The eruption of the Icelandic volcano Grimsvotn. Part 2.
Iceland's most active volcano Grimsvotn began erupting on Saturday, May 21 for the first time since 2004. A column of smoke and ash rose to a height of about 20 kilometers. Hardest-hit residents of areas which are located in close proximity to the glacier, which is located above the volcano. Ash covered the city, buildings and cars. In Iceland closed the main international airport were canceled domestic flights. This is the most powerful eruption in 1873, much stronger than from the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull last year, but it will not cause the same strong aviakollapsa. Scientists claim that this type of ash is much easier, and the winds blow not so much. Collected here are a few photos of the eruption of the Icelandic volcano Grimsvotn. The first part of the release can be found here.
1. Three lightning in the clouds of fog and volcanic ash in place Grimsvotn volcanic eruption in Iceland on May 22. (© Gunnar Gestur)
2. Steam and ash mixed with clouds above the volcano Grimsvotn. Photographer Yoann Ingi Jonsson drove up to a distance of one kilometer to the site of the eruption to make these pictures. (© Jóhann Ingi Jónsson)
3. Lightning in ash cloud volcano Grimsvotn. (© Jóhann Ingi Jónsson)
4. Lightning in the ash cloud. (© Jóhann Ingi Jónsson)
5. Train ash, steam and volcanic gases from the Grimsvotn volcano under a glacier Vatnayokyull in the southeast of Iceland. (Reuters / Jon Gustafsson / Helicopter.is)
6. Sunset over the cloud of ash from the volcano Grimsvotn. (© Gunnar Gestur)
7. Ash and steam erupting Grimsvotn volcano, located about 200 km east of Reykjavik, Iceland. (AP Photo, Jon Gustafsson)
8. Comment photographer Eggert Nordahl: "This picture was taken with a digital camera Canon 500 mm lens Canon without filters, with the top of the mountain at about 85 km from the eruption of the Grimsvotn. Much of Iceland is still blocked, I could be around for a few hours, as the wind changed, and the ashes already began to pick me. " (© Eggert Norðdahl)
9. Blurred volcanic ash sun. Comment photographer Ulfura Bjornson: "I climbed the biggest mountain in Iceland and going down, we saw the eruption of the volcano. We went to their camp for the night, but the next morning everything was covered with ashes, could not see beyond their noses. Later, the ash cloud began to dissipate, the sun came out. I grabbed my camera and took this picture. " (© Úlfur Björnsson)
10. Icelandic photographer Robert Reynisson removes Grimsvotn volcanic eruption on the edge of the ash fallout in Reykjavik. (Reuters / Ingolfur Juliusson)
11. Tractor in a cloud of ash on the farm Geyrlend. (Reuters / Ingolfur Juliusson)
12. Tire tracks on a layer of volcanic ash at a gas station in Reykjavik. (Reuters / Ingolfur Juliusson)
13. The car on the highway in the dark because of the ash in a small town Kirkyubeyarklaustur. (Reuters / Ingolfur Juliusson)
14. Sheep Meadow during the volcanic ash deposition in Mulakote. (Reuters / Ingolfur Juliusson)
15. Farm in the ash cloud in Torvaldsstadire. (Reuters / Ingolfur Juliusson)
16. Train Grimsvotn volcano ash. NASA satellite image. (NASA / GSFC, MODIS Rapid Response)
17. Sheep on the field covered by volcanic ash in Mulakote. (Reuters / Ingolfur Juliusson)
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1. Three lightning in the clouds of fog and volcanic ash in place Grimsvotn volcanic eruption in Iceland on May 22. (© Gunnar Gestur)

2. Steam and ash mixed with clouds above the volcano Grimsvotn. Photographer Yoann Ingi Jonsson drove up to a distance of one kilometer to the site of the eruption to make these pictures. (© Jóhann Ingi Jónsson)

3. Lightning in ash cloud volcano Grimsvotn. (© Jóhann Ingi Jónsson)

4. Lightning in the ash cloud. (© Jóhann Ingi Jónsson)

5. Train ash, steam and volcanic gases from the Grimsvotn volcano under a glacier Vatnayokyull in the southeast of Iceland. (Reuters / Jon Gustafsson / Helicopter.is)

6. Sunset over the cloud of ash from the volcano Grimsvotn. (© Gunnar Gestur)

7. Ash and steam erupting Grimsvotn volcano, located about 200 km east of Reykjavik, Iceland. (AP Photo, Jon Gustafsson)

8. Comment photographer Eggert Nordahl: "This picture was taken with a digital camera Canon 500 mm lens Canon without filters, with the top of the mountain at about 85 km from the eruption of the Grimsvotn. Much of Iceland is still blocked, I could be around for a few hours, as the wind changed, and the ashes already began to pick me. " (© Eggert Norðdahl)

9. Blurred volcanic ash sun. Comment photographer Ulfura Bjornson: "I climbed the biggest mountain in Iceland and going down, we saw the eruption of the volcano. We went to their camp for the night, but the next morning everything was covered with ashes, could not see beyond their noses. Later, the ash cloud began to dissipate, the sun came out. I grabbed my camera and took this picture. " (© Úlfur Björnsson)

10. Icelandic photographer Robert Reynisson removes Grimsvotn volcanic eruption on the edge of the ash fallout in Reykjavik. (Reuters / Ingolfur Juliusson)

11. Tractor in a cloud of ash on the farm Geyrlend. (Reuters / Ingolfur Juliusson)

12. Tire tracks on a layer of volcanic ash at a gas station in Reykjavik. (Reuters / Ingolfur Juliusson)

13. The car on the highway in the dark because of the ash in a small town Kirkyubeyarklaustur. (Reuters / Ingolfur Juliusson)

14. Sheep Meadow during the volcanic ash deposition in Mulakote. (Reuters / Ingolfur Juliusson)

15. Farm in the ash cloud in Torvaldsstadire. (Reuters / Ingolfur Juliusson)

16. Train Grimsvotn volcano ash. NASA satellite image. (NASA / GSFC, MODIS Rapid Response)

17. Sheep on the field covered by volcanic ash in Mulakote. (Reuters / Ingolfur Juliusson)

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