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10 of the most interesting facts about bears Video

We picked up a video of bears and escorted them faktami

The brown bear is one of the symbols of our country, but of the family home to bear, not only in Russia, but in all parts of the world. These strong and intelligent animals are a lot like a person, not for nothing the peoples of different countries bears deified and worshiped them. We Bruin has become one of the most popular characters in folk tales and folklore - is a tribute to the owner of the taiga, as it is called.

To get acquainted with the bears closer, it is not necessary to go into the woods with a spear or "Berdan rifle" - just watch some interesting videos, allowing a better understanding of the different countries of the bears.

1. From clumsy not escape

Bears, like people, belong to the so-called plantigrade animals, that is, walking weight they carry in the entire sole of the foot, unlike digitigrade, which including include, for example, representatives of the feline and canine.

Despite the apparent clumsiness, clumsy able to run very fast: brown bears are capable of speeds up to 50 km / h, the highest speed, developed a bear - about 64 km / h. With such phenomenal agility and unpretentious eating habits bear is one of the most dangerous predators in the world.

2. Do not wake the bear in the maternal instinct

As a rule, bears - solitary animals, and they are grouped together for the sake of education of the offspring, or a joint search of food. Researchers of animal behavior have found that the strongest family ties are observed between the bear and cubs: while the kids are under three years old, his mother takes care of them and seeks to protect at all costs, so as they say experienced hunters, worst of all to meet the she-bear with cubs - maternal instinct makes animal behave very aggressively.

Bear cubs often prefer to keep away from the males, but in some cases they are forced to put up with their presence: for example, in the area of ​​the Falls Brook Falls female brown bears with offspring par with males involved in salmon fishing.

3. Polar Bears

According to various estimates, in the wild live from 20 to 25 thousand polar bears, most of them inhabit the Arctic Circle. Eight of the nineteen subpopulations are now threatened with extinction, but in comparison with other bears the inhabitants of the Far North has the advantage - in the territory of their habitat human settlements is much smaller than, for example, brown bears.

Polar bears spend a lot of time in the sea, so are sometimes called sea bears - some specimens were found 300 km from the coast. To move such distances bears forced migration of seals and ice drift. Unlike most species of large predators, polar bears are not limited to a certain territory of hunting - a wandering animals, moving in line with annual changes in the boundaries of polar ice.

In January, 2013. the BBC showed a reel Gordon Buchanan, Scottish director of documentaries about wildlife. The painting, entitled "The Family of polar bears, and I" has done a lot of noise, mainly due to the fact that Gordon was able to take off like a huge bear came close to the operator, trying to bite the camera - it's one of the best documentary filming polar bears in the history of observations. However, Buchanan has repeatedly been criticized for these frames: for "anxiety Bear" director could face a fine.

4. Grizzlies vs. Caribou

North American brown bears, more commonly known as the grizzly, live mainly in Canada and the Alaska Peninsula. Most of their diet are pine nuts, edible parts of plants, rodents, berries, fish, insects and carrion. In some cases, the grizzly hunt calves and fawns, and in Yellowstone National Park and Denali documented cases when bears are slaughtered up to 51% of the offspring of these animals. Bears also prefer to attack the old and sick animals, but on occasion do not miss opportunities to hunt and large individuals. In the video you can see a fight with a huge grizzly male caribou (reindeer subspecies).

5. Fishing Kamchatka Bear

Kamchatka bears - brown bear subspecies, distinct from other subspecies in size and color. He is a close relative of Kodiak - brown bears living in Kodiak Archipelago, is located off the southern coast of Alaska. Kamchatka - the first population density bears region of the world: it lives according to various estimates from 10 to 14 thousand bears, which, like Kodiak, are the world's largest predator living on the land, - the weight of males up to 1000 kg, However, they rarely attack humans.

Kamchatka bears, like most other subspecies, almost omnivorous: they eat berries, nuts, plants and fish. The researchers argue that the Kamchatka bear is able to catch more than 30 kilograms of fish a day. Unfortunately, in recent years in the region, cases of poaching, so that now environmentalists are concerned about the conservation of the population of this subspecies.

6. Paul and Tim

Bears are mostly diurnal, especially significant in this respect subspecies living in Asia. In winter, most of the bears hibernate, but its duration in different populations varies significantly. Hibernation of bears are also very different from other animals suspended animation: during sleep and defecate bears do not, as a rule, do not feel the need to replenish the nutrients stored up, besides their body temperature drops too much. The heart rate at the same time slowing from 55 th to 9 beats per minute.

Numerous studies have shown that in addition to the obvious similarities to the person on a number of features (the ability to walk upright, binocular vision, and so on. D.), Bears have other related people features: for example, they understand gestures, and in some cases, human and animal managed to establish something like a long-term friendly relations.

The proof that the bears - one of the most intelligent animals on the planet, can also result in the fact that they are perfectly amenable to training - they are taught to ride a bike, dance and various tricks, arranging circus with their participation. In recent years, many circus troupes exclusive rooms with the bears of the programs because of the complaints of violations of the rights of animals.

Samarets Vyakin Paul - one of the most famous trainers in Russia: it toed pet Tim starred in several commercials and films, and regularly provides representation in the circus. In 2013, Paul laid out in a network of a few spots where you can admire the numerous stunts performed by Timy he performs gymnastic exercises, plays the trumpet, twirling hoop and strongly demonstrates the wonders of artistry.

7. Meeting with the American black bear

This member of the family bear, also known as the American black bear - one of the most widespread on the planet bears it as a major subspecies of brown bears, is not in danger of extermination. Baribalov diet is almost identical to most other sub-species: it features largely depend on habitats in general, they are unpretentious in food content in fish, roots, berries, and large insects, at least - on carrion.

Black bears are smart: they are able to precisely coordinate the movement legs, allowing them, for example, turning door knobs, opening jars and walk upright. Baribaly distinguish colors and shapes, and the level of intelligence are not inferior to the chimpanzee. The average duration of their lives in captivity is 18 years, and the highest - 31 year in the wild and 44 years under the supervision of the people. Baribaly very rarely attack humans, however, they are quite curious and may stay close to tourist sites and small settlements, to refuse to profit.

8. Attack Binki

In May 1975, officers from the Department of Fish and Game Alaska cub rescued Bear Belov, who died of starvation. Bear named Binky, and presented to the zoo in Anchorage. Over time, he grew up and for many years was a real favorite of the locals and their children.

In July 1954, the year 29-year-old Australian Kathryn Warburton, despite all the warnings of the zoo staff, moved over the fence of the enclosure, to take some pictures Binky. Bear did not like it and he snatched the woman's thigh, trying to drag deep into the cells, but Catherine managed to escape - she got off too dangerous fracture and torn ligaments.

Hapless tourist incredibly lucky punch Binky has not touched the femoral artery, otherwise it could have ended much sadder. Three weeks after the incident with Katherine Binky he attacked a group of teenagers too closely approached the cage, which made him a celebrity, but not for long - in the summer of 1995, he died of a parasitic disease.

9. Giant Panda

One of the most beautiful species of bear lives in the mountains of the southern regions of China, mainly in Sichuan, Shaanxi and Gansu. Pandas eat bamboo shoots almost exclusively and only occasionally eat birds, rodents or carrion. 14 hours a day pandas spend on food and almost everything else during sleep.

Currently, it is one of the rarest species of bears - in the wild giant pandas left about 1,600 individuals, and environmentalists are calling the world contribute to the preservation of these wonderful animals. Extermination of giant pandas in China is punishable by death, which in some cases replaced by long prison terms.

Pandas were referred to the family bear only in the 1970s, with one of the most ancient species of mammals, preserved almost unchanged.

10. Grizzlies against wolf

Grizzlies and ordinary wolves - are direct competitors. Since ancient times, these two species, with varying success fighting for survival. In 1995, in Yellowstone National Park (the states of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming) have delivered a number of wolves, after which naturalists have observed the confrontation predators in an attempt to take over the hunting grounds. This helped to control the grown number of herbivores, and also contributed to the development of skills like hunting wolves and grizzlies have.

At Grizzly no natural enemies other than humans and tigers (there are cases where the last hunted adults bear family), but often in a fight with a pack of wolves bear prefers to retreat. The video depicts a flock of dispute with a bear, with Bruin was forced to leave the battlefield.

via factroom.ru