Health secrets from around the world
In the world there are many places where people live longer and know how to enjoy life better than most of us. Researchers believe that instead to limit myself in everything, it is better to study the cultures and way of eating of those regions where people don't just eat healthy food, but also have the best protective qualities against such diseases as cancer, depression, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and so on.
The challenge is to understand why protective system these people work the way they work, what is the uniqueness of lifestyle and nutrition of these people and try to learn from these secrets.
The most common tips are:
Eat fresh foods; keep the tradition (e.g., regular family dinners); get sugar from whole foods such as fresh fruit. Get salt from natural, untreated sources; if you eat red meat and dairy products, make sure that these animals are raised in natural conditions; get fats from nuts, seeds and grains; add spices, when possible.
Okinawa, Japan
In Japan, a relatively low percentage of the population suffers from prostate cancer and breast cancer. The inhabitants of the island of Okinawa restrict the consumption of calories, which is also related to their high life expectancy. In addition, in the diet of these people includes a large number of seasonal vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, Pak-Choi, leaf mustard, and Kale. Drink mostly antioxidant-rich green tea and get valuable vitamin D from fish.
A lesson from the Okinawans
1. Develop a sense of the purpose for which you Wake up in the morning — what the Japanese call ikigai. This is best done, maintaining strong ties with his family and friends.
2. Start a vegetable garden. So you will provide not only fresh and healthy vegetables and herbs, but also an opportunity for daily physical activity. Due to the temperate climate, Okinawans can cultivate their land all year round and receive invaluable for bone health vitamin D.
3. Grow your own greens. Can do it as living in private houses and living in apartments. Plant, among other things, ginger and turmeric, as they do in Okinawa.
4. Make plant foods the basis of your diet. The vegetables grow themselves, the rest is not buy in the market and in the supermarket. Centenarians of Okinawa, among other things, eat a lot of soy products, such as antioxidant-rich tofu.
5. Eat until until you are saturated about 80 percent of residents of Okinawa is the law.
6. Smile! The Okinawans, who celebrated its centenary, life kept a positive attitude no matter what difficulties and trials have not fallen to their share.
Ikaria, Greece
The Mediterranean is renowned for its healthy cuisine, so it is hardly someone will surprise that the people of Greece are much less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Among the main foods of Greeks olive oil, greens (arugula, Swiss chard), carbohydrate-rich chickpeas, lentils, wholegrain bread, and herbs (oregano, parsley, chives), and so on. The traditional way of eating also provides for a reduction in meat consumption to one serving of red meat per week.
A lesson from the residents of Ikaria
1. Eat foods rich in antioxidants. In Ikaria adhere to the Mediterranean diet which consists of lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains plus some fish.
2. Drink tea. The centenarians of Ikaria regularly drink herbal green tea. Many of these teas have a diuretic effect — doctors recommend lowering blood pressure.
3. Indulge in that a little afternoon NAP. People who are five times a week and sleep during the day for half an hour a day, 35 percent less likely to suffer cardiovascular diseases. The stress hormone levels while also decreasing.
4. Daily practice Hiking. The hilly terrain is very helpful for burning calories. The inhabitants of Ikaria can't stop thinking about exercise is enough for them to walk to work and to Church.
Sardinia, Italy
Sardinians love their elders and always find time to stop and admire the beauty of local nature. As a rule, these people have a well developed sense of humor, irony and a kind, positive attitude to life. This helps them to avoid many of the stresses and resolve conflicts in the beginning. The Sardinians are sure in order to maintain health, not necessarily to wear down the marathons. Local centenarians life make long walks. Most of the men of Sardinia are working shepherds and pass with their flocks many miles per day on hilly terrain.
A lesson from the residents of Sardinia
1. The basis of the diet should be plant foods, a large number of legumes, sheep's cheese, goat's milk. Make meat a touch to your dinner, not the main dish.
2. Put family interests first. People who have developed strong relationships, much less likely to suffer from depression and stress.
3. Respect the elderly and take care of them. The love and wisdom of grandparents will help to grow healthy, better prepared for children.
4. More than a walk. Sardinian shepherds are eight miles a day. Regular exercise will help elevate mood, build muscle and improve metabolism in bone tissue.
5. Drink a glass of red wine a day, it contains large amounts of antioxidants and flavonoids, which are beneficial to heart health.
6. Laugh more with friends. The word "sardonic" (i.e. sarcastic) came from Sardinia. Laughter relieves daily stress, which in turn helps to get rid of many health problems.
Nicoya, Costa Rica
Centenarians No always feel needed because in them from an early age include a so-called "plan de Vida" — the reason for which man lives. This sense of purpose is most often associated with caring for the family. As a result, the old to the last lead an active lifestyle, and reap the beneficial fruits of this activity, as well as the fact that a lot of time outdoors. In addition, residents in No are mostly very religious that helps them resist stress and fears related to welfare.
These people eat lots of colorful fruits rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. They grow a lot of rice, beans and corn, which constitute the basis of their diet.
A lesson from the residents of No
1. Know what you get up in the morning. Like the Okinawans, the inhabitants No always remember your "plan de Vida", which gives them meaning and strength to live and to work.
2. Drink hard water. The high content of calcium and magnesium in the water has beneficial effects on bone strength and muscles. Due to the fact that the people in No, I cook with hard water and drink it, they always get the daily requirement of calcium without even thinking about it.
3. Pay more attention to family and friends. Good family relationships and strong social ties allows you to feel needed and safe.
4. Work conscientiously. The residents there are No solid idea about a work ethic that allows them to always be in good shape and keep a sense of purpose.
5. Plan your daily diet. No residents pretty tight gorge during Breakfast, little snack in the evening.
6. Soak up the sun. Residents in No every day some time in the sun, allowing them to enrich your bodies with vitamin D. Just 15 minutes in the sun every day will reduce the risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases.
Cameroon, West Africa
The experts came to the conclusion that the diet of the inhabitants of Cameroon (which mainly consists of fiber and gluten free, fermented foods, wild greens and healthy fats and very small amounts of meat) — surprisingly effective to prevent cancer. This is because vegetables and other foods high in fiber has the property to reduce the risk of colon cancer. Fermented foods (yogurt, pickles), provide the digestive tract with beneficial bacteria. Greens and healthy fats (most often found in fish, nuts and unrefined vegetable oil; approx. mixednews) also have protective properties.
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids have the ability to prevent depression. In Iceland a long cold winter, however, the depression here is a rare phenomenon. The main component of the diet of Icelanders is a fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, residents of Iceland receive the necessary antioxidants from black tea, vegetables and wild berries.
Copper canyon, Mexico
This is one of the most remote regions of Mexico, where he lives Tarahumara Indian people. These people have observed surprisingly low levels of blood sugar and cholesterol, than they have interested researchers. It turned out that the diet of the Tarahumara is dominated by products with delayed release, with the result that sugar enters the bloodstream much slower. Among the basic foodstuffs — corn, beans, pumpkin seeds, cumin, jicama. On the one hand, Tarahumara suffer from poverty and malnutrition, on the other — their way of eating helps to avoid the formation of excess of insulin and support healthy blood sugar levels.
Source: /users/1077
The challenge is to understand why protective system these people work the way they work, what is the uniqueness of lifestyle and nutrition of these people and try to learn from these secrets.
The most common tips are:
Eat fresh foods; keep the tradition (e.g., regular family dinners); get sugar from whole foods such as fresh fruit. Get salt from natural, untreated sources; if you eat red meat and dairy products, make sure that these animals are raised in natural conditions; get fats from nuts, seeds and grains; add spices, when possible.
Okinawa, Japan
In Japan, a relatively low percentage of the population suffers from prostate cancer and breast cancer. The inhabitants of the island of Okinawa restrict the consumption of calories, which is also related to their high life expectancy. In addition, in the diet of these people includes a large number of seasonal vegetables such as Chinese cabbage, Pak-Choi, leaf mustard, and Kale. Drink mostly antioxidant-rich green tea and get valuable vitamin D from fish.
A lesson from the Okinawans
1. Develop a sense of the purpose for which you Wake up in the morning — what the Japanese call ikigai. This is best done, maintaining strong ties with his family and friends.
2. Start a vegetable garden. So you will provide not only fresh and healthy vegetables and herbs, but also an opportunity for daily physical activity. Due to the temperate climate, Okinawans can cultivate their land all year round and receive invaluable for bone health vitamin D.
3. Grow your own greens. Can do it as living in private houses and living in apartments. Plant, among other things, ginger and turmeric, as they do in Okinawa.
4. Make plant foods the basis of your diet. The vegetables grow themselves, the rest is not buy in the market and in the supermarket. Centenarians of Okinawa, among other things, eat a lot of soy products, such as antioxidant-rich tofu.
5. Eat until until you are saturated about 80 percent of residents of Okinawa is the law.
6. Smile! The Okinawans, who celebrated its centenary, life kept a positive attitude no matter what difficulties and trials have not fallen to their share.
Ikaria, Greece
The Mediterranean is renowned for its healthy cuisine, so it is hardly someone will surprise that the people of Greece are much less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Among the main foods of Greeks olive oil, greens (arugula, Swiss chard), carbohydrate-rich chickpeas, lentils, wholegrain bread, and herbs (oregano, parsley, chives), and so on. The traditional way of eating also provides for a reduction in meat consumption to one serving of red meat per week.
A lesson from the residents of Ikaria
1. Eat foods rich in antioxidants. In Ikaria adhere to the Mediterranean diet which consists of lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains plus some fish.
2. Drink tea. The centenarians of Ikaria regularly drink herbal green tea. Many of these teas have a diuretic effect — doctors recommend lowering blood pressure.
3. Indulge in that a little afternoon NAP. People who are five times a week and sleep during the day for half an hour a day, 35 percent less likely to suffer cardiovascular diseases. The stress hormone levels while also decreasing.
4. Daily practice Hiking. The hilly terrain is very helpful for burning calories. The inhabitants of Ikaria can't stop thinking about exercise is enough for them to walk to work and to Church.
Sardinia, Italy
Sardinians love their elders and always find time to stop and admire the beauty of local nature. As a rule, these people have a well developed sense of humor, irony and a kind, positive attitude to life. This helps them to avoid many of the stresses and resolve conflicts in the beginning. The Sardinians are sure in order to maintain health, not necessarily to wear down the marathons. Local centenarians life make long walks. Most of the men of Sardinia are working shepherds and pass with their flocks many miles per day on hilly terrain.
A lesson from the residents of Sardinia
1. The basis of the diet should be plant foods, a large number of legumes, sheep's cheese, goat's milk. Make meat a touch to your dinner, not the main dish.
2. Put family interests first. People who have developed strong relationships, much less likely to suffer from depression and stress.
3. Respect the elderly and take care of them. The love and wisdom of grandparents will help to grow healthy, better prepared for children.
4. More than a walk. Sardinian shepherds are eight miles a day. Regular exercise will help elevate mood, build muscle and improve metabolism in bone tissue.
5. Drink a glass of red wine a day, it contains large amounts of antioxidants and flavonoids, which are beneficial to heart health.
6. Laugh more with friends. The word "sardonic" (i.e. sarcastic) came from Sardinia. Laughter relieves daily stress, which in turn helps to get rid of many health problems.
Nicoya, Costa Rica
Centenarians No always feel needed because in them from an early age include a so-called "plan de Vida" — the reason for which man lives. This sense of purpose is most often associated with caring for the family. As a result, the old to the last lead an active lifestyle, and reap the beneficial fruits of this activity, as well as the fact that a lot of time outdoors. In addition, residents in No are mostly very religious that helps them resist stress and fears related to welfare.
These people eat lots of colorful fruits rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. They grow a lot of rice, beans and corn, which constitute the basis of their diet.
A lesson from the residents of No
1. Know what you get up in the morning. Like the Okinawans, the inhabitants No always remember your "plan de Vida", which gives them meaning and strength to live and to work.
2. Drink hard water. The high content of calcium and magnesium in the water has beneficial effects on bone strength and muscles. Due to the fact that the people in No, I cook with hard water and drink it, they always get the daily requirement of calcium without even thinking about it.
3. Pay more attention to family and friends. Good family relationships and strong social ties allows you to feel needed and safe.
4. Work conscientiously. The residents there are No solid idea about a work ethic that allows them to always be in good shape and keep a sense of purpose.
5. Plan your daily diet. No residents pretty tight gorge during Breakfast, little snack in the evening.
6. Soak up the sun. Residents in No every day some time in the sun, allowing them to enrich your bodies with vitamin D. Just 15 minutes in the sun every day will reduce the risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases.
Cameroon, West Africa
The experts came to the conclusion that the diet of the inhabitants of Cameroon (which mainly consists of fiber and gluten free, fermented foods, wild greens and healthy fats and very small amounts of meat) — surprisingly effective to prevent cancer. This is because vegetables and other foods high in fiber has the property to reduce the risk of colon cancer. Fermented foods (yogurt, pickles), provide the digestive tract with beneficial bacteria. Greens and healthy fats (most often found in fish, nuts and unrefined vegetable oil; approx. mixednews) also have protective properties.
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids have the ability to prevent depression. In Iceland a long cold winter, however, the depression here is a rare phenomenon. The main component of the diet of Icelanders is a fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, residents of Iceland receive the necessary antioxidants from black tea, vegetables and wild berries.
Copper canyon, Mexico
This is one of the most remote regions of Mexico, where he lives Tarahumara Indian people. These people have observed surprisingly low levels of blood sugar and cholesterol, than they have interested researchers. It turned out that the diet of the Tarahumara is dominated by products with delayed release, with the result that sugar enters the bloodstream much slower. Among the basic foodstuffs — corn, beans, pumpkin seeds, cumin, jicama. On the one hand, Tarahumara suffer from poverty and malnutrition, on the other — their way of eating helps to avoid the formation of excess of insulin and support healthy blood sugar levels.
Source: /users/1077