Biogenic food is the cheapest method of anti-aging
Thirty one million eight hundred ninety three thousand six hundred twenty two
Isn't it wonderful that the most healthy food on earth cheaper? Checkmate those who believe that eating healthy is impossible expensive. Sprouts contain live enzymes, ready to make you a miracle to heal from many diseases and to rejuvenate your body, if you will allow of course.
Such biogenic food was used in former times many wise people, thanks to what could live on Land indefinitely. The ancient Greeks (Pelasgians) believed that "to die in 70 years is almost the same as to die in the cradle", because in itself the process of aging occurs when more cells die than are being created. And this happens only when the food lacks enzymes.
An example of a biogenic food: sprouted seeds and shoots of sunflower, pumpkin, flax, sesame seeds; sprouted wheat, rye, barley, amaranth; mustard, chickpea, Masha.
Features food:
Is the most healing food on the planet, has long been used as a drug and best drug.
Contains bioenergy in the maximum phase of its activity.
Has the property of biogenetic (planting a seedling in the earth, he creates new life, turning into a plant). This is why nutrient food called living food.
Able to charge the person the maximum amount of bioenergy.
Increases physical and mental energy of the person.
Helps to reduce sleep time that the body uses to replenish bio-energy.
Sprouts is the best suppliers of enzymes (enzymes, sources of life energy), vitamins, dietary fibers (cellulose), amino acids, fatty acids, sugars, micro - and macroelements. Sprouts contain about 40 times more natural enzymes than any other foods. And contained in seedlings of antioxidants to help prevent damage to DNA, which contributes to the prolongation of life.
A sharp increase in the amount of vitamins is characteristic only of germinating seeds: they must quickly overcome all obstacles on the way to sunlight. Later, when it begins to work, the root system and shoots appear, the vitamin content is greatly reduced. It is believed that in green plants vitamins on average 340(!) times lower than in seedlings.Thus, using food sprouted seeds, a person is able to obtain the maximum amount needed by the body natural antioxidant vitamins that can protect from diseases and prolong life. In table below for example shows the percentage of the daily required dose of a number of vitamins contained in 100 g of wheat germ, either in the same quantity of those vegetables and fruits and other products which we can purchase in the market all year round.
A diet of seeds and seedlings cheap. But still it is necessary to consider that from one kilogram of dry seed is obtained 1.5 and 2 kilos of "ready" food (as a result of napichavanie them with water). At a time when buying the same oranges, bananas, tangerines, etc. – almost half of the weight we throw into the trash can in the rind of the bones and other things that makes these products more expensive relative to the actual mass consumed after cleaning them. Yes, it is necessary to consider the fact that 300 grams of seeds you can eat dense, while 300 grams of orange or banana-a"ridiculous dose".
About the benefits of sprouts yet know our ancestors. They have always appreciated the quality of the food, not the quantity. And for a full life for our ancestors was missing a day not more than a handful of sprouts. Left the evidence that our ancestors took food not more often than 1-2 times a day. The ancient sages declared that a person eating once a day is a wise eating twice a day – a foodie looking for happiness in temporary pleasures, and eating three times a day is a sick person. Interestingly, even in ancient times the Greeks and Romans, their army, which consisted of athletes marching for days, eating once a day.
More than a thousand years the one meal in the evening after the day's work was the norm for people who lived on the Mediterranean coast. The habit of eating three times a day appeared only in the last two centuries because of a lack in the diet of life energy, enzymes, and vitamins that are killed by fire and through different processes of refining, canning, roughing and machining.
As an example, we can say that 100 grams of sprouted wheat yield greater nutritional value than 1 kg of white bread or 500 grams of fresh fruit and vegetables, which in addition often contain nitrates, toxic substances. Eating sprouts helps many times to save not only money and time but also energy. That's why many yogis prefer to feed on nutrient food by spending bioenergy for spiritual purposes, the development of intuition, the cosmic consciousness.
The nutrient composition of foods:
The maximum amount of live enzymes (enzymes), which are all metabolic processes that digest proteins, fats, carbohydrates.
Almost a full set of the live amino acids that form all living cells.
Green shoots of legumes contain living chlorophyll, which is similar to the composition of human blood, so actively involved in the hematopoietic process.
An inexhaustible source of fiber, which is essential for maintaining the health of the microflora and improve digestion of food.
Almost all living micro and macro.
Almost all the live vitamins, which are necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes.
The degree of assimilation of the human body:
As biogenic food, bioactive agents are organic compounds, they are very easily digested by their own enzymes. The percentage of digestion of biogenic food reaches 90-100% with careful chewing.
Consequences of use:
After eating nutrient food a person feels a surge of vitality, ease and satiety for the whole day or even several days. As a result of regular food only nutrient food a person has lost attraction to dead food, alcohol, Smoking, drugs, lost appetite, it is possible to go without food for several days and weeks.
Regular consumption of seedlings stimulates metabolism and blood, improves the immune system, compensates for vitamin and mineral deficiency, normalizes the acid-alkaline balance, cleanses the body of toxins and efficient digestion, increases the potency, slows the aging process. Sprouted seeds are especially useful to children and the elderly, pregnant women and nursing mothers, people of intense mental and physical labor.
In addition to General positive effects on the human body, seedlings of each culture, having in its composition a certain set of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, have a specific healing effect and are recommended for people suffering from these or other ailments. Adding sprouts to your daily diet is the most important element for people leading a healthy lifestyle.
Problems with deficiency of vitamins, micro and macro elements can be avoided if you eat sprouts, which contain all the necessary substances from A to z in one-piece, natural, not dissected, balanced way.
Sprouts are used in cooking for many millions of years. Preserved to us in the manuscripts there were records that the seedlings were known 5 thousand years ago. З000 years BC, the Chinese knew about the health properties of sprouts.
Who ate(et)?:
Tibetan sages, yogis, Abkhazian centenarians.
The Chinese emperors.
Residents Of The Far North.
Russian heroes.
The wise men, the Magi, the druids, esoteric, keepers of ancient knowledge.
The seedlings were part of the food and medicines of many Nations of the East and the West. Even 3000 years BC, the Chinese regularly ate sprouts beans. The same seedlings captain cook saved his crew from scurvy. In Russia has long used sprouted wheat. From ancient Chronicles it is known that warriors of the Slavs in the campaigns ate sprouted grain, and the sick and weakened children, our ancestors were fed sprouted wheat, then children quickly gained weight and recovered.
In our time the legendary Mahatma Gandhi eating sprouts on a daily basis and are encouraged to do the same to his followers. Forever young "grandmother" of the American cinema Liz Taylor and charming Jane Fonda with the figure of a girl of sixteen, a significant place in the diet took the tender green of young sprouts. Their example was followed by top models, as they work good complexion, white teeth, supple skin, shiny well-groomed hair — is not a luxury but a necessary professional qualities.
Biogenic food was used in former times many wise people, thanks to what could live on Land indefinitely. The ancient Greeks (Pelasgians) believed that "to die in 70 years is almost the same as to die in the cradle". As ancient manuscripts testify, that a man can live about 1000 years. In the book of Genesis recorded that the Patriarch Methuselah lived 969 years. In "Avesta" also refers to the old kings who lived for 1000 years. And there's nothing supernatural for those who are aware of the importance of enzymes. The human body consists of protoplasm. Scientists say that in protoplasm there is nothing that could be old or could be updated. By 1928, it was 8000 generations of protoplasm, which for 17 years were examined by scientists L. Woodruff, R. Erdmann, etc., and this protoplasm is not only not changed, but it was not detected the slightest signs of decay.
By itself, the process of aging occurs when more cells die than are being created. And this happens only when the food lacks enzymes. Professor Henry Sherman also proved that the life span of animals can be increased with the help of food that contains the enzymes.Food nutrient food containing the maximum amount of enzymes is the hidden secret of maintaining youthful skin and almost physical immortality.
It is believed that before the Flood nutrient food was the basis of the diet of people. But after a disaster, the knowledge about biogenic food was lost. A few members of the human race were able to keep the secrets of longevity. They in particular were the yogis, the magicians, the druids.
Today because of the horrible unreasonable eating habits, the average life expectancy of a normal person is 70 years, so the idea that you can live long and not suffer, it seems fantastic. But it all depends on your attitude and your lifestyle, mental beliefs, eating habits.
People have come up with a lot of food, reducing the life and no less of anti aging. But what is the point to fight the effects of aging, if not to eliminate the causes?
Source: vk.com/project_aoj
Isn't it wonderful that the most healthy food on earth cheaper? Checkmate those who believe that eating healthy is impossible expensive. Sprouts contain live enzymes, ready to make you a miracle to heal from many diseases and to rejuvenate your body, if you will allow of course.
Such biogenic food was used in former times many wise people, thanks to what could live on Land indefinitely. The ancient Greeks (Pelasgians) believed that "to die in 70 years is almost the same as to die in the cradle", because in itself the process of aging occurs when more cells die than are being created. And this happens only when the food lacks enzymes.
An example of a biogenic food: sprouted seeds and shoots of sunflower, pumpkin, flax, sesame seeds; sprouted wheat, rye, barley, amaranth; mustard, chickpea, Masha.
Features food:
Is the most healing food on the planet, has long been used as a drug and best drug.
Contains bioenergy in the maximum phase of its activity.
Has the property of biogenetic (planting a seedling in the earth, he creates new life, turning into a plant). This is why nutrient food called living food.
Able to charge the person the maximum amount of bioenergy.
Increases physical and mental energy of the person.
Helps to reduce sleep time that the body uses to replenish bio-energy.

Sprouts is the best suppliers of enzymes (enzymes, sources of life energy), vitamins, dietary fibers (cellulose), amino acids, fatty acids, sugars, micro - and macroelements. Sprouts contain about 40 times more natural enzymes than any other foods. And contained in seedlings of antioxidants to help prevent damage to DNA, which contributes to the prolongation of life.
A sharp increase in the amount of vitamins is characteristic only of germinating seeds: they must quickly overcome all obstacles on the way to sunlight. Later, when it begins to work, the root system and shoots appear, the vitamin content is greatly reduced. It is believed that in green plants vitamins on average 340(!) times lower than in seedlings.Thus, using food sprouted seeds, a person is able to obtain the maximum amount needed by the body natural antioxidant vitamins that can protect from diseases and prolong life. In table below for example shows the percentage of the daily required dose of a number of vitamins contained in 100 g of wheat germ, either in the same quantity of those vegetables and fruits and other products which we can purchase in the market all year round.
A diet of seeds and seedlings cheap. But still it is necessary to consider that from one kilogram of dry seed is obtained 1.5 and 2 kilos of "ready" food (as a result of napichavanie them with water). At a time when buying the same oranges, bananas, tangerines, etc. – almost half of the weight we throw into the trash can in the rind of the bones and other things that makes these products more expensive relative to the actual mass consumed after cleaning them. Yes, it is necessary to consider the fact that 300 grams of seeds you can eat dense, while 300 grams of orange or banana-a"ridiculous dose".

About the benefits of sprouts yet know our ancestors. They have always appreciated the quality of the food, not the quantity. And for a full life for our ancestors was missing a day not more than a handful of sprouts. Left the evidence that our ancestors took food not more often than 1-2 times a day. The ancient sages declared that a person eating once a day is a wise eating twice a day – a foodie looking for happiness in temporary pleasures, and eating three times a day is a sick person. Interestingly, even in ancient times the Greeks and Romans, their army, which consisted of athletes marching for days, eating once a day.
More than a thousand years the one meal in the evening after the day's work was the norm for people who lived on the Mediterranean coast. The habit of eating three times a day appeared only in the last two centuries because of a lack in the diet of life energy, enzymes, and vitamins that are killed by fire and through different processes of refining, canning, roughing and machining.
As an example, we can say that 100 grams of sprouted wheat yield greater nutritional value than 1 kg of white bread or 500 grams of fresh fruit and vegetables, which in addition often contain nitrates, toxic substances. Eating sprouts helps many times to save not only money and time but also energy. That's why many yogis prefer to feed on nutrient food by spending bioenergy for spiritual purposes, the development of intuition, the cosmic consciousness.
The nutrient composition of foods:
The maximum amount of live enzymes (enzymes), which are all metabolic processes that digest proteins, fats, carbohydrates.
Almost a full set of the live amino acids that form all living cells.
Green shoots of legumes contain living chlorophyll, which is similar to the composition of human blood, so actively involved in the hematopoietic process.
An inexhaustible source of fiber, which is essential for maintaining the health of the microflora and improve digestion of food.
Almost all living micro and macro.
Almost all the live vitamins, which are necessary for the normalization of metabolic processes.
The degree of assimilation of the human body:
As biogenic food, bioactive agents are organic compounds, they are very easily digested by their own enzymes. The percentage of digestion of biogenic food reaches 90-100% with careful chewing.
Consequences of use:
After eating nutrient food a person feels a surge of vitality, ease and satiety for the whole day or even several days. As a result of regular food only nutrient food a person has lost attraction to dead food, alcohol, Smoking, drugs, lost appetite, it is possible to go without food for several days and weeks.
Regular consumption of seedlings stimulates metabolism and blood, improves the immune system, compensates for vitamin and mineral deficiency, normalizes the acid-alkaline balance, cleanses the body of toxins and efficient digestion, increases the potency, slows the aging process. Sprouted seeds are especially useful to children and the elderly, pregnant women and nursing mothers, people of intense mental and physical labor.
In addition to General positive effects on the human body, seedlings of each culture, having in its composition a certain set of nutrients, vitamins and minerals, have a specific healing effect and are recommended for people suffering from these or other ailments. Adding sprouts to your daily diet is the most important element for people leading a healthy lifestyle.
Problems with deficiency of vitamins, micro and macro elements can be avoided if you eat sprouts, which contain all the necessary substances from A to z in one-piece, natural, not dissected, balanced way.
Sprouts are used in cooking for many millions of years. Preserved to us in the manuscripts there were records that the seedlings were known 5 thousand years ago. З000 years BC, the Chinese knew about the health properties of sprouts.
Who ate(et)?:
Tibetan sages, yogis, Abkhazian centenarians.
The Chinese emperors.
Residents Of The Far North.
Russian heroes.
The wise men, the Magi, the druids, esoteric, keepers of ancient knowledge.
The seedlings were part of the food and medicines of many Nations of the East and the West. Even 3000 years BC, the Chinese regularly ate sprouts beans. The same seedlings captain cook saved his crew from scurvy. In Russia has long used sprouted wheat. From ancient Chronicles it is known that warriors of the Slavs in the campaigns ate sprouted grain, and the sick and weakened children, our ancestors were fed sprouted wheat, then children quickly gained weight and recovered.
In our time the legendary Mahatma Gandhi eating sprouts on a daily basis and are encouraged to do the same to his followers. Forever young "grandmother" of the American cinema Liz Taylor and charming Jane Fonda with the figure of a girl of sixteen, a significant place in the diet took the tender green of young sprouts. Their example was followed by top models, as they work good complexion, white teeth, supple skin, shiny well-groomed hair — is not a luxury but a necessary professional qualities.
Biogenic food was used in former times many wise people, thanks to what could live on Land indefinitely. The ancient Greeks (Pelasgians) believed that "to die in 70 years is almost the same as to die in the cradle". As ancient manuscripts testify, that a man can live about 1000 years. In the book of Genesis recorded that the Patriarch Methuselah lived 969 years. In "Avesta" also refers to the old kings who lived for 1000 years. And there's nothing supernatural for those who are aware of the importance of enzymes. The human body consists of protoplasm. Scientists say that in protoplasm there is nothing that could be old or could be updated. By 1928, it was 8000 generations of protoplasm, which for 17 years were examined by scientists L. Woodruff, R. Erdmann, etc., and this protoplasm is not only not changed, but it was not detected the slightest signs of decay.
By itself, the process of aging occurs when more cells die than are being created. And this happens only when the food lacks enzymes. Professor Henry Sherman also proved that the life span of animals can be increased with the help of food that contains the enzymes.Food nutrient food containing the maximum amount of enzymes is the hidden secret of maintaining youthful skin and almost physical immortality.
It is believed that before the Flood nutrient food was the basis of the diet of people. But after a disaster, the knowledge about biogenic food was lost. A few members of the human race were able to keep the secrets of longevity. They in particular were the yogis, the magicians, the druids.
Today because of the horrible unreasonable eating habits, the average life expectancy of a normal person is 70 years, so the idea that you can live long and not suffer, it seems fantastic. But it all depends on your attitude and your lifestyle, mental beliefs, eating habits.
People have come up with a lot of food, reducing the life and no less of anti aging. But what is the point to fight the effects of aging, if not to eliminate the causes?
Source: vk.com/project_aoj