Inhabitants of the virtual world (25 photos)
7-8 years of commercials back in the internet were not many, and many more just did not know what it is! Today it is not uncommon disease internetomaniya, people on forums tearfully asking them to ban as the work is, the family is lost and so and so. and it's all because of the suction power of Internet forums. Due to the huge count of people are settled in this virtual world appeared classification thereof. We call this the classification of the Internet Warriors!
Lamer (Pioneer)
Mediocrity and mediocrity - the main characteristics of Lamer, but even they can not fully describe the stupidity of this character.
None of his statements and sodezhit bit of understanding of the topic. His expression did not include any humor or sparks, a drop of wisdom, but it does not stop him from active participation in the discussion.
He did not even quite unpleasant to honestly earn a ban on the forum.
Lamer, in the usual sense, is very weak warrior, but even the most valiant fighter unable to withstand a long chat with the opponent.
Admin is cleaner, the mayor, a security guard, a judge and even, sometimes, Doctor offline (or sheet) that can look after the wounded soldiers.
In other words, it can be characterized as a nurse on steroids.
Based on the fact that the Admin is the owner of the forum and sets the rules, it can damage virtually any other warrior.
Sometimes his efforts are valued at its true worth, but, like any other authority figure, he is also the chosen target for the Warriors, who are interested in how to turn the Forum into its own sandbox for their games.
Most Admins are fair and honest, but do not forget the idea that absolute power changes a person. If Admin is heavy pressure from purposeful opponent rare Admin does not use the "Hammer of Justice».
Flatterers and other sycophants often joined to a strong administrator, forming a defensive perimeter around it.
Thus, most of the enemies are thrown Admin to their original positions, even long before he drew attention to the Admin unleashed the military conflict.
WARNING - admin, on the right, can be regarded as the strongest warrior. So an open fight with the Administrator always ends in defeat. The only soldier who can provide (small) threat to the administrator, it is the Rebel leader.
Android never gets angry and does not participate in the battles. Instead, Android is simply specifies the logical inconsistencies in the calculations of other soldiers.
Android is absolutely immune to irony and sarcasm, as well, for the insults and attacks.
For example, if someone would call Android "mindless idiot", then Android will check for signs of cretinism med.spravochniku then calculate the mass of his brain by Archimedes, and reject the insult as unsound.
Computational chain of Android is not configured to process the aesthetic or spiritual information, so Android is easy to remove from the battlefield, unleashing a debate about feelings, arts, metaphors, poetry and so forth.
At Artiste available unshakable belief in their talents, with which he is happy to share with others.
Frequently, it is possible to find poems in the signature. Also, often for no apparent reason, he can insert a message with his poem somewhere in the middle of the battlefield.
Artiste, needs to demonstrate its aesthetic sensitivity and cultural education can and will mention the little-known artists, poets and musicians to prove their point.
Artiste believes that the references to Antonio del Pollaiolo (1431-1498), confirms his depth of knowledge, and crush opponents. In fact, most simply find it boring and zaznaykoy.
WARNING - Artiste often suffer from serious mental disorders. Thus, despite the fact that Artiste quite easy to defeat, it is best avoided. Artiste in defeat, just as unpredictable as in victory.
Archivist keeps and stores the latest posts and discussions that occur at the forum. Do you remember when you had a bad day, somewhere in the beginning of 1996, when you write something like that ... what should not?
Do not worry. Archivist remembered, and the message is stored in his safe and sound.
If the publication of this report will allow the Archivist to take the upper hand in the battle, a message will appear, making Archivist very effective and terrifying opponent.
More letters
More letters trying to compensate for the lack of rhetorical skills using large letters that are often perceived as a cry.
Of course, the use of capital letters can bring some advantages in the battle, but this technique should not be used too often.
For example, from a tactical point of view, a large number of other soldiers scream gives verbal weakness and emotional instability
Big Cat
Big Cat prefers not to fight. He enjoys peaceful surveillance of conversations on the forums, and succinctly is involved, if the mood strikes. He playfully running after interestno themes, and occasionally uses a beginner or propeller head as a material for sharpening claws. Experience pleasure when stroked or pochёsyvaet, and loves to purr loudly. ATTENTION - even if you are not cheating fluffy and playful appearance. When triggered, the Big Cat reacts to the speed of light, and stands up on all four legs after any attack. Big cat often plays with his victim before inflict a lethal attack.
Big Dog and I, too
Canis Major - the aggressor, who immediately take advantage of its strength in the battle. Canis Major can be clever, persuasive, or just very angry, but in any case it is a fearless warrior who ruthlessly tearing apart even the weakest opponents.
After the jaw Canis successfully and firmly somnknutsya the victim, I, too involved in the fight. Also, I was too weak to fight alone, so rely either on Canis Major, or other soldiers.
Vypendrёzhnik loves exhibit their titles and ranks before to join the fight. Even if they absolutely are irrelevant.
For example: a forum where films are discussed, and there was a conflict, it can start a conversation in such a way.
"As a PhD in atomic physics, I authoritatively declare that 'Beavis and Butthead' is an example of a new cultural paradigm»
As you wish, so and understand ...
Gramotey rarely brings something useful to the debate. As well, he holds a wide range of effective combat techniques.
Therefore, to get at least some advantage, he loves to point out grammatical errors and incorrect punctuation.
Other soldiers ignored literate, because of its apparent weakness
The diplomat involved in heated debate and battle, believing that other soldiers will appreciate and approve of his justice and balance.
Usually poluchetsya deserved.
In his endless battle duelists rarely hurt others, unless any warrior stupidity ever come between them.
They may not remember because of what started the conflict, but they are equally hated each other, and the rest will be egg against his opponent.
When the rest of the soldiers finally tired of the endless quarrel between Duelists, all forum begins military action against them, or sends them to a nurse in the ban.
However, even expelled from a forum duelists often seek each other elsewhere to continue the fight.
Bully never mind a fight. It is his favorite hobby, he is ready to do it anytime, anywhere, with anyone, not even looking at the fact that in most cases turns out to be a loser he is.
After the brutal beating he will rise slowly to his feet and stumbled back into the ring.
His amazing ability to withstand a number of mallets, the logical conclusion is that he has a wealth of experience in such things.
Sometimes, out of pity nurse can stop the fight.
Evil Clown
Evil Clown never reaches into his pocket for a joke, but its share of bitter jokes contain poison.
Evil Clown usually can not tolerate the debate with a deep sense, and often interrupts a serious dialogue, inserting
Topics irrelevant, meaningless barbs and arrogant comments.
His favorite hobby - to tease and humiliate weaker warriors sharp attacks.
Not being the most powerful warrior in the case of a close defeat evil clowns trying to avoid losing,
Alien instantly produces an incredibly clumsy Grammar his posts.
An alien comes to the forum with the best intentions, sometimes in order to study or practice the language, and sometimes just to discuss some important idea, which struck him.
It goes without saying that almost immediately he becomes the target of all sorts of bullies
At first foreigner is trying to get out safely with the help of his ridiculous tirades, but the torturers usually quick to get it, and then the process is popularly referred to as "fell off the chain».
Forgetting those pitiful remains of the language, which he had, he jumped on offenders with shouts like: "Thou fool, do not say stop it».
However, such attacks only make it even more vulnerable.
Taciturn always respond to others' posts in a word, and never edited the material, which he quotes.
Philosopher, Physician, Eternal Wrangler, and other soldiers who do not climb into his pocket for a word, is generally considered the Silent annoying rival, because in response to the long statement, he wrote tersely: "Yeah", "No", "Niasilil", " Fuck off "and so on.
Although, despite the fact that Taciturn is not the strongest warrior, he is a very uvёrtliv and it actually is not possible to force on a frontal attack.
Only by a long silence, one can dogadatsya that Taciturn finally gave up and walked out of the fight.
Most often, ideology can be classified as liberal or conservative.
Smug, ideology is convinced he is right. His views are actually a chaotic set of intellectual concepts.
If someone does not accept the views of ideology, like the truth, he falls into a state of extreme surprise and annoyance. The opposite point of view, he perceives as a mental illness that can be cured endless propaganda.
In general, conservative ideology presses on what he thinks logically and clearly, and his liberal colleague insists on a higher mental, spiritual and social perception.
Ideology is very fierce warriors, but easily predictable.
The observer
The observer does not participate in communion, but he is ... He looks, he reads all messages.
Observers generally quite harmless, and his silence reflects a more natural reserve, rather than bad intentions.
If the unexpected happens clash, he will quietly observe without betraying their position.
Sometimes, no unknown motives, still pushing the Observer out of the shadows and attack. This unexpected attack is often perceived by all the warring parties as an ambush, and the other warriors counterattack observer with all their inherent ferocity.
The observer rarely continues to battle, and after a brief exchange of pleasantries again disappears from view.
Necromancer has the mystical ability to cause long-dead debate back to life.
After a full discussion of the topic may be for several years to rot in the archives, and return it to life has nothing to do with the current interests of the Forum, but may suddenly cry out Necromancer her back to life, scaring the other inhabitants.
Those who know monster in the life immediately recognize it, and at first it seems that he is alive and full of life ... But Necromancer skills are not enough to really breathe life into long-dead discussion.
The ghost can scare weaker soldiers or the soldiers who were injured in the recent fighting, but in fact - it is only the ghost of a ghost, and the passage of a short time, he goes back to where he had come.
Necroman Archivarius and differ from each other. Archivist digs of ancient deposits of discussions in the hope of finding information that you can use for their own purposes, the Necromancer collects outdated theme just for the sake of collecting.
Some believe that the Necromancer makes it out of the dark and terrible meaning, others believe that he simply can not do otherwise, but how are things really - no one knows.
Not possessing special knowledge, Member browse the Internet, eventually stumbling on some forum. He rarely reads the FAQ or the rules, and had no idea about any conventional notions of courtesy in the network.
In battle, Junior usually pretends helpless, sometimes accompanying the processes with a loud cry.
Member rarely seeks conflict but easily loses his temper if someone touches his senses, with it looks
quite comical.
Most of the soldiers ignored beginner or treat him with disdain, but some, such as the evil clowns, or insignificance, have special pleasure mocking Rookie.
Others, such as xenophobia and Baska Propeller experiencing unexplained grudge against the novice and honestly believe that his stupid posts should be about punishment.
Baby Sitter (modernization)
The nurse tirelessly watching the procedure on the forums.
Despite the fact that he quickly deletes messages off topic and all meaningless chatter, it is difficult to anger or ruffle.
Rather than participate in a hot battle, it quickly cools itself the battlefield, giving the appropriate punishment and to ban sending retsedivistov.
Weak voinychasto flee under the protection Nanny if the fight becomes over-chur fierce for them.
Cast iron Baska
Cast iron Baska absolutely no argument for penetration, beliefs and ideas.
In combat, cast iron Baska not move one iota from its position without depending on how this position is hopeless.
Despite the fact that her attacks were repulsed, the arguments are destroyed and crushed to dust protection, cast iron Baska will repeat their tactics of warfare with an enviable constancy.
Meany compensate for their weak combat abilities that indicates the smallest defects, which often have nothing to do with the general course of the debate.
Suppose that his opponent once on the sports forum said that Zenit won 3-2 in 1892, the year, it is likely that later Meany would generate the following phrase: "3-2?!? Any fool knows that Zenit won 3-1! A man who is not so familiar with the history of football, hardly has the right to have an opinion about the subsistence level of the population of Zimbabwe. " If his opponent ignores this statement, Meany will still vozvraschatsya to this argument, each time the fight will not go the way he wanted.
Despite its weakness, Meany very convents and never admits defeat.
Exemplary Pioneer
Exemplary Pioneer is a positive and constructive fighter who leaves a message with useful information, relevant links and thus creates the desired and interesting discussions.
Exemplary Pioneer sees the Internet as a means for the exchange of information and ideas among thinking people. He never openly attacked, but (politely) criticizes the meaninglessness comments, insults and just stupid.
Exemplary Pioneer always friendly to beginners, and has the ability to ignore even the most provocative attacks.
Aimed shots to force the opponent to attack the blind, while skilfully avoiding the reputation of a provocateur.
So he lures his opponent, so he took the defeat of the other, more powerful warriors.
As soon as the battle begins Picador moves to a safe distance, while not losing the willingness to adjust their victim in the case, if the battle suddenly begins to subside.
Tip: always be careful warrior notice Picador - because he rarely openly express their views, but it is somewhere not far from the battlefield.
Master evasions (Shnyrev)
Master evasions - clever and resourceful warrior. When feeling a strong attack, changes the direction of counter-subversive topics.
Lamer (Pioneer)

Mediocrity and mediocrity - the main characteristics of Lamer, but even they can not fully describe the stupidity of this character.
None of his statements and sodezhit bit of understanding of the topic. His expression did not include any humor or sparks, a drop of wisdom, but it does not stop him from active participation in the discussion.
He did not even quite unpleasant to honestly earn a ban on the forum.
Lamer, in the usual sense, is very weak warrior, but even the most valiant fighter unable to withstand a long chat with the opponent.

Admin is cleaner, the mayor, a security guard, a judge and even, sometimes, Doctor offline (or sheet) that can look after the wounded soldiers.
In other words, it can be characterized as a nurse on steroids.
Based on the fact that the Admin is the owner of the forum and sets the rules, it can damage virtually any other warrior.
Sometimes his efforts are valued at its true worth, but, like any other authority figure, he is also the chosen target for the Warriors, who are interested in how to turn the Forum into its own sandbox for their games.
Most Admins are fair and honest, but do not forget the idea that absolute power changes a person. If Admin is heavy pressure from purposeful opponent rare Admin does not use the "Hammer of Justice».
Flatterers and other sycophants often joined to a strong administrator, forming a defensive perimeter around it.
Thus, most of the enemies are thrown Admin to their original positions, even long before he drew attention to the Admin unleashed the military conflict.
WARNING - admin, on the right, can be regarded as the strongest warrior. So an open fight with the Administrator always ends in defeat. The only soldier who can provide (small) threat to the administrator, it is the Rebel leader.

Android never gets angry and does not participate in the battles. Instead, Android is simply specifies the logical inconsistencies in the calculations of other soldiers.
Android is absolutely immune to irony and sarcasm, as well, for the insults and attacks.
For example, if someone would call Android "mindless idiot", then Android will check for signs of cretinism med.spravochniku then calculate the mass of his brain by Archimedes, and reject the insult as unsound.
Computational chain of Android is not configured to process the aesthetic or spiritual information, so Android is easy to remove from the battlefield, unleashing a debate about feelings, arts, metaphors, poetry and so forth.

At Artiste available unshakable belief in their talents, with which he is happy to share with others.
Frequently, it is possible to find poems in the signature. Also, often for no apparent reason, he can insert a message with his poem somewhere in the middle of the battlefield.
Artiste, needs to demonstrate its aesthetic sensitivity and cultural education can and will mention the little-known artists, poets and musicians to prove their point.
Artiste believes that the references to Antonio del Pollaiolo (1431-1498), confirms his depth of knowledge, and crush opponents. In fact, most simply find it boring and zaznaykoy.
WARNING - Artiste often suffer from serious mental disorders. Thus, despite the fact that Artiste quite easy to defeat, it is best avoided. Artiste in defeat, just as unpredictable as in victory.

Archivist keeps and stores the latest posts and discussions that occur at the forum. Do you remember when you had a bad day, somewhere in the beginning of 1996, when you write something like that ... what should not?
Do not worry. Archivist remembered, and the message is stored in his safe and sound.
If the publication of this report will allow the Archivist to take the upper hand in the battle, a message will appear, making Archivist very effective and terrifying opponent.
More letters

More letters trying to compensate for the lack of rhetorical skills using large letters that are often perceived as a cry.
Of course, the use of capital letters can bring some advantages in the battle, but this technique should not be used too often.
For example, from a tactical point of view, a large number of other soldiers scream gives verbal weakness and emotional instability
Big Cat

Big Cat prefers not to fight. He enjoys peaceful surveillance of conversations on the forums, and succinctly is involved, if the mood strikes. He playfully running after interestno themes, and occasionally uses a beginner or propeller head as a material for sharpening claws. Experience pleasure when stroked or pochёsyvaet, and loves to purr loudly. ATTENTION - even if you are not cheating fluffy and playful appearance. When triggered, the Big Cat reacts to the speed of light, and stands up on all four legs after any attack. Big cat often plays with his victim before inflict a lethal attack.
Big Dog and I, too

Canis Major - the aggressor, who immediately take advantage of its strength in the battle. Canis Major can be clever, persuasive, or just very angry, but in any case it is a fearless warrior who ruthlessly tearing apart even the weakest opponents.
After the jaw Canis successfully and firmly somnknutsya the victim, I, too involved in the fight. Also, I was too weak to fight alone, so rely either on Canis Major, or other soldiers.

Vypendrёzhnik loves exhibit their titles and ranks before to join the fight. Even if they absolutely are irrelevant.
For example: a forum where films are discussed, and there was a conflict, it can start a conversation in such a way.
"As a PhD in atomic physics, I authoritatively declare that 'Beavis and Butthead' is an example of a new cultural paradigm»
As you wish, so and understand ...

Gramotey rarely brings something useful to the debate. As well, he holds a wide range of effective combat techniques.
Therefore, to get at least some advantage, he loves to point out grammatical errors and incorrect punctuation.
Other soldiers ignored literate, because of its apparent weakness
The diplomat involved in heated debate and battle, believing that other soldiers will appreciate and approve of his justice and balance.
Usually poluchetsya deserved.
In his endless battle duelists rarely hurt others, unless any warrior stupidity ever come between them.
They may not remember because of what started the conflict, but they are equally hated each other, and the rest will be egg against his opponent.
When the rest of the soldiers finally tired of the endless quarrel between Duelists, all forum begins military action against them, or sends them to a nurse in the ban.
However, even expelled from a forum duelists often seek each other elsewhere to continue the fight.

Bully never mind a fight. It is his favorite hobby, he is ready to do it anytime, anywhere, with anyone, not even looking at the fact that in most cases turns out to be a loser he is.
After the brutal beating he will rise slowly to his feet and stumbled back into the ring.
His amazing ability to withstand a number of mallets, the logical conclusion is that he has a wealth of experience in such things.
Sometimes, out of pity nurse can stop the fight.
Evil Clown

Evil Clown never reaches into his pocket for a joke, but its share of bitter jokes contain poison.
Evil Clown usually can not tolerate the debate with a deep sense, and often interrupts a serious dialogue, inserting
Topics irrelevant, meaningless barbs and arrogant comments.
His favorite hobby - to tease and humiliate weaker warriors sharp attacks.
Not being the most powerful warrior in the case of a close defeat evil clowns trying to avoid losing,

Alien instantly produces an incredibly clumsy Grammar his posts.
An alien comes to the forum with the best intentions, sometimes in order to study or practice the language, and sometimes just to discuss some important idea, which struck him.
It goes without saying that almost immediately he becomes the target of all sorts of bullies
At first foreigner is trying to get out safely with the help of his ridiculous tirades, but the torturers usually quick to get it, and then the process is popularly referred to as "fell off the chain».
Forgetting those pitiful remains of the language, which he had, he jumped on offenders with shouts like: "Thou fool, do not say stop it».
However, such attacks only make it even more vulnerable.

Taciturn always respond to others' posts in a word, and never edited the material, which he quotes.
Philosopher, Physician, Eternal Wrangler, and other soldiers who do not climb into his pocket for a word, is generally considered the Silent annoying rival, because in response to the long statement, he wrote tersely: "Yeah", "No", "Niasilil", " Fuck off "and so on.
Although, despite the fact that Taciturn is not the strongest warrior, he is a very uvёrtliv and it actually is not possible to force on a frontal attack.
Only by a long silence, one can dogadatsya that Taciturn finally gave up and walked out of the fight.

Most often, ideology can be classified as liberal or conservative.
Smug, ideology is convinced he is right. His views are actually a chaotic set of intellectual concepts.
If someone does not accept the views of ideology, like the truth, he falls into a state of extreme surprise and annoyance. The opposite point of view, he perceives as a mental illness that can be cured endless propaganda.
In general, conservative ideology presses on what he thinks logically and clearly, and his liberal colleague insists on a higher mental, spiritual and social perception.
Ideology is very fierce warriors, but easily predictable.
The observer

The observer does not participate in communion, but he is ... He looks, he reads all messages.
Observers generally quite harmless, and his silence reflects a more natural reserve, rather than bad intentions.
If the unexpected happens clash, he will quietly observe without betraying their position.
Sometimes, no unknown motives, still pushing the Observer out of the shadows and attack. This unexpected attack is often perceived by all the warring parties as an ambush, and the other warriors counterattack observer with all their inherent ferocity.
The observer rarely continues to battle, and after a brief exchange of pleasantries again disappears from view.

Necromancer has the mystical ability to cause long-dead debate back to life.
After a full discussion of the topic may be for several years to rot in the archives, and return it to life has nothing to do with the current interests of the Forum, but may suddenly cry out Necromancer her back to life, scaring the other inhabitants.
Those who know monster in the life immediately recognize it, and at first it seems that he is alive and full of life ... But Necromancer skills are not enough to really breathe life into long-dead discussion.
The ghost can scare weaker soldiers or the soldiers who were injured in the recent fighting, but in fact - it is only the ghost of a ghost, and the passage of a short time, he goes back to where he had come.
Necroman Archivarius and differ from each other. Archivist digs of ancient deposits of discussions in the hope of finding information that you can use for their own purposes, the Necromancer collects outdated theme just for the sake of collecting.
Some believe that the Necromancer makes it out of the dark and terrible meaning, others believe that he simply can not do otherwise, but how are things really - no one knows.

Not possessing special knowledge, Member browse the Internet, eventually stumbling on some forum. He rarely reads the FAQ or the rules, and had no idea about any conventional notions of courtesy in the network.
In battle, Junior usually pretends helpless, sometimes accompanying the processes with a loud cry.
Member rarely seeks conflict but easily loses his temper if someone touches his senses, with it looks
quite comical.
Most of the soldiers ignored beginner or treat him with disdain, but some, such as the evil clowns, or insignificance, have special pleasure mocking Rookie.
Others, such as xenophobia and Baska Propeller experiencing unexplained grudge against the novice and honestly believe that his stupid posts should be about punishment.
Baby Sitter (modernization)

The nurse tirelessly watching the procedure on the forums.
Despite the fact that he quickly deletes messages off topic and all meaningless chatter, it is difficult to anger or ruffle.
Rather than participate in a hot battle, it quickly cools itself the battlefield, giving the appropriate punishment and to ban sending retsedivistov.
Weak voinychasto flee under the protection Nanny if the fight becomes over-chur fierce for them.
Cast iron Baska

Cast iron Baska absolutely no argument for penetration, beliefs and ideas.
In combat, cast iron Baska not move one iota from its position without depending on how this position is hopeless.
Despite the fact that her attacks were repulsed, the arguments are destroyed and crushed to dust protection, cast iron Baska will repeat their tactics of warfare with an enviable constancy.

Meany compensate for their weak combat abilities that indicates the smallest defects, which often have nothing to do with the general course of the debate.
Suppose that his opponent once on the sports forum said that Zenit won 3-2 in 1892, the year, it is likely that later Meany would generate the following phrase: "3-2?!? Any fool knows that Zenit won 3-1! A man who is not so familiar with the history of football, hardly has the right to have an opinion about the subsistence level of the population of Zimbabwe. " If his opponent ignores this statement, Meany will still vozvraschatsya to this argument, each time the fight will not go the way he wanted.
Despite its weakness, Meany very convents and never admits defeat.
Exemplary Pioneer

Exemplary Pioneer is a positive and constructive fighter who leaves a message with useful information, relevant links and thus creates the desired and interesting discussions.
Exemplary Pioneer sees the Internet as a means for the exchange of information and ideas among thinking people. He never openly attacked, but (politely) criticizes the meaninglessness comments, insults and just stupid.
Exemplary Pioneer always friendly to beginners, and has the ability to ignore even the most provocative attacks.

Aimed shots to force the opponent to attack the blind, while skilfully avoiding the reputation of a provocateur.
So he lures his opponent, so he took the defeat of the other, more powerful warriors.
As soon as the battle begins Picador moves to a safe distance, while not losing the willingness to adjust their victim in the case, if the battle suddenly begins to subside.
Tip: always be careful warrior notice Picador - because he rarely openly express their views, but it is somewhere not far from the battlefield.
Master evasions (Shnyrev)

Master evasions - clever and resourceful warrior. When feeling a strong attack, changes the direction of counter-subversive topics.