A young visionary found in the Bible a prophecy about Ukraine, goosebumps from these words
Can a book that tells stories of the past foreshadow the future? As you know, history develops in a spiral. And each new round carries the lessons and developments of the previous one. Today's edition. "Site" I will share with you some observations of the visionary Ruslan Horin. He found it. Bible prophecywhich are directly related to Ukraine.
According to Ruslan, the Bible today is the first source of answers to questions. It is in this book that so many prophecies are hidden, so strongly connected with our present. Ruslan was able to find in the Bible confirmation that we are now at the stage of the development of a new world. This is a transitional phase that will end by 2025. Daniel 2:35 “Then all things were broken together: iron, clay, copper, silver, and gold became like dust in the summer humens, and the wind carried them away, and there was no trace of them; but the stone that broke the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.”
Ruslan Khorin sees in this prophecy changes that will affect the whole world and Ukraine in the near future. Ukraine in this prophecy is the stone that should break the image. After that, Ukraine will become a recognized great power and fill the whole earth with truth, goodness and culture. Today, Ukraine does not have one adversary with whom it is fighting on the battlefield. Darkness in all its manifestations, which has settled in all countries of the world and in the hearts of many people. This is the true enemy of the Ukrainians. Only by defeating it will it be possible to focus on building a prosperous and successful country.
A large stone is made up of small grains of sand. These grains of sand are the people of Ukraine. Those nationalities who live on the territory of Ukraine and support Ukraine in its struggle for life and independence. And when each of us realizes our uniqueness, our need for common cause, then the victory of Ukraine will come very soon. Our body and our spirit must be filled with meaning and understanding of the processes that are taking place in the world today. Every Ukrainian should fill himself with a new qualitative intellect, desires of connection with the creator.
Ruslan Khorin also reminds us that all our desires are material. Collective desires have more energy and can materialize faster. Today, a large number of people have one cherished desire. But it cannot be realized yet because everyone expresses it differently. And it turns out that the general meaning seems to be the same, and the formulations are different. And the universe simply does not understand what they want from it and cannot fulfill this desire. This is the unity of the stone, when each grain of sand knows its function, but they all move together towards a single goal.
Today there is a tough confrontation between the representatives of the old world and those who are building a new world. War is not just on the battlefield and not just on the internet. This is the first very emotional, spiritual war. A man can be broken on the physical plane, but if he remains true to his principles, he will live on. If a person breaks his principles, ideals, his faith can be considered that a person is destroyed. Ruslan Khorin asks all Ukrainians and those who want the victory of reason and light. Take care of your principles, do not allow you to doubt your beliefs. Because that’s what the enemy wants.
We very much hope that our readers will also remain true to their principles and continue to follow our new publications.

According to Ruslan, the Bible today is the first source of answers to questions. It is in this book that so many prophecies are hidden, so strongly connected with our present. Ruslan was able to find in the Bible confirmation that we are now at the stage of the development of a new world. This is a transitional phase that will end by 2025. Daniel 2:35 “Then all things were broken together: iron, clay, copper, silver, and gold became like dust in the summer humens, and the wind carried them away, and there was no trace of them; but the stone that broke the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.”

Ruslan Khorin sees in this prophecy changes that will affect the whole world and Ukraine in the near future. Ukraine in this prophecy is the stone that should break the image. After that, Ukraine will become a recognized great power and fill the whole earth with truth, goodness and culture. Today, Ukraine does not have one adversary with whom it is fighting on the battlefield. Darkness in all its manifestations, which has settled in all countries of the world and in the hearts of many people. This is the true enemy of the Ukrainians. Only by defeating it will it be possible to focus on building a prosperous and successful country.

A large stone is made up of small grains of sand. These grains of sand are the people of Ukraine. Those nationalities who live on the territory of Ukraine and support Ukraine in its struggle for life and independence. And when each of us realizes our uniqueness, our need for common cause, then the victory of Ukraine will come very soon. Our body and our spirit must be filled with meaning and understanding of the processes that are taking place in the world today. Every Ukrainian should fill himself with a new qualitative intellect, desires of connection with the creator.

Ruslan Khorin also reminds us that all our desires are material. Collective desires have more energy and can materialize faster. Today, a large number of people have one cherished desire. But it cannot be realized yet because everyone expresses it differently. And it turns out that the general meaning seems to be the same, and the formulations are different. And the universe simply does not understand what they want from it and cannot fulfill this desire. This is the unity of the stone, when each grain of sand knows its function, but they all move together towards a single goal.

Today there is a tough confrontation between the representatives of the old world and those who are building a new world. War is not just on the battlefield and not just on the internet. This is the first very emotional, spiritual war. A man can be broken on the physical plane, but if he remains true to his principles, he will live on. If a person breaks his principles, ideals, his faith can be considered that a person is destroyed. Ruslan Khorin asks all Ukrainians and those who want the victory of reason and light. Take care of your principles, do not allow you to doubt your beliefs. Because that’s what the enemy wants.

We very much hope that our readers will also remain true to their principles and continue to follow our new publications.
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