50 facts about Iceland through the eyes of Russians
1. Iceland - one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world, there is a population of about 320 thousand people, and before the Second World War, the population was only 50 thousand.
2. As in Iceland everybody knows each other, with separation or divorce couple always tries to maintain good relations. Cases where the ex-boyfriend does not communicate with his ex-girlfriend or ex-spouses do not talk to each other are rare, because they have, in any case, almost all the friends and acquaintances of the general.
3. Instead of the names in Iceland - patronymics, that is an analogue of our middle name. To the father's name added the particle "dream" (that is, son) or "dottir" (if it is a daughter), it turns out, for example, Silia Palmarsdottir, ie daughter Celia Palmarsa.
4. In the event that the father, for whatever reasons, did not recognize the child, a son or daughter as a surname obtained matron that is the same first name, but on behalf of the mother.
5. As in Reykjavik all know each other, the doors of the houses here are often not locked, the keys to the cars thrown into the cars, and children in strollers are left unattended at the entrance to the cafe, bar or shop.
6. Reykjavik is normal to go to the nearest grocery store in pajamas.
7. Residents of Reykjavik almost always pay for purchases by bank cards, and even if you bought a coffee in the bar. Cash is not accepted then calculated.
8. Icelanders are sure to blow your nose - is harmful to health, so in winter everything dart noses, that is, sorry, draw a snot.
9. But spitting on the contrary, is not considered impolite, even girls without any problems spit on the street and in public places.
10. In fact, in Iceland in the winter is not as cold as we used to think, then the temperature rarely drops below - 6 degrees.
11. But in the winter dark in Iceland, December 21 - the shortest day of the year the dawn comes at 10.30, and the sun sets early as 16.00. In the summer to replace the long night comes the long days, in comparison with which the White Nights in St. Petersburg just about anything, Iceland in June the sun sets for a couple of hours.
12. The lack of sunlight in winter to some extent offset by the northern lights, it can be seen all the time, so after a couple of weeks it will not pay attention.
13. As in Iceland in the winter the sun does not shine, all the inhabitants of the country, in order to avoid rickets and other unpleasant diseases, compulsorily taking fish oil, but not in liquid form, and tasteless capsules.
14. Virtually all the people of Iceland have profiles on Facebook, according to recent data Iceland - a country active in the social network.
15. Even if the people of Iceland for some reason there is no profile on Facebook, you can still easily find online. All residents of the country on their own free will be registered on the website www.ja.is, which indicate your name, phone number, address and place on the map where their house is located.
16. In Iceland, if the person you are well located, it demonstrates the fact that the matter touches you.
17. Blondes in Iceland, ten times more than brunettes, so local inhabitants love to dye your hair a darker shade.
18. In order to spend the night with an Icelandic girl long courtship are not required, most islandok is called, easy going, including therefore in Reykjavik so love to come Italians and Spaniards.
19. The Icelanders are very tolerant.
20. The most popular specialty in Iceland - artist, musician and designer. Every second the bartender or waiter trying to get education in Art, and at the same time playing some rock or folk group.
21. As described above, because the services of designers, for example, in order to come up with the design of an apartment or a wedding dress, there's no one uses. Icelanders believe that each of them - himself an artist, so the interior of the apartment, and dress design they prefer to invent their own.
22. Repair of the apartments also do mostly with their hands, without hiring workers.
23. Isladtsy go crazy for Eurovision, a contest of young performers here are taken very seriously, and during the live broadcast of the entire country watching the scene on TV.
24. In Iceland, there is no McDonald's restaurants, the latter was closed in 2008, during the crisis.
25. The most popular names in Iceland: Male - Jon and female - Guvrun. It is also still common ancient mythological names, for example, aðalsteinn, which means "stone head».
26. Icelanders as Russians like to use in everyday life is not full and abbreviated version of the name, as in David diminutive Icelandic version will Dubbo, Guvrun - Hun, Stefan - Stepp, Jon - Nonni and so on. D.
27. Language of Iceland has not changed over the past 1,000 years, so that in it there are letters missing from the English, plus residents of the country without any problems can follow the old Viking sagas in the original.
28. Local communities are generally very fond of reading, today, according to some reports, Icelanders - the most reading nation in the world.
29. The value of wine in Iceland often affects not the year of its manufacture or quality, and the fortress. Thus, expensive but light French wine can cost several times cheaper than the 15-degree tangle-legs.
30. Iceland has no armed forces, their function to some extent performs the Coast Guard.
31. The police in Iceland do not carry weapons, they do not give guns.
32. Residents of Reykjavik for the most part badly parked, can throw the car right across the street. Have tow and fines for parking in the wrong place is not much help.
33. Icelanders tend to use only renewable energy sources, natural gas and gasoline are used here only to refuel cars and boats, and that is because electric cars in the country are not accustomed.
34. For the water in restaurants and cafes do not need to pay, it still poured from the tap. This is water from the local hot springs, but because it is completely safe to drink.
35. But the hot tap water in Iceland smells like rotten eggs. The fact that she, too, goes directly into the water supply of the hot thermal springs, but they are rich in hydrogen sulfide.
36. Adoption of the hot thermal baths - a popular evening entertainment option in Reykjavik, the cost of a visit with the purchase of subscription - about 5 euros.
37. In the houses of Iceland, as well as in Russia, the system of central heating, which distinguishes the country from Italy or France, where for each heater switch to pay.
38. Prior to the seventies of the twentieth century Icelandic legislation inhabitants of the country with impunity to kill Turks. This is due to the fact that in the past the Turkish pirates often robbed Icelandic ships and coastal villages.
39. To this day, Icelandic legislation allows residents of the country to kill polar bears for subsistence.
40. In Iceland liquorice is very popular, it is added to any dish, plus there produce chocolates filled with licorice.
41. Iceland's national dish - hákarl - cut into small pieces rotten meat Greenland shark. If you can not chew and swallow just - it is quite edible, but if the meat razzhuesh, you will feel "magic" taste of urea. The fact grenlandkoy sharks have no urinary tract and its meat contains toxic ammonia. In order to be able to eat meat, it is left for three months to grow dim underground or basement. Above the taste of this dish, including mocked the creators of "The Simpsons" in an episode of the animated series.
42. In Iceland, eat mostly fish, all dishes are watered excessively mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup, then the real taste of fish and can not be recognized.
43. The majority of Icelanders are very bad teeth, with Iceland - one of the main consumer countries of sugar, and yet there are very fond of Coca-Cola.
44. Most Icelanders still believe in elves and trolls, which leads to difficulties in the construction of a home or the road. Before begin construction immediately consult with the local "witch" on the subject of whether it is possible to move this or that stone, or underneath the elf lives. Sometimes, in order "not to offend" the elf and move the stone, Icelanders have to make magic rites, for example, a time to keep the stone in honey.
45. 2148 people in Iceland adhere to the teachings of pagan Ásatrú Association, which is based on the revival of the Icelandic and Norwegian pagan beliefs. This religion is officially adopted, and its ministers can make a wedding ceremony, which is equivalent to a traditional marriage.
46. In addition to the well-known Santa Claus in Iceland there are 15 Santas of different species, by and large all of them - the elves, where locals believe.
47. Every major store in Reykjavik there is a playground.
48. All Icelanders are lopapeysa - knitted sweater fleece with distinctive national figure. You could say this is the example of the national costume, which did not disappear with the passage of time.
49. Icelanders are proud that they have not disbanded the oldest parliament in the world, it is called Alþingi was founded in 1930.
50. The inhabitants of Iceland are very trusting, in employment, they do not ask for a foreigner recommendations from previous jobs, but simply believe in the word of the newcomer.
Source: http: //
2. As in Iceland everybody knows each other, with separation or divorce couple always tries to maintain good relations. Cases where the ex-boyfriend does not communicate with his ex-girlfriend or ex-spouses do not talk to each other are rare, because they have, in any case, almost all the friends and acquaintances of the general.
3. Instead of the names in Iceland - patronymics, that is an analogue of our middle name. To the father's name added the particle "dream" (that is, son) or "dottir" (if it is a daughter), it turns out, for example, Silia Palmarsdottir, ie daughter Celia Palmarsa.
4. In the event that the father, for whatever reasons, did not recognize the child, a son or daughter as a surname obtained matron that is the same first name, but on behalf of the mother.
5. As in Reykjavik all know each other, the doors of the houses here are often not locked, the keys to the cars thrown into the cars, and children in strollers are left unattended at the entrance to the cafe, bar or shop.

6. Reykjavik is normal to go to the nearest grocery store in pajamas.
7. Residents of Reykjavik almost always pay for purchases by bank cards, and even if you bought a coffee in the bar. Cash is not accepted then calculated.
8. Icelanders are sure to blow your nose - is harmful to health, so in winter everything dart noses, that is, sorry, draw a snot.
9. But spitting on the contrary, is not considered impolite, even girls without any problems spit on the street and in public places.
10. In fact, in Iceland in the winter is not as cold as we used to think, then the temperature rarely drops below - 6 degrees.
11. But in the winter dark in Iceland, December 21 - the shortest day of the year the dawn comes at 10.30, and the sun sets early as 16.00. In the summer to replace the long night comes the long days, in comparison with which the White Nights in St. Petersburg just about anything, Iceland in June the sun sets for a couple of hours.
12. The lack of sunlight in winter to some extent offset by the northern lights, it can be seen all the time, so after a couple of weeks it will not pay attention.
13. As in Iceland in the winter the sun does not shine, all the inhabitants of the country, in order to avoid rickets and other unpleasant diseases, compulsorily taking fish oil, but not in liquid form, and tasteless capsules.
14. Virtually all the people of Iceland have profiles on Facebook, according to recent data Iceland - a country active in the social network.
15. Even if the people of Iceland for some reason there is no profile on Facebook, you can still easily find online. All residents of the country on their own free will be registered on the website www.ja.is, which indicate your name, phone number, address and place on the map where their house is located.
16. In Iceland, if the person you are well located, it demonstrates the fact that the matter touches you.
17. Blondes in Iceland, ten times more than brunettes, so local inhabitants love to dye your hair a darker shade.
18. In order to spend the night with an Icelandic girl long courtship are not required, most islandok is called, easy going, including therefore in Reykjavik so love to come Italians and Spaniards.
19. The Icelanders are very tolerant.
20. The most popular specialty in Iceland - artist, musician and designer. Every second the bartender or waiter trying to get education in Art, and at the same time playing some rock or folk group.
21. As described above, because the services of designers, for example, in order to come up with the design of an apartment or a wedding dress, there's no one uses. Icelanders believe that each of them - himself an artist, so the interior of the apartment, and dress design they prefer to invent their own.
22. Repair of the apartments also do mostly with their hands, without hiring workers.
23. Isladtsy go crazy for Eurovision, a contest of young performers here are taken very seriously, and during the live broadcast of the entire country watching the scene on TV.
24. In Iceland, there is no McDonald's restaurants, the latter was closed in 2008, during the crisis.
25. The most popular names in Iceland: Male - Jon and female - Guvrun. It is also still common ancient mythological names, for example, aðalsteinn, which means "stone head».
26. Icelanders as Russians like to use in everyday life is not full and abbreviated version of the name, as in David diminutive Icelandic version will Dubbo, Guvrun - Hun, Stefan - Stepp, Jon - Nonni and so on. D.
27. Language of Iceland has not changed over the past 1,000 years, so that in it there are letters missing from the English, plus residents of the country without any problems can follow the old Viking sagas in the original.
28. Local communities are generally very fond of reading, today, according to some reports, Icelanders - the most reading nation in the world.
29. The value of wine in Iceland often affects not the year of its manufacture or quality, and the fortress. Thus, expensive but light French wine can cost several times cheaper than the 15-degree tangle-legs.
30. Iceland has no armed forces, their function to some extent performs the Coast Guard.
31. The police in Iceland do not carry weapons, they do not give guns.
32. Residents of Reykjavik for the most part badly parked, can throw the car right across the street. Have tow and fines for parking in the wrong place is not much help.
33. Icelanders tend to use only renewable energy sources, natural gas and gasoline are used here only to refuel cars and boats, and that is because electric cars in the country are not accustomed.
34. For the water in restaurants and cafes do not need to pay, it still poured from the tap. This is water from the local hot springs, but because it is completely safe to drink.
35. But the hot tap water in Iceland smells like rotten eggs. The fact that she, too, goes directly into the water supply of the hot thermal springs, but they are rich in hydrogen sulfide.
36. Adoption of the hot thermal baths - a popular evening entertainment option in Reykjavik, the cost of a visit with the purchase of subscription - about 5 euros.
37. In the houses of Iceland, as well as in Russia, the system of central heating, which distinguishes the country from Italy or France, where for each heater switch to pay.
38. Prior to the seventies of the twentieth century Icelandic legislation inhabitants of the country with impunity to kill Turks. This is due to the fact that in the past the Turkish pirates often robbed Icelandic ships and coastal villages.
39. To this day, Icelandic legislation allows residents of the country to kill polar bears for subsistence.
40. In Iceland liquorice is very popular, it is added to any dish, plus there produce chocolates filled with licorice.
41. Iceland's national dish - hákarl - cut into small pieces rotten meat Greenland shark. If you can not chew and swallow just - it is quite edible, but if the meat razzhuesh, you will feel "magic" taste of urea. The fact grenlandkoy sharks have no urinary tract and its meat contains toxic ammonia. In order to be able to eat meat, it is left for three months to grow dim underground or basement. Above the taste of this dish, including mocked the creators of "The Simpsons" in an episode of the animated series.
42. In Iceland, eat mostly fish, all dishes are watered excessively mayonnaise, mustard and ketchup, then the real taste of fish and can not be recognized.
43. The majority of Icelanders are very bad teeth, with Iceland - one of the main consumer countries of sugar, and yet there are very fond of Coca-Cola.
44. Most Icelanders still believe in elves and trolls, which leads to difficulties in the construction of a home or the road. Before begin construction immediately consult with the local "witch" on the subject of whether it is possible to move this or that stone, or underneath the elf lives. Sometimes, in order "not to offend" the elf and move the stone, Icelanders have to make magic rites, for example, a time to keep the stone in honey.
45. 2148 people in Iceland adhere to the teachings of pagan Ásatrú Association, which is based on the revival of the Icelandic and Norwegian pagan beliefs. This religion is officially adopted, and its ministers can make a wedding ceremony, which is equivalent to a traditional marriage.
46. In addition to the well-known Santa Claus in Iceland there are 15 Santas of different species, by and large all of them - the elves, where locals believe.
47. Every major store in Reykjavik there is a playground.
48. All Icelanders are lopapeysa - knitted sweater fleece with distinctive national figure. You could say this is the example of the national costume, which did not disappear with the passage of time.
49. Icelanders are proud that they have not disbanded the oldest parliament in the world, it is called Alþingi was founded in 1930.
50. The inhabitants of Iceland are very trusting, in employment, they do not ask for a foreigner recommendations from previous jobs, but simply believe in the word of the newcomer.
Source: http: //