How to determine the type of hair
Every woman knows that skin care should be carried out in accordance with its type. It's the same with hair. But if the type of skin can be reliably determined only by a beautician, then we are able to diagnose hair ourselves.
Wash your head, gently brush the wet hair and let it dry without using a hair dryer and styling agents. Look at their condition.
Hair care skin care
About how to prepare hair care products at home, read in our articles. Hair care cosmetics It doesn't have to be expensive. Follow the links.
Wash your head, gently brush the wet hair and let it dry without using a hair dryer and styling agents. Look at their condition.

Hair care skin care
- Straight hair can be thin and soft or medium thickness and keep the volume only at the roots, and can also be thick and hard, hardest to process. If you have straight hair, then the hair pulled after washing will remain straightened along the entire length. If you wrap it on your finger, it'll be smooth again in a minute.
How to Care for Straight Hair? It is necessary to wash such hair at least 1 time every three days, as they quickly become greasy. The composition of shampoos should be therapeutic clay and there should be no oil.
It is better to dry them with cold air. After installation, apply a thermal protection agent. Fluffiness of thin hairs remove smoothing spray also without oils in the composition.
Straight hair often lacks volume, which can be compensated by the right haircut. For example, a cascading type, it will create a movement effect.
DepositPhotos - Washed wavy hair after twisting on the finger form an S-shaped wave of different severity. Depending on the thickness of the hair, waves can form immediately near the roots along the entire length or only at the tips. Such hair is very fluffy and loses moisture. To cope with fluffiness, choose moisturizing shampoos and conditioners with fruit and herbal extracts in the composition.
To keep the moisture in the hair, after washing, apply oil or spray on the middle and tips of the hair based on flaxseed, mustard oil, grape seed oil. Give up the hair dryer, let the hair dry naturally.
Cut wavy hair is better under one length, maximum semicircle. You do not need to often experiment with stacking such hair in tight tails or knots, otherwise they will be visible cracks.
DepositPhotos - In curly hair, the difference in length between the curl in its natural state and artificially straightened is 12-20 centimeters. Such hair is very prone to dryness. They are suitable for cleansing sulfate-free products with oils in the composition. To preserve the shape of curls, after washing it is useful to use indelible air conditioners and masks without silicone. And for the tips of the hair, use nutrient oils: argan, coconut, jojoba, almond, olive.
DepositPhotos comb curly hair moist, hair dryer is not sushi. As for haircuts, the shorter they are, the more hair will curl. Laying short hair, you will need to use a lot of funds that, with prolonged use, will negatively affect the condition of the curls. Therefore, hair of this type is better to grow.
DepositPhotos - Curly hair type is characteristic mainly of representatives of the Negroid race. Small curls can be in the form of a spiral and in the form of a zigzag. They look bulky, but in quality they are often thin and brittle. The difference in length between curly hair in its natural state and artificially straightened is 22-30 centimeters. This hair should not be washed often. It is advisable to alternate the use of shampoo with conditioning and
Just an air conditioner to freshen your hair.
DepositPhotos Sprays with oil will help make the hair malleable for combing. They should be applied immediately after washing. It is not necessary to dry with a hair dryer, otherwise the hair will become even lusher than it is, and the curls will spoil the shape.
The length of the hair should be at least on the shoulders, otherwise the head will be chaos from flying in different directions curls that will not lend themselves to styling.
About how to prepare hair care products at home, read in our articles. Hair care cosmetics It doesn't have to be expensive. Follow the links.
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