19 facts about Harry Potter

1. The most difficult thing for Emma Watson in the process of filming - angry. When teachers tried to call acting actress in anger, they received in response to a cry. "I never splash out the negative emotions out, the role of bad girl is clearly not for me" - Emma shrugs apologetically.
2. On the set Emma Watson named playful nickname - one take, because she always makes the scene in one take.
3. In 2010, after the end of filming Emma Watson ran to the hairdresser and made a short cut. According to her, a radical change of image became a symbol of the past childhood. "Now I can even wash your hair in the sink" - Emma laughs. In addition, for the filming of "Potteriane" blonde by nature Watson had all the time to tint her hair a darker color.
4. Daniel Radcliffe took the real lessons of magic to the famous British magician Paul Kiva (although they were mostly card tricks), and during the preparation for the film "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" even attended a professional therapist, to find out what a man feels who lost their loved ones.
5. In an interview to the question "If you really had a magic wand and you could change one thing in the world that would be kind of thing?" Daniel Radcliffe without hesitation replied: "He returned to the genius of John Lennon».
6. In the US state of Florida is home to a man named Harry Potter. Namesake of the famous magician have hard times - he was constantly calling Harry Potter fans and come to visit the curious journalists.

7. role of Harry Potter almost acquired Liam Aiken, best known for the films "Stepmother" and "Shaggy special forces." A boy with a funny face studded with freckles, charmed the jury, even more than Daniel Radcliffe. But when it became clear that Liam American role given to Daniel. The fact that the author of the Harry Potter books J. K. Rowling has delivered solid condition: all the actors have to be British. While the film is still present Americans: Verne Troyer, who played a goblin, and Eleanor Columbus, the daughter of director Chris Columbus, appeared on the screen as one of the students of Hogwarts.
8. In order to fully "merge" with their characters, Daniel offered to wear contact lenses green, and Emma - overhead, slightly protruding teeth. But the venture failed, since Radcliffe began a strong allergy to the lens, and Watson stopped pronounce words clearly.
9. At Daniel Radcliffe is a rare congenital disease - dyspraxia. It manifests itself in the fact that people can not make accurate mechanical movement. Due to disease, Daniel, for example, is difficult to quickly and legible writing. He always had a low school performance, but that failure in school and pushed the boy to start career as an actor.
10. Rupert Grint admitted that he dreams of one day play the role of a serial killer.
11. Overlord (Patronus) Hermione was not randomly selected otter. JK Rowling loves these animals, and Hermione writer sees himself.
12. According to the story, his eyes Volan De Mort should be fiery red, but the actor Ralph Fiennes persuaded producers to abandon this, because I was sure that even without colored lenses and computer special effects from his sight at Viewers run crawl.
13. As a Harry Potter Hedwig the owl made three "actresses": owl KLO, Gizmo and Sprout. To prepare for the performance of owls, each trained for three months. By the way, the owner of these owls were brought to trial for the mistreatment of birds - on his farm accidents were in unsanitary conditions and often suffered from a lack of food and water.
14. Actor Michael Gambon, who plays Dumbledore, honestly, I have not read the Harry Potter books. According to the actor, to play the role well, just carefully study the script.

15. To date, a series of films about Harry Potter - the most profitable franchise in film history, eclipsed his success and the "Star Wars" and "Lord of the Rings" and the young actors - the richest people in Britain. Daniel Radcliffe repeatedly became the richest British star under the age of 30 years.
16. For the filming of films Daniel Radcliffe "bore" 160 pairs of glasses and used 70 wands.
17. The biggest decoration in the film - the Ministry of Magic, its construction took more than 20 weeks of daily workers. Inside the Ministry can easily accommodate fifty London buses.
18. When Britain came third book, "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", the publisher asked stores not to sell the book before the end of the school day. Otherwise it would have squandered all the students learned.
19. Several episodes of the franchise were filmed in Gloucester Cathedral XI-XV centuries buildings. This sparked a wave of protests from the faithful who accuse crew to great sins. But on the day when they were assigned to the shooting, at the entrance to the cathedral was only one with a banner protesting resident of Gloucester. Apparently, the faithful decided not to interfere with the process, as soon as possible to witness the long-awaited movie!
Source: www.cosmo.ru
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