- ...
- I myself!
- ... Well ... that's here
All presses copy-paste. Everything is fine. Exit. Brings her some time later a new computer, I say it again, faster. They showed how to copy. Gone.
- I do not have all the files copied!
Look - all byte to byte converge. Show. She does not care. Not everything said and everything.
We find out why it is so decided. Okazyvatsya when she copied the files, then I sat considered fly leaves. And he says, there are fewer! Explained. Understood.
Told edd
Dasadno that I have to work no fools ... but on the other hand, it is for the better ..)))
One time I was summoned to the office of directors are to turn off the computer ... ...
Turned off ... on the way from office to office for a long time giggling)))
And finally we have to work a lot prutstsa ... I go to the dressing room to push (predtualetnik ... YYYY) smoke, look at a loved one in the mirror, I notice on the mirror hefty gnats ... which circled, arrow and write "Serge" ... rassekreteli Man)) ))
Told Basil
- I moved to a different computer, drag me back my password.
-?!?!? What for?
- Well, my back is not suitable.
- Enter your user name and password from the old computer, it will work.
It takes about 15 minutes:
- Nepoluchaetsya ...
- What is the name and password you enter?
- His ... (give your name and password)
-?!?! IT from the old computer ?????
- No, it's my name and a new password.
- I told you, enter your user name and password from the old computer!
- I want to make it since I'm writing and password new.
- Good.
Create a new user and her new password.
- Well, in fall?
- Which system?!? I even vidovz not yet entered, says the password is incorrect!
- How do you enter a password?
- 19111976!
- So you asked the same password Daisy!
- I have changed my mind.
- I'll be right ...
I went to the department, I write the user name and password. The system logged. I press a chord:
- What is the password you want?
- 19111976.
- Exactly? You think well?
- Yes, I definitely will not forget.
- Good.
It took somewhere 40 minutes:
- I have not loaded vindovz says the password is incorrect.
- What do you type your password?
- (Set of letters).
- I told you set 19111976!
- I changed it so that you did not know!
- Well, then why call me ???
- I forgot the new password ...
- WHAT??????
- I forgot the new password.
I reset passwords and put 123456 forbid change password.
- The password is 123456! Change you can not, do not even try!
- Thank you.
Even after about 10 minutes:
- I have almost removed all my documents!
- And they were there?
- YES! Of course! On the old computer.
- And you are now for the old computer?
- No, for a new ...
- And how do you think your mail and documents will get a new computer?
- Automatically have! I'm about to read a book!
- In which? Computer for Dummies?
- Nepomnyu, there is no such.
- Well, move your data.
Copying profile, edit, check:
- All mail on the spot?
- Yes, sort of.
- And the documents?
- Yes.
- A picture from the desktop?
- Yes thank you.
- From me anything should still necessary?
- Not if I call.
- Good.
After an additional 15 minutes:
- I had a mailbox on mayl.ru, and now it is not. How to get there? (Calls also uebischo)
- Using prohibited Mayl.ru management.
- But ... there ... I need to work on!
- Write a letter to the!
- You or I?
- We have one guide!
- Who?
- Yes, anyone! Though the director of the department early though!
- Okay ...
Calls Chef:
- Do her box zadolbala already ...
- Good.
Customizable drawer in Autglyuki.
- Address?
- (Speaks box)
- Password?
- I do not remember ... And you do not know razve?
-!?!?! Location? I have boxes for your personal non-responsive.
- But you're a sysadmin! Make chtonit!
- Refer to the administration mayl.ru.
- What phone?
- Besponyatiya.
- You can do anything?
- Yes, boss bring a printout of the last sites you have visited.
Blushed like a lobster - But nobody nevidel where I go.
- So I warned all of a month ago, that is the history on the server. Who climb where you nebyli that planning meeting?
- I Was ... So you tell me the password reset?
- No.
5 minutes, the boss calls:
- To restore this fucked ... that password.
- I'll try, but unpledged.
- Think of something! Then report back!
Operations are usually kind and sympathetic person, but this drove him to a white knee.
I pull out your password from the old system.
- ALL?! That's it?
- Yes, thank you, and you really can see who climbs where?
- Of course!
- Can I make it so that no one knew where I go in the internet?
- It is possible, through the TRP, and leadership.
- What is the TRP?
- Deli there! ABOUT!
- Why Oh?
- This is a joke, it is impossible to do so.
- Why?
- Because to use the Internet for personal reasons we DO NOT!
- Who is responsible?
- I!
- It is clear only nedaval director of information on me?
- Schego sudden?
- Well-oo-oo-oo, mneb not want to know the director.
- I'll think about it.
- Thank you.
- It's my pleasure.
I go to the boss, look, sheer Gang bang, dating sites, and other crap, if only restrictions on traffic per hour, generally have rocked movies.
- And it all works? - Asked the chief.
- HZ, mozht and running.
- Sites can limit.
- Kanechno,
- Only a fool does not say this, would get then.
- OK.
I close all the XXX content and Search.
- I have the Internet does not work - again, a familiar voice.
- All or only certain sites? - All.
- What site visit?
- ... On any.
- Try www.ru rabotet?
- Yes,
- Means and the Internet works, name the exact address of the site that nerabotet.
- ... I-I-I, no, no-I do not know ... - aunt stammered. -Here Love.mail.ru.
- What you say?
- Access denayd.
- Well, as it is translated? (My aunt worked as a translator)
- Access is denied.
- Well, then do not have permission to use this resource.
- Why?
- Content is similar to dating sites, chat rooms, etc., so the server and does not let me.
- And who to ask?
- The proxy server.
- And what his phone number?
IT department slid under the table with laughter. I give you my phone Combellga. People in the department of laughs. This aunt calls the Combellga falls to the reception and asked:
- Hello, I want to talk to gospadinom Procom server!
- … It's impossible!
- Why? He is not? Or am I wrong number?
- No, it is, but I'm afraid he will not be able to answer ...
- Tell him to call me this is very urgent. - The aunt had left his position and threw tube.
- Call or later she'll call again!
Aunt department no longer sign.
So almost every day. And they say that we work ...
Told alex_flasher
And we have here such an aunt had ... bookkeeper.
We gathered to give her a new computer, faster. Before that, it we do not trust and personally sat down to copy your data to a temporary computer.
- Give I will copy them myself!
- … what for?
- I do not believe
- ...
- I myself!
- ... Well ... that's here
All presses copy-paste. Everything is fine. Exit. Brings her some time later a new computer, I say it again, faster. They showed how to copy. Gone.
- I do not have all the files copied!
Look - all byte to byte converge. Show. She does not care. Not everything said and everything.
We find out why it is so decided. Okazyvatsya when she copied the files, then I sat considered fly leaves. And he says, there are fewer! Explained. Understood.
Told edd
Dasadno that I have to work no fools ... but on the other hand, it is for the better ..)))
One time I was summoned to the office of directors are to turn off the computer ... ...
Turned off ... on the way from office to office for a long time giggling)))
And finally we have to work a lot prutstsa ... I go to the dressing room to push (predtualetnik ... YYYY) smoke, look at a loved one in the mirror, I notice on the mirror hefty gnats ... which circled, arrow and write "Serge" ... rassekreteli Man)) ))
Told Basil