Food for life. sprouts

According to scientists, germinated seeds - this is the best delicious and healthy food, rich biocatalysts. If for some time to make the seedlings, it is possible to significantly improve the condition of the body, namely the nervous system, blood, heart, respiratory system, digestive tract. Absorption of seedlings completely rejuvenates the body, normalizes metabolism, reduces weight, apparently improves the condition of nails, teeth, promotes hair growth. The content of B vitamins in sprouts increases in times in accordance with the techniques useful and rich in vitamins food kit. For example, only fifty grams of sprouts replace a glass of orange juice, which supplies the body with vitamin C.
Germinated products can be taken without restrictions during breakfast, lunch and dinner, and just as desired. People are not so long ago learned to do a healing drink from germinating grains and named it radzhivelak. But you need to take them without fanaticism, from twenty to seventy grams per day. Not all is rosy as it seems at first glance, the seedlings along with benefit and may cause harm. An integral part of the seedlings of cereals have gluten, called gluten. It is found in wheat, rye, oats, barley. Enzyme components that process the gluten in the body is in short supply. Germinated seeds are contraindicated in children under the age of twelve. For example, the fiber contained in whole grains, adversely affect the operation of the digestive system ulcer using seedlings during the exit of stones and sand from the kidneys, can be obtained flatulence.

WHAT germinated
For germination use what grows rapidly, it is wheat, and rye, and oats, etc. A rice and flax long punched and require attention. Most of all I would like to highlight the most delicious sprouts - is oatmeal, sunflower and wheat, sesame and amaranth will give bitterness. If you touch, such as buckwheat, it is useful to everyone, but the sprouts thistle, which actively helps the liver, do not take people who have gallstones. Germinated seeds can be all, these are just some of them.
Wheat germinates easily and quickly, has a sugary taste. Contains in its composition of 26 percent protein, 10 percent fat, and more than thirty per cent of carbohydrates, all these substances are quickly absorbed by the body. When the amount of seed germination and quality of the vitamins increases. The germinated wheat contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamin E, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, folic acid. It is widely used in chronic diseases of the large intestine and digestive system as a whole. Wheat in such a beneficial effect on the circulatory and nervous system, contributes to more easily tolerate stress, improves the quality of hair and nails.
Rye sprouts - the initial stage of healing the body. Rye, as well as wheat, carries all the essential vitamins and minerals. Receive data seedlings completely or largely covers all the disadvantages of the organism on vitamins. Rye should be taken in the same cases as the wheat, it is very useful for the intestinal flora.
Buckwheat during germination takes sweet tone with a dash of Grassy. For germination is necessary to select only immature, not the past grilling buckwheat, ie the one that does not have the outer scaly layer during germination it as flax produces mucous substance, which is washed with water. As a representative of the first two, buckwheat has all the useful components needed by the body. Unlike wheat and rye, buckwheat for the most part significantly improves the condition of blood vessels, strengthens their stenochki. Buckwheat advised to take in order to prevent vascular diseases, in diseases associated with infection, with eye diseases, hemorrhoids, which is accompanied by the expansion of veins. In addition to these diseases, there are a number of indications for the use of buckwheat sprouts.

Lentil sprouts have a sweet, sugary taste. Very tasty product. It contains a lot of protein, iron, calcium, copper, B vitamins and so on, as large amounts of vitamin C, so you can make lentil sprouts in influenza and viral infections during exacerbations. Its reception condition improves blood and increases the number of red cells in the blood.
Prorostochki pumpkin. Seeds of this product is almost the only useful and valuable. They consist of the entire line of vitamin complex. The most common data sprouts used to combat worms. Pumpkin seeds improve waste bile, a positive effect on the reproductive system, especially in the male population. Positively affect brain activity, relieve irritation and fatigue, sleep forge. Pumpkin sprouts recommended for children of primary school age during the breakfast, to avoid stressful situations.
Sprouted sunflower is a valuable natural product content vegetable protein, acids, and the whole set of vitamins. Using this product seedlings positive effect on the balance of acid and alkali in the body and covers substantially the entire vitamin deficiencies. Sunflower good for the stomach and intestines, memory and blood composition.
Germinated sesame has gorchaschy taste walnut. Carry in your part of the core complex of vitamins. A beneficial effect on bone and musculoskeletal system. Positively affects the bowel, the stomach, the liver. Actively used to strengthen teeth and restore enamel. It is advised to take in diseases of the joints, spine, women during menopause and gestation.

Sprouts Flax, dietprodukt involved in the complex rehabilitation of the body, activates all of its safety processes. Contains all the vitamins and elements, the number and quality of which is increased during germination. Flax seeds form mucus, which has a powerful protective action, which is very good for the stomach and intestines. As sesame is composed of a lot of calcium, and therefore it needs to be taken by pregnant or lactating. It has useful properties and flax oil contains linoleic acid, has been actively involved in the formulation of the entire organism. It is responsible for all shell and structure, muscle strength, the release of the vessel walls of cholesterol plaques, promotes the brain. Flax sprouts are recommended for heart disease, high blood pressure, varicose veins.
Sprouts oats help with many illnesses: tuberculosis, kidney, liver, thyroid gland. Using oats can quickly bounce back after a serious illness, strengthen the immune system, to develop muscle tissue, normalize the digestive system, clean the blood.
Bean sprouts are a good diuretic effect, heal abrasions and cuts, improve skin and hair. For example, prorostochki peas are good for those who want to lose weight, calories in it a little bit. Sprouted beans - a good tool in the fight against viral seasonal illness improves the quality of blood and tone the entire body. Soy sprouts contribute to the removal of excess water and fat from the body, rejuvenates the body as a whole.
Regarding seedlings thistle, it has a positive effect on the liver. In its composition it contains flavonoids, which protect the body by the liver cells and infectious diseases, and toxic substances. It maximizes waste structure of bile.

First of all, we must remember that doing better germination in terms of home cooking, this take selected grains and pour a solution of manganese, in five minutes the water is drained and washed thoroughly with grain. Next, pour some water and grains leave the room for half a day, repeat the procedure by washing twice. After such manipulations can be consumed grain about five working days, store in a tightly sealed jar in a temperature range of 5 degrees. Every morning a grain desirable disinfected, washed with water, and only then eat.
In the literature, much has been written about the germination of grain, but of disinfecting do not know everything, but it is extremely necessary.