Hard to be a bastard :)
Hard to be a bastard :) - Vasyutka, honey, what are you awake yet. Let's turn off the computer, do not you'll get tomorrow.
- Yes lana mothers, right now I am.
& quot; ... @ e aftor peteushniki any, you're in the zone all the cracks Islands neck and@@@ut th suck competently teach & quot ;, - at twice the speed of tapped on the keyboard is always smelling his fingers sperm student vocational Wasi gym shoes. "Well, all I b * on sigodnya enough work tomorrow UTB yo @ anoe ischo ...", - Vasily turned off the computer and after five minutes is already fast asleep.
Saliva is a thin stream trickled down yet never known a razor cheek. He dreamed ...
- Vasya, bunny, get up. Sunny, well, get up to school late. Oh, well then you have a cushion so dirtied ...
Hardly Basil opened his eyes. The shorts have been wet and nasty sticky.
- Come on, come on chicken, my hands and eat.
- As I have promised, today we work. The theme works - "The World of my hobbies." This year the exam on the Russian language will not be conducted, the evaluation of the work and will be a measure of what you have achieved in the study of my subject.
I ask to take responsibility for his writing - if I may say your labors will check the examination board. I hope you will not disgrace me - the last sentence of Lydia B., a teacher of Russian language, said doubtfully. It was hot, like the cottage and the sticky hands of the director of the school.
Ten minutes Vasya tried to peep what others write colleagues of the pen, then he sighed, thinking and began to display the first few lines uneven handwriting.
"I uvlikayus litiraturoy. Intact ftykat days I read a lot razkazaf. I'm not just a reader, I ischo niibaZZo and a critic .... "- Basil, biting on his lip diligence, writing faster and faster. An hour later, he put the last point with pride ran his eyes over the written sheet, and raised his hand.
- Lidbarissna - and I FSE!
- Good gym shoes, hand over the notebook and then you can go home.
- Did you read Cho right now does not awake?
- I told you - the commission checks. Well, I certainly do.
- Vassenka well as written?
- Well, Nama FSE moms. Not sachinenie and shydevr - Bob wanted to add a "demon @ esdy" but stopped in time.
- What can I say, the whole team coped well with the work, Petrov pleased - well written Misha did not expect. Zaitsev is not bad. And you have to come in the autumn of gym shoes.
- To me??? - Vasya blushed - and Cho takoito?
- Now I will distribute your work, look. Will any questions - ask.
With trembling hands, Basil opened notebook. The first few sentences were filled with patches of red pen, but in the middle, on the move, on the spelling was scored. Perelistnuv few pages Bob tearfully looked at assessment: 1/1. Just below the beautiful handwriting Lidia Borisovna was written:
"First on the @. Right now I count ».
Even lower her own hand:
"Nesmogla to read. Aftor Dolby @ b. Pishy ischo. »
Then sprawling handwriting head teacher full-time Sergei Konstantinovich:
"Fluoride and research institutes & gm! KG / AM. Aftor malaletny gave @ ayop »
More below, trembling from chronic hangover hand Nicanor Nikanorovich, director of the school:
"Nichital. Judging na ha @ kamentah but. Kamenty fsigda how they rule. Whinnying. Lidka zhzhosh demon @ esdy. »
Bob closed his notebook and began to cry.
- Yes lana mothers, right now I am.
& quot; ... @ e aftor peteushniki any, you're in the zone all the cracks Islands neck and@@@ut th suck competently teach & quot ;, - at twice the speed of tapped on the keyboard is always smelling his fingers sperm student vocational Wasi gym shoes. "Well, all I b * on sigodnya enough work tomorrow UTB yo @ anoe ischo ...", - Vasily turned off the computer and after five minutes is already fast asleep.
Saliva is a thin stream trickled down yet never known a razor cheek. He dreamed ...
- Vasya, bunny, get up. Sunny, well, get up to school late. Oh, well then you have a cushion so dirtied ...
Hardly Basil opened his eyes. The shorts have been wet and nasty sticky.
- Come on, come on chicken, my hands and eat.
- As I have promised, today we work. The theme works - "The World of my hobbies." This year the exam on the Russian language will not be conducted, the evaluation of the work and will be a measure of what you have achieved in the study of my subject.
I ask to take responsibility for his writing - if I may say your labors will check the examination board. I hope you will not disgrace me - the last sentence of Lydia B., a teacher of Russian language, said doubtfully. It was hot, like the cottage and the sticky hands of the director of the school.
Ten minutes Vasya tried to peep what others write colleagues of the pen, then he sighed, thinking and began to display the first few lines uneven handwriting.
"I uvlikayus litiraturoy. Intact ftykat days I read a lot razkazaf. I'm not just a reader, I ischo niibaZZo and a critic .... "- Basil, biting on his lip diligence, writing faster and faster. An hour later, he put the last point with pride ran his eyes over the written sheet, and raised his hand.
- Lidbarissna - and I FSE!
- Good gym shoes, hand over the notebook and then you can go home.
- Did you read Cho right now does not awake?
- I told you - the commission checks. Well, I certainly do.
- Vassenka well as written?
- Well, Nama FSE moms. Not sachinenie and shydevr - Bob wanted to add a "demon @ esdy" but stopped in time.
- What can I say, the whole team coped well with the work, Petrov pleased - well written Misha did not expect. Zaitsev is not bad. And you have to come in the autumn of gym shoes.
- To me??? - Vasya blushed - and Cho takoito?
- Now I will distribute your work, look. Will any questions - ask.
With trembling hands, Basil opened notebook. The first few sentences were filled with patches of red pen, but in the middle, on the move, on the spelling was scored. Perelistnuv few pages Bob tearfully looked at assessment: 1/1. Just below the beautiful handwriting Lidia Borisovna was written:
"First on the @. Right now I count ».
Even lower her own hand:
"Nesmogla to read. Aftor Dolby @ b. Pishy ischo. »
Then sprawling handwriting head teacher full-time Sergei Konstantinovich:
"Fluoride and research institutes & gm! KG / AM. Aftor malaletny gave @ ayop »
More below, trembling from chronic hangover hand Nicanor Nikanorovich, director of the school:
"Nichital. Judging na ha @ kamentah but. Kamenty fsigda how they rule. Whinnying. Lidka zhzhosh demon @ esdy. »
Bob closed his notebook and began to cry.