People hate on the Internet
People sometimes do strange things in terms of ethics and morality. But thanks to the Internet, most of our actions as plausible, and not very often become public. We invite you to read about the ten people who really hate on the Internet.
That struck me was the tenth course :-( While all of this of course is very conditional ...
1. Noel Biderman, the site owner for the sale of infidelity
Noel Biderman calls himself "the most hated man on the internet." He - the founder and chief editor of «Ashley Madison», designed to explore the married people who want to change the spouse.
Mr. Biderman condition now - about $ 100 million, and most of it just brought the controversial online dating service. The site was launched in the year 2001, based in Canada, and boasts 22 million members from 30 countries. The motto of the site - "Life is short. Get a novel ».
Of course, you might be shocked and think, "This man does his millions at the expense of broken hearts and broken homes." But regardless of your point of view to ignore the success and popularity of the site can not be.
Mr. Biedermann a negative reaction is no stranger: he has repeatedly received death threats, and in Hong Kong even has a religious group, protesting against the existence of the site.
2. Melissa Bachman, TV presenter, killed a lion and a photo posted to his Twitter
Melissa Bachman, television presenter and an avid hunter, recently published in the Twitter photo strange. She wrote: "An incredible day of hunting in South Africa! I got into this beautiful male lion from 55 meters. What do you want! ».
Message shocked all animal rights activists and the general public, so that everyone immediately started to condemn Bachmann. Harassment and blame become so mad that she had to delete my account on Twitter. Advanced Change.org petition, which asked the government of South Africa is no longer to let Bachmann.
Some commentators defend Bachmann. Firstly, they say that Bachmann hunting, having the legal resolution, not to mention the fact that in this license it paid thousands of dollars. All prosecutors implied that she allegedly did something illegal, but it is not.
Second, a petition Change.org unfair: Bachmann does not hunt just "for fun" - all meat lion was transferred to the needy, that is often practiced at hunting in Africa.
Thirdly, hunting is a huge part of the economy of South Africa, so to ban foreigners to hunt - it is pure suicide. Every year in South Africa legally held thousands of hunting lions that support the country's economy afloat.
And now the big question: Is there a justification for such acts of cruelty indulgence?
3. Hunter Moore, former owner of the Web site where people from revenge upload photos of other people in the nude
Business Plan Hunter Moore was simple: he published photos of a pornographic nature of different men and women without their permission. And rich.
He invited members to come to your site IsAnyoneUp.com, to lay there nude photos of his ex-girlfriends and friends, as well as details about who these people are and why they deserve to have their photos were posted here.
Along with the full name of the person and the residence also laid links to his profile in the social network, as a rule, on Facebook. Each photograph could comment on a post and quickly becomes a flood, to say the least criticism concerning the appearance of the victim.
If someone complained, then they laugh at them. When they threatened to go to court, Moore is ignored. Many of the victims of the site soon discovered that powerless to do anything ... except Charlotte Lowes, whose daughter was a victim of the same site.
In October of 2011 the 24-year-old actress Kayla photographed themselves emulating sexy pose of a fashion magazine, in a single shot could see her naked left breast. January 1, 2012, the year of her e-mail was hacked, and nine days after this picture with her naked breasts appeared on IsAnyoneUp.com.
Learning of this, Mrs. Lowes wrote a letter to the site owner Hunter Moore and asked him to remove the photo according to the copyright law in the digital age, but he refused. Then she got in touch with an agent advertising Moore, his lawyer, his hosting company, its Internet service provider in France, some of its advertisers, and even his mother. But nothing made. Then Lowes asked the authorities to protect the rule of law.
Finally, three young FBI agent from the department to combat Internet crime in Los Angeles took the case. The FBI searched the house and confiscated his Moore's computer, cell phone and other electronic equipment. Then the anonymous agents launched a massive attack on Moore's technology, cracking his personal data and to publicize the most of his personal information, including your social security number.
Hunter Moore closed the site in April of 2012, explaining that he could no longer deal with "drama", occurs when the site there are photos of minors.
4. Seventh graders who mocked her grandmother in a school bus
"Make cry bus conductor" - this is one of the three videos shot in June of 2012. In it is a bus conductor, became the object of mockery four seventh graders. A viral video has received many comments, video responses, media coverage, and was organized to collect donations to support the victims.
First video uploaded to Facebook. A day later, a video appeared on YouTube, along with two other videos titled "The conductor of the bus in a rage" and "The conductor of the bus in a rage-2." Within a few days all three video watched by millions of viewers.
In the video, boys seventh graders loudly mock conductor Karen Huff Klein, ridiculed her appearance, age, and her purse, as well as comments on the release "of water on his face," saying the woman "sweats". After she explained that she was crying, she responded juvenile scoff that this is probably due to the fact that she misses her box with «Twinkies». Then they always joke about «Twinkies» (which, incidentally, cream cakes), a woman called "fat-" touched her and demand that she dictated to the camera address. They also threatened to throw her house eggs, urinate on her door and kill her.
One boy told the family Klein as follows: "All of them have committed suicide because they do not want to be with you." The eldest son of Klein really committed suicide ten years ago. It is not clear if he knew about this boy who said it. Klein tried to ignore the taunts and not to answer them, but eventually broke down and said: "I know all of your address! I'll send you all cards with thanks for your action! ».
Mrs. Klein has worked in New York '23: 20 years, school bus driver, and three years as a conductor. She suffers from partial deafness and forced to wear a hearing aid. At the time when the video was shot, she was 68 years old.
Once a person bullies were installed, they were threatened with death many times. Video was the reason for the investigation by the school administration and the local police. Mrs. Klein said that he would not bring charges against the school in part because of the directional flow of threats to them and condemnation.
June 29, 2012, the year the Greek Central School District in New York City for a year suspended the study of four students: Louis Reykovuda Wesley Helm, Brandon Teng and Joshua Slesaka also every boy has to work for 50 hours of community service pensioners.
6. Pamela Foreman, the girl who celebrated Japanese earthquake
March 13, 2011, the year Pamela Foreman, also known under the nickname tamtampamela, 21-year-old woman from Florida was one of the most hated women on the Internet. She posted a video titled "God is so good", in which she rejoices the Japanese earthquake and tsunami - it considered it God's message to atheists.
In the video, Pamela thank God for the fact that he almost destroyed Japan, and said that praying for what happened.
People still can not understand whether it is a troll, or all her words - the truth. Video is rapidly gaining popularity: in a few hours it gained about 105-thousand dizlaykov and received 500 comments every three minutes.
Information quickly reached the internet trolls, and they pounced on Pamela. On her phone is constantly someone called and threatened her. Facebook and Twitter users expressed their indignation and helped the rapid spread of video, and as a result it has appeared in such well-known resource as «Vanity Fair», «Gawker», «Perez Hilton», and «Richard Dawkins». A little later, a video was shown on «The Daily What», where Pamela was called "the worst person in the world».
Before you delete your video March 15, 2011, the year Pamela posted another clip, which states that the first video was a joke, and she - just a troll.
Here is what she said in the first video:
"Thank you, God, you answered prayer! The Lord answered my prayers in just a day! Japan atheists no luck! The rest of the world better be on the lookout! A day of prayer is a nine earthquake in Japan! I can not even imagine what will make the 40 days of prayer! »
7. Mary Snell and Britton Engel, mother and son, have published photos of puppies in a plastic bag
In November 2013. 44-year-old Mary Snell and her 21-year-old son James Britton Engel were charged with animal cruelty. This happened after they put their new puppy in a plastic bag, and then put the photo on Facebook.
Picture a tiny white puppy inside a package for the freezer caught the eye of a man who expressed his concern to the sheriff of New Mexico, USA. Snell acknowledged that the plant puppy in the package was a mistake, but explained his actions by saying that there is no other way to show the photo, as was a small puppy, it was not.
Puppy, fortunately, was not injured and is now in the care of another family member. However, angry defenders of animals that were not enough - many expressed their anger on the pages of Facebook, Twitter and personal blogs. A Snell had just put the puppy on a table next to a ruler.
8. Matt Forney, blogger, misogynist
25 tions Matt Forney - blogger from New York, which is considered the internet trolls and misogynist. Forney began blogging in 2012, the year when he went hitchhiking to see all of America. But soon his goal, apparently radically changed, and he began to write in his blog derogatory article about women.
Truly Forney began to hate after he wrote two articles entitled "Why fat girls do not deserve to be loved" and "The case against the women's self-esteem," where Forni urged women to have perfect bodies and self-esteem does not have any .
As expected, the article caused outrage. Readers began to insult the blogger through social networks and personal blogs, but it only helped to increase its popularity. According to the statistics of the infamous blog Forney, these two articles have reached «Tumblr», earning 80 thousand views for the first day and another 170 thousand for the second display. Forney also received over hundreds of notifications on Facebook, tons of emails, not to mention the countless tweets from offended readers.
9. Justin Bieber, the most hated pop star in Latin America
In just three short years, the 19-letnyayapop star Justin Bieber has sold over 15 million records. It boasts an impressive 33 million followers on Twitter, and YouTube scored his clips. But every fan of Bieber in Latin America accounted for four people who hate him. On Facebook there are thousands of pages where Bieber ridicule and Twitter, you can find hundreds of jokes about the "spoiled child».
In November 2013th year during South American tour, Justin Bieber fans in Buenos Aires, Argentina threw a pair of flags on stage. Bieber wiped them their shoes and microphone stand than many Argentine fans were outraged Bieber. Of course, this incident was captured on video and posted on YouTube. Pop star later apologized on Twitter, saying he did not understand that it was the Argentine flag.
However, this is only one unpleasant incident that occurred with Bieber in Latin America. He was accused of painting graffiti on a wall in Bogota, Colombia. In Rio de Janeiro, he was charged with a crime, and if the court finds him guilty, Bieber will receive one year in prison. In addition, Brazilian women posted photos of Bieber in bed after a night spent it at a strip club in Rio de Janeiro.
It's only a few incidents that happened to Bieber during a world tour, after which it began to be called and spoiled child.
10. Jackie Chan, the most hated celebrity in the Chinese Internet
In August 2013. Chinese comedian Jackie Chan received 6,400 angry comments «Weibo», one of the most popular Chinese microblogging, for the praise of blue sky over Beijing.
You may wonder - what is special about the message of the Beijing sky? But the Chinese know what's going on: in the Chinese social networks hypocrisy of the government is almost a national sport. The surest way to lose reputation - praised the government. Chan also has «Weibo» sneak reputation, so that his message considered a veiled support for the Communist Party of China, actually means that the air pollution in Beijing is allegedly no.
This is not the only mistake Chan. In 2009, the year he spoke about freedom and democracy in the Chinese-speaking world: "If China is too much freedom, it will slide to the level of Hong Kong and Taiwan - there is constant turmoil. I think the Chinese need to control ».
Due to the freedom of expression, the subject of pride of many people in Hong Kong, Jackie Chan's remarks soon became known throughout the world, so that one statement Chan earned the hatred of the citizens of the three countries: Taiwan, Hong Kong and a native of China.
Source: masterok.livejournal.com
That struck me was the tenth course :-( While all of this of course is very conditional ...

1. Noel Biderman, the site owner for the sale of infidelity
Noel Biderman calls himself "the most hated man on the internet." He - the founder and chief editor of «Ashley Madison», designed to explore the married people who want to change the spouse.
Mr. Biderman condition now - about $ 100 million, and most of it just brought the controversial online dating service. The site was launched in the year 2001, based in Canada, and boasts 22 million members from 30 countries. The motto of the site - "Life is short. Get a novel ».
Of course, you might be shocked and think, "This man does his millions at the expense of broken hearts and broken homes." But regardless of your point of view to ignore the success and popularity of the site can not be.
Mr. Biedermann a negative reaction is no stranger: he has repeatedly received death threats, and in Hong Kong even has a religious group, protesting against the existence of the site.

2. Melissa Bachman, TV presenter, killed a lion and a photo posted to his Twitter
Melissa Bachman, television presenter and an avid hunter, recently published in the Twitter photo strange. She wrote: "An incredible day of hunting in South Africa! I got into this beautiful male lion from 55 meters. What do you want! ».
Message shocked all animal rights activists and the general public, so that everyone immediately started to condemn Bachmann. Harassment and blame become so mad that she had to delete my account on Twitter. Advanced Change.org petition, which asked the government of South Africa is no longer to let Bachmann.
Some commentators defend Bachmann. Firstly, they say that Bachmann hunting, having the legal resolution, not to mention the fact that in this license it paid thousands of dollars. All prosecutors implied that she allegedly did something illegal, but it is not.
Second, a petition Change.org unfair: Bachmann does not hunt just "for fun" - all meat lion was transferred to the needy, that is often practiced at hunting in Africa.
Thirdly, hunting is a huge part of the economy of South Africa, so to ban foreigners to hunt - it is pure suicide. Every year in South Africa legally held thousands of hunting lions that support the country's economy afloat.
And now the big question: Is there a justification for such acts of cruelty indulgence?

3. Hunter Moore, former owner of the Web site where people from revenge upload photos of other people in the nude
Business Plan Hunter Moore was simple: he published photos of a pornographic nature of different men and women without their permission. And rich.
He invited members to come to your site IsAnyoneUp.com, to lay there nude photos of his ex-girlfriends and friends, as well as details about who these people are and why they deserve to have their photos were posted here.
Along with the full name of the person and the residence also laid links to his profile in the social network, as a rule, on Facebook. Each photograph could comment on a post and quickly becomes a flood, to say the least criticism concerning the appearance of the victim.
If someone complained, then they laugh at them. When they threatened to go to court, Moore is ignored. Many of the victims of the site soon discovered that powerless to do anything ... except Charlotte Lowes, whose daughter was a victim of the same site.
In October of 2011 the 24-year-old actress Kayla photographed themselves emulating sexy pose of a fashion magazine, in a single shot could see her naked left breast. January 1, 2012, the year of her e-mail was hacked, and nine days after this picture with her naked breasts appeared on IsAnyoneUp.com.
Learning of this, Mrs. Lowes wrote a letter to the site owner Hunter Moore and asked him to remove the photo according to the copyright law in the digital age, but he refused. Then she got in touch with an agent advertising Moore, his lawyer, his hosting company, its Internet service provider in France, some of its advertisers, and even his mother. But nothing made. Then Lowes asked the authorities to protect the rule of law.
Finally, three young FBI agent from the department to combat Internet crime in Los Angeles took the case. The FBI searched the house and confiscated his Moore's computer, cell phone and other electronic equipment. Then the anonymous agents launched a massive attack on Moore's technology, cracking his personal data and to publicize the most of his personal information, including your social security number.
Hunter Moore closed the site in April of 2012, explaining that he could no longer deal with "drama", occurs when the site there are photos of minors.

4. Seventh graders who mocked her grandmother in a school bus
"Make cry bus conductor" - this is one of the three videos shot in June of 2012. In it is a bus conductor, became the object of mockery four seventh graders. A viral video has received many comments, video responses, media coverage, and was organized to collect donations to support the victims.
First video uploaded to Facebook. A day later, a video appeared on YouTube, along with two other videos titled "The conductor of the bus in a rage" and "The conductor of the bus in a rage-2." Within a few days all three video watched by millions of viewers.

In the video, boys seventh graders loudly mock conductor Karen Huff Klein, ridiculed her appearance, age, and her purse, as well as comments on the release "of water on his face," saying the woman "sweats". After she explained that she was crying, she responded juvenile scoff that this is probably due to the fact that she misses her box with «Twinkies». Then they always joke about «Twinkies» (which, incidentally, cream cakes), a woman called "fat-" touched her and demand that she dictated to the camera address. They also threatened to throw her house eggs, urinate on her door and kill her.
One boy told the family Klein as follows: "All of them have committed suicide because they do not want to be with you." The eldest son of Klein really committed suicide ten years ago. It is not clear if he knew about this boy who said it. Klein tried to ignore the taunts and not to answer them, but eventually broke down and said: "I know all of your address! I'll send you all cards with thanks for your action! ».
Mrs. Klein has worked in New York '23: 20 years, school bus driver, and three years as a conductor. She suffers from partial deafness and forced to wear a hearing aid. At the time when the video was shot, she was 68 years old.
Once a person bullies were installed, they were threatened with death many times. Video was the reason for the investigation by the school administration and the local police. Mrs. Klein said that he would not bring charges against the school in part because of the directional flow of threats to them and condemnation.
June 29, 2012, the year the Greek Central School District in New York City for a year suspended the study of four students: Louis Reykovuda Wesley Helm, Brandon Teng and Joshua Slesaka also every boy has to work for 50 hours of community service pensioners.

6. Pamela Foreman, the girl who celebrated Japanese earthquake

March 13, 2011, the year Pamela Foreman, also known under the nickname tamtampamela, 21-year-old woman from Florida was one of the most hated women on the Internet. She posted a video titled "God is so good", in which she rejoices the Japanese earthquake and tsunami - it considered it God's message to atheists.
In the video, Pamela thank God for the fact that he almost destroyed Japan, and said that praying for what happened.
People still can not understand whether it is a troll, or all her words - the truth. Video is rapidly gaining popularity: in a few hours it gained about 105-thousand dizlaykov and received 500 comments every three minutes.
Information quickly reached the internet trolls, and they pounced on Pamela. On her phone is constantly someone called and threatened her. Facebook and Twitter users expressed their indignation and helped the rapid spread of video, and as a result it has appeared in such well-known resource as «Vanity Fair», «Gawker», «Perez Hilton», and «Richard Dawkins». A little later, a video was shown on «The Daily What», where Pamela was called "the worst person in the world».
Before you delete your video March 15, 2011, the year Pamela posted another clip, which states that the first video was a joke, and she - just a troll.
Here is what she said in the first video:
"Thank you, God, you answered prayer! The Lord answered my prayers in just a day! Japan atheists no luck! The rest of the world better be on the lookout! A day of prayer is a nine earthquake in Japan! I can not even imagine what will make the 40 days of prayer! »

7. Mary Snell and Britton Engel, mother and son, have published photos of puppies in a plastic bag
In November 2013. 44-year-old Mary Snell and her 21-year-old son James Britton Engel were charged with animal cruelty. This happened after they put their new puppy in a plastic bag, and then put the photo on Facebook.
Picture a tiny white puppy inside a package for the freezer caught the eye of a man who expressed his concern to the sheriff of New Mexico, USA. Snell acknowledged that the plant puppy in the package was a mistake, but explained his actions by saying that there is no other way to show the photo, as was a small puppy, it was not.
Puppy, fortunately, was not injured and is now in the care of another family member. However, angry defenders of animals that were not enough - many expressed their anger on the pages of Facebook, Twitter and personal blogs. A Snell had just put the puppy on a table next to a ruler.

8. Matt Forney, blogger, misogynist
25 tions Matt Forney - blogger from New York, which is considered the internet trolls and misogynist. Forney began blogging in 2012, the year when he went hitchhiking to see all of America. But soon his goal, apparently radically changed, and he began to write in his blog derogatory article about women.
Truly Forney began to hate after he wrote two articles entitled "Why fat girls do not deserve to be loved" and "The case against the women's self-esteem," where Forni urged women to have perfect bodies and self-esteem does not have any .
As expected, the article caused outrage. Readers began to insult the blogger through social networks and personal blogs, but it only helped to increase its popularity. According to the statistics of the infamous blog Forney, these two articles have reached «Tumblr», earning 80 thousand views for the first day and another 170 thousand for the second display. Forney also received over hundreds of notifications on Facebook, tons of emails, not to mention the countless tweets from offended readers.
9. Justin Bieber, the most hated pop star in Latin America
In just three short years, the 19-letnyayapop star Justin Bieber has sold over 15 million records. It boasts an impressive 33 million followers on Twitter, and YouTube scored his clips. But every fan of Bieber in Latin America accounted for four people who hate him. On Facebook there are thousands of pages where Bieber ridicule and Twitter, you can find hundreds of jokes about the "spoiled child».
In November 2013th year during South American tour, Justin Bieber fans in Buenos Aires, Argentina threw a pair of flags on stage. Bieber wiped them their shoes and microphone stand than many Argentine fans were outraged Bieber. Of course, this incident was captured on video and posted on YouTube. Pop star later apologized on Twitter, saying he did not understand that it was the Argentine flag.
However, this is only one unpleasant incident that occurred with Bieber in Latin America. He was accused of painting graffiti on a wall in Bogota, Colombia. In Rio de Janeiro, he was charged with a crime, and if the court finds him guilty, Bieber will receive one year in prison. In addition, Brazilian women posted photos of Bieber in bed after a night spent it at a strip club in Rio de Janeiro.
It's only a few incidents that happened to Bieber during a world tour, after which it began to be called and spoiled child.
10. Jackie Chan, the most hated celebrity in the Chinese Internet
In August 2013. Chinese comedian Jackie Chan received 6,400 angry comments «Weibo», one of the most popular Chinese microblogging, for the praise of blue sky over Beijing.
You may wonder - what is special about the message of the Beijing sky? But the Chinese know what's going on: in the Chinese social networks hypocrisy of the government is almost a national sport. The surest way to lose reputation - praised the government. Chan also has «Weibo» sneak reputation, so that his message considered a veiled support for the Communist Party of China, actually means that the air pollution in Beijing is allegedly no.
This is not the only mistake Chan. In 2009, the year he spoke about freedom and democracy in the Chinese-speaking world: "If China is too much freedom, it will slide to the level of Hong Kong and Taiwan - there is constant turmoil. I think the Chinese need to control ».
Due to the freedom of expression, the subject of pride of many people in Hong Kong, Jackie Chan's remarks soon became known throughout the world, so that one statement Chan earned the hatred of the citizens of the three countries: Taiwan, Hong Kong and a native of China.
Source: masterok.livejournal.com