Assault bears - a mockery of "blunt Russian"
A few days ago decided to escape from everything and everyone and indulge in a bit of childhood - play uncomplicated computer game «Red Alert» («Red Alert"). For those who do not know - is this strategy that does not require, however, special mental abilities, especially military knowledge. You just need to have the superiority (if not numerical, the technical) in the direction of the main attack.
Moreover, one of the belligerents in the game - the USSR. What could be nicer than to grind decadent West tracks of Soviet tanks?
The game itself I have here, of course, do not intend to describe, but one of her very first piece I was amused, then interested. The fact that the disposal of the Soviet army on the rules of the game have ... Assault bears. Yes, brown bears are common in helmets and flak jackets who can also, in contrast to a simple infantry swim.
Well, of course, that if the game is - another mockery of its developers (as you probably guessed that created it does not have) over us, "stupid Ivan", was drafted into the army of bears.
However, natural curiosity, for which I will not hide, not just getting on the nose, spodviglo me to address this issue and find out, but you never know, it may be that the bear in the war - not such nonsense.
Fortunately, in order to learn something, in our time pants sit in the reading room has not necessarily enough to competently make a request to the search engine of the world wide web. What success and done.
And I came across an article of a VT Ponomarev "Martial animals: secret weapon of all time." Work, I tell you, it's interesting.
Of course, a large part is devoted to such traditional animals in war, horses, dogs, in more ancient times - war elephants. But there were also a lot of amazing and even, I would say incredible.
However, who wants very easy to find this stuff, and to get acquainted with him. I'm interested in something bears. Well, as sung to the old song: "The one who searches always finds!" And it came to the "clumsy". It was nice to learn that their taming was succeeded by our ancestors. But the beginning of the chapter dedicated to the bears, not impressed. The author wrote about the "bear fun" (the fight man against a bear), a pack of dogs baiting mishutok finally purely bear fights and training (very severe).
It was getting boring, because everything described above (except the ancient methods of taming), somehow knows every student. I was about to give up until he reached the lines:
- With the trained bears from village to village, from town to town we went funny clowns. Amuse people gather on the square, at the behest of Bear Leader comically portrayed a variety of scenes, "as pop goes to Mass," "like a man out of the tavern back", "as the women rinsed clothes" and so on. Russian tsars eagerly invited to his service masters "bear comedy».
Few knew that the master "bear comedy" not only entertained the audience, but also consisted of the king's secret service. Many of these artists with the bears roam the city in Western Europe, fulfilling the important secret missions.
Novgorod Chronicle writes that in 1572 by order of Ivan the Terrible "in Novgorod and in all the cities and townships to take sovereign cheerful people and the bears ...". There were also all kinds of different incidents. The official, who was involved in this case, has not attracted one of the bears is shown in views. Then buffoon to prove the merits of his pupil, let loose on the intractable clerk bear. The Chronicle reports: "Subota Sturgeon clerk Daniel Bartenev beat and the bear tore him." Daniel tried to take refuge in the County hut, but the bear broke him there.
Here's your time! This is what it turns out, the bears are not just "pulled the strap," and served in the intelligence ?!
I have the courage to assume that they are there and duties performed not only distracting and entertaining. Somehow, I do not doubt that if such a "buffoon" bring to light, Mishutka, at least, would have helped the owner to leave, taking the brunt. Although, I confess honestly, Ponomarev wrote about it.
And further - more:
- Over time, the experience allowed, buffoons led to improved methods of training, "Bruins" ... not to ignore "scientists" and bears the army. There were times when trained bears with archers stormed the enemy fortress. This bears worked and front paws, hold the body upright.
During the time of Peter I was famous for its trained bears the Moscow House of Prince Fyodor Romodanovsky (by the way, one of the few ancient boyars, unreservedly supports the initiatives of the young king), the formidable head of the Preobrazhensky, who was in charge of the secret political investigation. To detainees who were brought to Romodanovsky for questioning, rather than guards puts the white bear. Romodanovsky While interrogating a prisoner, guarded bear other without causing them any harm, but do not allow too much movement. When demand Romodanovsky Peter I sent him for questioning the leaders of the Astrakhan revolt, he was sent to them, and the polar bear. Most likely, the king wanted to see how this service carries an unusual "Bailiff».
And here I ask readers to pay special attention: white bear and the polar bear! Unlike brown bears, with those of their polar cousins modern trainers prefer not to get involved. For reference, in the Moscow Circus on Vernadsky have wife Yury Khokhlov and Yulia Denisenko who work with polar bears. In 2012, they were the only ones in their kind across our vast Russia.
In general, reading is already seriously interested in the issue and decided to look for, and whether you can build a bear any special skills to use it for military purposes and in modern conditions.
Without much difficulty finding a site "Bear World", I read there:
- In fact, bears are much like humans. They can be taught virtually everything, it all depends on the skill and professional skills of the trainer. The circus bears can also act as tightrope walkers, cyclists, riders, bikers, boxers, acrobats, musicians.
Bears power over everything from ballet and finishing walking the wire, fashion shows. It deserves special respect bear named Stepan Mikhailovich, who became the world's first animal that was the real driver's license and was able to drive a car "Niva". Driving "Boom" gives the right not only bears but also ordinary citizens. Stepan Mikhailovich became a real pride of the whole of the USSR, as well as its directors Olga and Viktor Kudryavtsev.
To this I add that older people probably still remember two of the hockey team of the bears. I coached these "ice team" legendary Soviet trainer Valentin Filatov.
Imagine what it is - to put in general, wild animal, on skates. But we must also teach at least a stick on the puck popadat.
From my own childhood, I remember that one day my father and I were in the circus, and there, bears, like real horsemen, get under the horse's belly when she raced at a gallop.
In general, what it was possible to teach "Bruins," can not do even so close in structure to the human animal, like monkeys.
Well, and what may need to bear in the war? The first thing that comes to mind without thinking - it's melee. It is still the case that, for various reasons, can not use firearms. I hope no one would argue that against such "storm troopers," the enemy is simply no chance? Especially if there is a battle in close quarters. By the way, with the right training, you can wean the bear roaring loudly and growling.
Second. Fix on the head or the back of the bear, the same camera, it is possible to use it as intelligence. Then he will have some advantages over, say, a dog. Imagine, it happens in the woods, and agree that the "clumsy", selected from the thicket, will look much less suspicious.
Another question, is it safe to take the service of "soldiers"? Do not turn into a clumsy "soldier" in the most crucial moments of the assault on its own axis, going to shatter his? - In fairness, we note that many trainers believe bear more insidious and unpredictable than a lion or a tiger.
But let us remember about Sagittarius, who took "Bruins" on the attack when needed really striking power. Is ancestors were so stupid? Hardly, rather, they did not sit for hours at the computer and on the natural environment is much more aware of our. Probably, the animals were able to learn how to distinguish between friends and foes.
And there you have a modern story about a bear allegiance. That is to say, as an indirect proof.
American naturalist Casey Anderson picked up a small grizzly bear (the cub was only two weeks) and left him, leaving to live at home. His pet Anderson called Brutus, and since then, they were inseparable.
Brutus is living in a special shelter that Casey built specifically for animals. Because of this, he can live like a wild grizzly bear in the world of nature and comfort. Living next to Brutus, according to naturalist, it is not dangerous, because he loves people.
Today Brutus weighs 362 kg and has a height of 2, 4 m. However, the large size does not prevent him from joy to spend time in human society. He never left alone, and even dine at a table in the family Anderson. Moreover, at the wedding of a naturalist with Hollywood actress Missi Pyle, the bear has been invited as a "best man».
For many years, Anderson and his associates are trying to debunk the stereotypical view of people about bears. In human minds rooted opinion that grizzly - a dangerous and bloodthirsty predator-eater (he, incidentally, believe angrier Russian brown bear). In fact, according to the scientist, the bears are always trying to avoid meeting with the person.
- They are afraid of us. They are afraid because many members of the human race where the bloodthirsty and ruthless than the bears - explains Casey.
In other words, "not so bad bear, as he is painted." And I want to pay special attention to the fact that this story happened in the homeland game developers, laughed at "Russian Bear". Good always laughs best who laughs last (and desirable, and even without consequences).
In conclusion, I want to say that the article is written out of curiosity and to prove that there is in this world, nothing is impossible. But frankly, I am categorically opposed to the animals (and even more, such a beautiful and proud, like bears) were used for the amusement of people, or worse, killed and maimed in the war. Because, unlike all previous articles, I beg you not to take this as a guide to action.
Brown Bear - beauty and pride of the Russian forest. May God grant him health, even lives!
Author Vladimir Glybin
Moreover, one of the belligerents in the game - the USSR. What could be nicer than to grind decadent West tracks of Soviet tanks?
The game itself I have here, of course, do not intend to describe, but one of her very first piece I was amused, then interested. The fact that the disposal of the Soviet army on the rules of the game have ... Assault bears. Yes, brown bears are common in helmets and flak jackets who can also, in contrast to a simple infantry swim.

Well, of course, that if the game is - another mockery of its developers (as you probably guessed that created it does not have) over us, "stupid Ivan", was drafted into the army of bears.
However, natural curiosity, for which I will not hide, not just getting on the nose, spodviglo me to address this issue and find out, but you never know, it may be that the bear in the war - not such nonsense.
Fortunately, in order to learn something, in our time pants sit in the reading room has not necessarily enough to competently make a request to the search engine of the world wide web. What success and done.
And I came across an article of a VT Ponomarev "Martial animals: secret weapon of all time." Work, I tell you, it's interesting.
Of course, a large part is devoted to such traditional animals in war, horses, dogs, in more ancient times - war elephants. But there were also a lot of amazing and even, I would say incredible.
However, who wants very easy to find this stuff, and to get acquainted with him. I'm interested in something bears. Well, as sung to the old song: "The one who searches always finds!" And it came to the "clumsy". It was nice to learn that their taming was succeeded by our ancestors. But the beginning of the chapter dedicated to the bears, not impressed. The author wrote about the "bear fun" (the fight man against a bear), a pack of dogs baiting mishutok finally purely bear fights and training (very severe).
It was getting boring, because everything described above (except the ancient methods of taming), somehow knows every student. I was about to give up until he reached the lines:
- With the trained bears from village to village, from town to town we went funny clowns. Amuse people gather on the square, at the behest of Bear Leader comically portrayed a variety of scenes, "as pop goes to Mass," "like a man out of the tavern back", "as the women rinsed clothes" and so on. Russian tsars eagerly invited to his service masters "bear comedy».
Few knew that the master "bear comedy" not only entertained the audience, but also consisted of the king's secret service. Many of these artists with the bears roam the city in Western Europe, fulfilling the important secret missions.
Novgorod Chronicle writes that in 1572 by order of Ivan the Terrible "in Novgorod and in all the cities and townships to take sovereign cheerful people and the bears ...". There were also all kinds of different incidents. The official, who was involved in this case, has not attracted one of the bears is shown in views. Then buffoon to prove the merits of his pupil, let loose on the intractable clerk bear. The Chronicle reports: "Subota Sturgeon clerk Daniel Bartenev beat and the bear tore him." Daniel tried to take refuge in the County hut, but the bear broke him there.
Here's your time! This is what it turns out, the bears are not just "pulled the strap," and served in the intelligence ?!

I have the courage to assume that they are there and duties performed not only distracting and entertaining. Somehow, I do not doubt that if such a "buffoon" bring to light, Mishutka, at least, would have helped the owner to leave, taking the brunt. Although, I confess honestly, Ponomarev wrote about it.
And further - more:
- Over time, the experience allowed, buffoons led to improved methods of training, "Bruins" ... not to ignore "scientists" and bears the army. There were times when trained bears with archers stormed the enemy fortress. This bears worked and front paws, hold the body upright.
During the time of Peter I was famous for its trained bears the Moscow House of Prince Fyodor Romodanovsky (by the way, one of the few ancient boyars, unreservedly supports the initiatives of the young king), the formidable head of the Preobrazhensky, who was in charge of the secret political investigation. To detainees who were brought to Romodanovsky for questioning, rather than guards puts the white bear. Romodanovsky While interrogating a prisoner, guarded bear other without causing them any harm, but do not allow too much movement. When demand Romodanovsky Peter I sent him for questioning the leaders of the Astrakhan revolt, he was sent to them, and the polar bear. Most likely, the king wanted to see how this service carries an unusual "Bailiff».
And here I ask readers to pay special attention: white bear and the polar bear! Unlike brown bears, with those of their polar cousins modern trainers prefer not to get involved. For reference, in the Moscow Circus on Vernadsky have wife Yury Khokhlov and Yulia Denisenko who work with polar bears. In 2012, they were the only ones in their kind across our vast Russia.
In general, reading is already seriously interested in the issue and decided to look for, and whether you can build a bear any special skills to use it for military purposes and in modern conditions.
Without much difficulty finding a site "Bear World", I read there:
- In fact, bears are much like humans. They can be taught virtually everything, it all depends on the skill and professional skills of the trainer. The circus bears can also act as tightrope walkers, cyclists, riders, bikers, boxers, acrobats, musicians.
Bears power over everything from ballet and finishing walking the wire, fashion shows. It deserves special respect bear named Stepan Mikhailovich, who became the world's first animal that was the real driver's license and was able to drive a car "Niva". Driving "Boom" gives the right not only bears but also ordinary citizens. Stepan Mikhailovich became a real pride of the whole of the USSR, as well as its directors Olga and Viktor Kudryavtsev.
To this I add that older people probably still remember two of the hockey team of the bears. I coached these "ice team" legendary Soviet trainer Valentin Filatov.
Imagine what it is - to put in general, wild animal, on skates. But we must also teach at least a stick on the puck popadat.
From my own childhood, I remember that one day my father and I were in the circus, and there, bears, like real horsemen, get under the horse's belly when she raced at a gallop.
In general, what it was possible to teach "Bruins," can not do even so close in structure to the human animal, like monkeys.
Well, and what may need to bear in the war? The first thing that comes to mind without thinking - it's melee. It is still the case that, for various reasons, can not use firearms. I hope no one would argue that against such "storm troopers," the enemy is simply no chance? Especially if there is a battle in close quarters. By the way, with the right training, you can wean the bear roaring loudly and growling.
Second. Fix on the head or the back of the bear, the same camera, it is possible to use it as intelligence. Then he will have some advantages over, say, a dog. Imagine, it happens in the woods, and agree that the "clumsy", selected from the thicket, will look much less suspicious.
Another question, is it safe to take the service of "soldiers"? Do not turn into a clumsy "soldier" in the most crucial moments of the assault on its own axis, going to shatter his? - In fairness, we note that many trainers believe bear more insidious and unpredictable than a lion or a tiger.
But let us remember about Sagittarius, who took "Bruins" on the attack when needed really striking power. Is ancestors were so stupid? Hardly, rather, they did not sit for hours at the computer and on the natural environment is much more aware of our. Probably, the animals were able to learn how to distinguish between friends and foes.
And there you have a modern story about a bear allegiance. That is to say, as an indirect proof.
American naturalist Casey Anderson picked up a small grizzly bear (the cub was only two weeks) and left him, leaving to live at home. His pet Anderson called Brutus, and since then, they were inseparable.
Brutus is living in a special shelter that Casey built specifically for animals. Because of this, he can live like a wild grizzly bear in the world of nature and comfort. Living next to Brutus, according to naturalist, it is not dangerous, because he loves people.
Today Brutus weighs 362 kg and has a height of 2, 4 m. However, the large size does not prevent him from joy to spend time in human society. He never left alone, and even dine at a table in the family Anderson. Moreover, at the wedding of a naturalist with Hollywood actress Missi Pyle, the bear has been invited as a "best man».
For many years, Anderson and his associates are trying to debunk the stereotypical view of people about bears. In human minds rooted opinion that grizzly - a dangerous and bloodthirsty predator-eater (he, incidentally, believe angrier Russian brown bear). In fact, according to the scientist, the bears are always trying to avoid meeting with the person.
- They are afraid of us. They are afraid because many members of the human race where the bloodthirsty and ruthless than the bears - explains Casey.
In other words, "not so bad bear, as he is painted." And I want to pay special attention to the fact that this story happened in the homeland game developers, laughed at "Russian Bear". Good always laughs best who laughs last (and desirable, and even without consequences).
In conclusion, I want to say that the article is written out of curiosity and to prove that there is in this world, nothing is impossible. But frankly, I am categorically opposed to the animals (and even more, such a beautiful and proud, like bears) were used for the amusement of people, or worse, killed and maimed in the war. Because, unlike all previous articles, I beg you not to take this as a guide to action.
Brown Bear - beauty and pride of the Russian forest. May God grant him health, even lives!
Author Vladimir Glybin
