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5 facts about the end of the world

End of the world - a popular concept in our world, with the prediction of the disappearance of human civilization began to appear even in ancient times. Whether people like to think of future disasters and to believe in them, or the panic sown by the people the powers that be with a particular goal, but the fact remains that the ends of the world have predicted everything from the ancient Romans, medieval popes, representatives of religious movements 18-19-X centuries and ending with all and sundry, in our time.

1. The first mention of the end of the world: the 7th century before ery

According to some reports, the first prediction of the end of the world, which is preserved in history, was done by the Romans as early as the 7th century BC. Many residents of ancient Rome feared that the city would be destroyed in the 120 th anniversary of its founding in the year 634.

According to the myth, 12 eagles were one of the founders of Rome, Romulus. 12 - mystical number that points to a lifetime of Rome. For some reason, the early Romans believed that the eagle symbolized every 10 years, hence it was concluded that Rome would fall over 120 years after its founding. However, the Romans were some other suggestions on this matter. They believed that the mysterious number, open Romulus - is the number of days in a year, so the end of the world was to come in the year 389 BC.

As we know, the city stands to this day and continues to grow, despite the great variety of rulers, political trends, disasters and wars that he had to endure.

2. The second coming marks the end of the world? 89,939,312

In the history of saved hundreds of examples of predictions that Jesus Christ must return to earth. Almost all Christian churches expected and still expect this event. But the prediction is unsuccessful, at least in the past.

Some believed that Christ would certainly come 1000 years after his death in 1033, the year. In the 19th century, the sect 'Bible Students Society "explained to the prophecies of the Bible in such a way that the end of the world was to come in 1874, the same year it was expected and the return of Christ.

3. Predictions of the church and religious sekt

Curious case occurred in 1806 in the English city of Leeds. Someone allegedly noticed that the chicken lay eggs began with a mysterious inscription "Christ is the way." The news about these strange eggs spread around the city, and residents began to say that the end of the world is not far off. However, the hoax was revealed soon.

New England farmer William Miller, after several years of very careful study of the Bible concluded that using the exact interpretation of literary manuscripts can predict the date when God decided to destroy the world. After careful research, he determined that the event should take place between March 21, 1843, the year to 21 March 1844. Miller had thousands of followers, who believed that the end of the world is near. They were selling or distributing the property, assuming that it is no longer needed. Once the dates indicated end of the world did not come, the group sectarian split, and some of them founded a new movement that became known as Seventh-day Adventists.

The Second Coming of Christ, waiting in 1994, the American preacher Harold Camping. Without waiting, he and his supporters moved apocalypse for 2011 year. Each time the preacher organized a grandiose advertising campaign money donated by believers, thus, apparently, not bad earning.

4. Predictions of the parade of planets and downs meteoritov

For doomsday predictions were taken not only to the adherents of religious movements, but astronomers and astrologers, who now and then saw mysterious signs in the sky in the form of a parade of planets or asteroids approaching Earth and the giant planets invisible.

What is the falling asteroids and the planet-killer was still possible to imagine, but that's about the parade of planets encountered many misconceptions. Since most mere mortals can imagine that on a certain day of X all known at the time the planets of our system will be built in a single line, which would result in the end of the world. If you know something of astronomy, it is easy to understand that, theoretically, all the planets can not line up in one line. Parade of planets do occur, but they are incomplete.

For example, May 8 th 1774, the observer on Earth could see that Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury, and the Moon are close to each other. Elko Alto astrologer predicted this event. On the basis of quotations from the Bible, he concluded that in this day come to an end.

American meteorologist Albert Porta also predicted end of the world December 17, 1919, the year because of the parade of planets, solar flares, and the burning of the earth.

Indian astrologers saw the bad signs in the sky February 4, 1962, the year when there was also a parade of planets. This cluster of planets on one part of the sky was observed May 5, 2000-year.

5. End of the World 2000, goda

The year 2000 was widely considered a watershed year. Firstly, all bid farewell to the 20th century and the first millennium, and secondly, with interest expected to approach something new and unknown. All this is also fueled by science fiction Hollywood films.

Since 2000, the year, of course, many become associated end beam, in the first place, the end of the light for computers that could confuse the century because of the fact that the new century data recorded as 00 instead of 2000. Thus it was that on 1 January of the year 2000 could be written in the same way as the 1st January 1900: 01/01/00.

Some pessimists argued that because of the January 1, 2000, the year the disaster occurs, which will turn off all computers in the world, disrupt communications, and even lead to a nuclear explosion. Sale of personal weapons jumped, some were going to take refuge in shelters, stocked with provisions, but the new century began without major problems.

In 2000, we predicted the emergence of a second moon, nuclear war, a parade of planets, asteroid, and more. However, as always, mankind has lived and this year without the predicted events, something to rejoice for long, since the ends of the earth began to predict each year, and for the most ridiculous reasons. Here are some of the examples:

  • August 11, 2001, the year - end of the world as Earth sucked into a black hole;
  • 2003 - Earth fall apart;
  • 6 June 2006- year - was to take place end of the world because of a combination of digits 06.06.2006 (the number of the devil).
  • September 10, 2008, the year - due to the launch of the Large Hadron Collider could be a black hole that would swallow Earth.

    2012. The nearest end of the world as we all know, there will be 21 December 2012. This date is possible to calculate on the basis of the Mayan calendar, which supposedly ends the day. But science does not confirm this.

    2021. In this year could happen end of the world because of the inversion of the magnetic field of the Earth, which would entail the deaths of more than half of humanity.

    2036. End of the World may occur due to the collision with the asteroid Apophis. This asteroid with a diameter of 270 meters seriously threatens the Earth collision, so scientists today paint a terrible picture of the consequences of this event, but at the same time thinking about how to prevent a catastrophe.

    2060. The forecast for the end of the world, which was made by Isaac Newton in the early 18th century.

    2242. Based on the theory of planetary epochs Jewish philosopher Abraham ben Meir Ibn Ezraesche in the 12th century made a forecast of the future end of the world. According to his theory in the year ending the era of the sun.

    year 3797. The prophecy of Nostradamus, which he outlined in his "Letter son Caesar».

    5 billion years. It is so much time, according to most scientists live our Sun, then at the center runs out of fuel, so the star will reset the outer layers and expand, engulfing the Earth and other planets.

    via factroom.ru