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Sprouts: perfect breakfast

Sprouts - superpoleznaya food. But we need to get used to it. Offers instruction for beginners: what are the most delicious, as they germinate, and why sprouts are good for breakfast, and at night it is better not to eat
. On the seedlings, I questioned the candidate of biological sciences Natalia Shaskolsky. She is studying this product more than 15 years, eats on a daily basis and recommends to follow her example, for three reasons. First, the seedlings quickly heals the intestinal microflora. With their help, really cure dysbacteriosis, gastritis and colitis. Second, protect cells from free radicals, the main culprits of disease and premature aging. Third, in sprouts contain the most vitamins and minerals - even more than in the green with garden beds

. Which is better to germinate
Wheat, rye, oats, lentils, mung and unpretentious and grow very quickly. In the flax and rice more complicated - hatch longer and require constant attention. The most delicious - oat, sunflower and wheat germ. Slightly gorchat sesame and amaranth.

There seedlings, helpful to all, without exception - the same crap. But powerful cleaner thistle liver is contraindicated in the stones in the gallbladder. Cereal seedlings can not have gluten intolerance.

Where to get seeds
Lentils, chickpeas and green mung bean (chickpeas) are sold in retail stores. Of naked oats, rye and wheat - in pharmacies. The rest have to order online or look in health food stores. In Moscow, you can buy seeds and seedlings ready in the research and production center "Sprout».

How to germinate sprouts
First, the seeds need to be soaked in clean any deep dish for 8-12 hours. Then rinse thoroughly with water once again to shift into a bowl and tightly close the gauze or saucer. After 12 hours, the sprouts will appear in the damp air.

How and when the seedlings have
Accustom themselves to the seedlings gradually important. Put on 1-2 hours. L. in cereal, smoothies, fruit and vegetable salads, mashed potatoes, mix with cottage cheese and yogurt. Thoroughly chew, drink juice or tea.

It is best to mix two different types of seedlings (eg, buckwheat and oats, sesame and amaranth and wheat) and change the set every two months.

For two or three months it is possible to bring the number up to 3-4 hours. L. per day (60-70 g), but it is a maximum. Do not add the sprouts during preparation of hot meals: in the heat treatment of their value plummets. Dishes (eg, cereals, soups, stews) must be cold.

Sprouts - morning meal. If you take them in the afternoon or at night, you can not sleep because of a strong stimulating effect.

Where to store
The top shelf of the refrigerator at + 2-5 degrees, for five days. It is best to feel the sprouts in a glass container under the lid ajar. Before you eat, do not forget to wash the sprouts under running water. Natalia Shaskol'skaya insists that before the germination of grain and consumption need to be disinfected and used three to five minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and rinse with water several times

. Wheat germ
Taste:. Sweet

The rich: potassium (850 mg / 100 g), phosphorus (1100 mg / 100 g), magnesium (400 mg / 100 g), iron (10 mg / 100 g), zinc (20 mg / 100 g), vitamin E (21 mg / 100 g) and group B

Use: normalize intestinal microflora and metabolism (shown in gastritis, colitis, obesity, diabetes, allergies), improve blood circulation, strengthen the nervous system, hair and nails, rejuvenate the skin

. How to grow: it is easy and fast, but at the same time remain hardish

. Oat seedlings
Taste:. Milky nutty, mellow

The rich in vitamins C, E and K, calcium, iron, magnesium, silicon, chromium, zinc

. Use: healthier intestinal flora, strengthen the immune system and the nervous system, bile output, and toxic substances; excellent remedy for iron deficiency anemia, gastrointestinal diseases and diabetes. Help to recover faster after a stroke, Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis.

How to grow: it is easy and fast. For germination will only fit oats called

«golozernogo". Bean sprouts (chickpeas, green magician, lentils)
Taste:. Sweet, juicy, with a spicy taste

The rich:. Proteins and vitamin C (42, 32 mg / 100 g)

Benefits: strengthens the immune system, they are best suited for the prevention of colds and flu. Very useful for pregnant women and nursing mothers - alleviate morning sickness, saturate the body with proteins

. How to grow: easy and fast

. Buckwheat sprouts
Taste: sweet, slightly herbal flavor

. The rich: rutin (this bioflavonoid strengthens blood vessels), potassium (380 mg / 100 g), calcium, magnesium (up to 200 mg / 100 g), manganese (1, 56 mg / 100 g), cobalt (3 mg / 100 g), boron, silicon, iron (8 mg / 100 g), vitamin C (26 mg / 100 g) and group B

Use: helps with cardiovascular diseases (from arteriosclerosis, ischemia, thrombophlebitis to varicose veins and hemorrhoids), a large loss of blood, normalizes blood pressure, improve metabolism in obesity and diabetes

. How to sprout: sprout produces only green (not roasted) buckwheat. With it removed the top layer of the husk, the embryo is not damaged. During germination of buckwheat, as well as flax, mucus - it is necessary to rinse with running water

. Amarantnye
seedlings Taste: nutty, slightly bitter, so it is best sweetened with honey

. The rich: squalene (a substance that stimulates oxygenation of the body), vitamin E, polyunsaturated fatty acids and proteins. Amaranth protein identical to the protein human breast milk.

Benefits: improve the functioning of the kidneys, liver, heart and endocrine glands, reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, soften manifestations of toxicity in pregnant women, enhance immunity, inhibit cancer cell growth

. How to grow: capricious. Create them ideal conditions: the rinsed seeds spread on a flat surface (a tray, grill for propolis), cover with water for 1-2 mm and the top cover with the other flat object. One or two times a day moisten with water (but do not fill) if the seeds dry up.

seedlings Taste: nutty with bitterness

. The rich: mainly calcium (100 g provides more than the daily value, up to 1470 mg); plus potassium (497 mg / 100 g), phosphorus (616 mg / 100 g), magnesium (540 mg / 100 g), iron (up to 10 5 mg / 100 g), vitamin C (34 mg / 100 g).

Benefits: strengthens bones, nails and tooth enamel, helps to recover faster after a fracture, arthrosis, arthritis and osteoporosis. Especially useful for children in the period of change of teeth, pregnant and nursing, as well as the elderly.

How to grow: not without difficulties. The same approach as amaranth (cm. Above).