NEW ATTEMPTS-demiurge Satan to keep people from the light.

On Ecumenism (information from Master Mahatma Morya)
Now there is a company to unite all religions in a common. Some call this effect ecumenism. Is it possible the union of religious beliefs in their current form?
And what about the karma of crimes committed on religious grounds?
MM religious beliefs of people emerged from the need to have support for the growth of his Spirit. According to the Supreme Cohn Trinity and the Hierarchy of Light, no one entity can not evolve in your mind without a basic higher intelligent being, he can not receive electricity rotor without a stator, it can not receive a fire without tinder and flint, so can not and people live without support for their growing Spirit.
But in times of darkness there were the self-styled "gods" who had no right to call themselves so, as they consciously went out of the Hierarchy of Light and are living independently.
They were not enough life energy, and they called themselves the people and showed them the need to worship mnogazhdy times a day, that in conjunction with their conscience, obedient people develop for their life energy, the rotor to the stator. The additional energy generated at such prayer vigils, directly sent to the use of false "gods", and they were getting for their parasitic life is the Hierarchy of Light, everything you need, was required for the life and prosperity.
In these "gods" were many ways to bind the its adherents: that circumcision and burnt, and murder to sacrifice babies and virgins. A lot of blood and pain spilled on the altar of many thousands of gods and this is the time when their time is up.
There was a transition time, when all the old, obsolete and not able to live their own resources, without using resources of other sentient forces should leave.
The old "gods" thoughtful: how do they do next. If they like before to fight each other, they leave much earlier than the final changes will come. And they decided to join forces so that their company came to the most important and promising God, who is Light and in Him there is no darkness. This is the God spoken of by Jesus Christ as his Father. It is God - truly the most, and from Him all creatures are always in the evolutionary stream in Infinity.
And no one who comes after him, never came to a dead end of evolution, because the perfection of God, who is the light, has no limits! Perfecting within the flow of Divine Light, every creature has the ability to rise from the same octaves of Light to another, so the old "gods" have decided to deceive the people and make them your slaves, violated the Supreme Cohn victims when the Most High sacrifice the lower, but not vice versa, as it is now Earth in the old religions. Now they intend to merge into a single community of old "gods" and get the potential of the Infinite God, who is Light!
Noose is obvious, and she quickly revealed to those who feel a huge difference to the treatment of their old "gods" and admiration for God absolute light. Moreover, praying that their old gods, everyone felt obezsilennym, tired, broken and used, and the God of Absolute Light, designed to heart the name of Jesus Christ, it is the sun, filling the hearts of all addressed to him.
Enter the dark gods in the limits of God - absolute light possible, but not vice versa. Dark "gods" made a very long time, heinous crimes against their priverzhentsev- people who needed a path of ascent of the Spirit, instead of which the dark "gods" gave them the dangerous stairs into the outer darkness, where they had been sent to do. Going down in their minds for many centuries, with their dark gods, people are degraded, became evil, insidious, cunning and deceitful as their "gods».
Several times of heinous crimes -this dark "gods" were moments when the Earth could get into circulation destructive events of a global nature. Then the great luminaries have incarnated among the people and save the planet from destruction with their lives and severe torture, voluntarily accepted for the salvation of humanity and the planet itself.
And here we come a time when the light actually won when the heavens opened, when the planets were all chances to advance in their evolutionary flow into the higher worlds, and suddenly the old dark "gods" changed their nature and become light?
In fact, light and darkness can not be there, because the darkness by the light disappears forever. If people of different faiths came together and found it possible to immerse your mind in the light, so they are not different religions, and a common religion - the absolute light, but fulfilling their promise of prayer for the Light in different languages and different music. So for them the old "gods" are gone forever, and the world took to their shining arms of the human soul, converts to the Light.
Mention the names of their old "gods" in the arms of the Absolute Light bring these "gods" is not joy but painful karmic cramps, because the phenomenon of God - absolute light, immediately incorporated into effect Higher Kona Being, and one of them Con Karma or Retribution. You can not be the culprit many times and did not get punishment for their crimes. Yes, Absolute Light - is Love itself, but even Love can be such a burning, a flammable, it may seem that hatred is much nicer.
Con Karma requires God's judgment upon the world, created by the old "gods". Therefore, shaken world system of darkness organized by the old "gods" for the convenience of his life in the world due to their enslaved people. People come out of the masses - their influence and cease to be slaves, making their existence in the world is even more short life because the energy is not supplied to them in the same amount. So, we must do something.
Ecumenism - is an attempt to combine the remaining life potential "divine" slaves to create a kind of energy "common fund" for the starving old "gods».
Ecumenism is treated the same as one of the reasons for the creation of a global system of subordinate servants of darkness. There are a few new sources for pick-up psychic energy - it is the media, TV, internet, global political, economic, trade and financial system.
New world order - an alternative to the UN implies the erosion of all the individual characteristics of peoples and cultures. In fact, the absolute light in Infinity there is a very strict hierarchy of various levels of consciousness taking into account the personality and level of achievement. Stairs consciousnesses go into Infinity, and therefore it is possible to exist in the Absolute Oneness of Light, but the variety of levels of consciousness and culture.
Pushed all in one general physical field of the planet, as suggested by the globalists, it is possible only if the murder of billions of people, because everyone knows that on one platform all the space they can find. And here at the Absolute in the Infinite Light has an unimaginable number of floors for all forms of intelligent and cultural life, and everyone has the opportunity to be individual and unique creation that has no analogues in the Infinity.
So that attempts to unite all religions and "cross snake with a hedgehog," ecumenists - globalists should be clear to all. We must try to survive as a disease of human enemies to establish the New World Order, and certainly, in any case, do not seek God in "Compote" from the old guilty "gods" - criminals.
Power Light on the doorstep! Without entering into the pit that they dug globalists!
Thank you! .01.25. 2016.