Include this product in your diet and you will slow down the aging process!
In the past buckwheat was called "Queen of cereals", which is justified: no wonder there are so many vitamins, minerals and complete proteins.
It is steamed (fried), and green (not roasted). Both species produced from buckwheat grain by separation of fruit shells. Light green color due to the fact that barley is not heat treated, which means that in the Bud saved the life of the components.
Green buckwheat is a champion in the speed of obtaining seedlings among the grasses. Her work is very delicate and soft sprouts. Perfect Breakfast!
Sprouted grains are valued for their cleansing, healing qualities. With their help you can easily lose weight.
The main feature of "live" buckwheat is a high protein content (13% -15%). For example, in rice it is only 7%. High protein buckwheat is quite balanced in its amino acid composition and is rich in lysine, which is so little in the other grain. Cereal no gluten, so it can be used for individuals who are on a gluten-free diet. It has anti-cancer effects, and all due to the large number of flavonoids (quercetin, rutin, orientin, isoorientin, isovitexin, vitexin).
It also contains iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, fluorine, zinc, iodine, cobalt, molybdenum, lots of copper (640 mg); vitamins B2, B1, folic acid (31,8 g), E, PP.
The benefits of green buckwheat
Despite the fact that the calorie content of green buckwheat is quite high, it is easily digested and is even recommended to eliminate excess weight. All because of its unique protein content, unsaturated fats of vegetable origin (of 2.5–3%), minerals, and fiber.
This product is recognized as one of the best suppliers of antioxidants, they boost immunity and slow down the ageing process. Studies have confirmed that compared to rice, sprouted buckwheat antioxidants contains 76 times more! The sprouts are concentrated many enzymes, giving the plant strength for further growth. Effect on the body: eliminate the negative impact of environmental (heavy metals, radioactive substances, etc.), eliminate bad cholesterol, increase the protective properties of cells, reduce blood glucose and normalize blood sugar levels.
Perhaps the main advantage of the "live" buckwheat is that it is not accumulated harmful substances from fertilizers, such as pesticides. Therefore, it can rightly be called the most safe and environmentally friendly product.
Thus, if sprouted buckwheat to add to your daily diet, you can bring noticeable health benefits. This includes improving the overall health, metabolism, improving immunity, cleansing, protection from the harmful effects of the environment, daily stress, medical treatment of cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Buckwheat increases the education of black bile and gases perevozbuzdenie the body. Young children too often has to use cool porridge from buckwheat groats is not worth it ― can cause constipation. With increased blood clotting sprouts of cereals are also not recommended because it contains rutin.
How to sprout buckwheat
Take 1 Cup green buckwheat and prepare it for germination. In the future, you will decide about the optimum number. Keep in mind that the mass of the seedlings will grow about 1.5 times by weight of the dry beans.
Rinse thoroughly. Buckwheat makes the water very starchy, so you need to hold the grains under running water for at least minutes before soaking. This procedure will help to reduce the amount of starch (flour), which is always formed during transportation and plowing buckwheat.
Put the grain in a jar and soak in 2-3 cups of cool water. Mix the grain for the best possible contact with water. Leave the buckwheat to 1-1. 5 hours. Buckwheat absorbs water very quickly, so the time for soaking buckwheat short. The grain of buckwheat can become soft if they keep long in the water, and as a result, will not germinate. Do not leave grains of buckwheat in the water!
After soaking, thoroughly drain the water. Water, in which were grains, contains nutrients, so it can be used for watering flowers. Thoroughly rinse the grains with cool water, then drain again.
Water in contact with buckwheat becomes viscous. Buckwheat is not good to grow if You don't get rid of the starchy water. Therefore, to rinse until the water is transparent.
Always pay attention to a very thorough drying of the grains after washing. The most common cause of poor germination is inadequate drainage.
Put a jar of beans away from direct sunlight at room temperature. 21C, the temperature between washes.
Right now the grain starts to germinate. Beans need good air flow so do not hide them in distant corners of the cabinets. It does not matter if they are exposed to scattered sunlight or electric light.
Rinse thoroughly and carefully dry the grain in 8-12 hours. You can repeat the procedure.
Again rinse thoroughly and carefully dry the grain after 6 - 8 hours.
You can stop here. But depending on your preferences, you can continue to sprout the grain, do not forget to wash and dry them every 8-12 hours. Usually after 2-3 cycles of rinsing and draining the sprouts appear 2-6 mm.
Try your sprouts after each rinse cycle, including the first, immediately after soaking. This will help you to determine the time of a stop of procedure of germination depending on your taste preferences..
The swollen grain is a grain that woke up and intensified processes of growth, revealed the vital energy. From this point it is ready to drink. In swollen grains have no enzyme inhibitors, so the grains are easy to digest and nourish your cells without requiring any resources from your body.
After the final washing, thoroughly dry the sprouts. The objective of the final 8-12 hours minimize the surface moisture of your sprouts. If to touch the grains are dry, then it will provide better storage and preservation of the natural taste of the grain.
Store in the refrigerator.
Move the seedlings to a container or jar with a tight lid and refrigerate. In the fridge the grains continue to grow, albeit slightly slower, so grow the amount that you need for the coming week. published
Source: stan-molozhe.ru/?p=2743
It is steamed (fried), and green (not roasted). Both species produced from buckwheat grain by separation of fruit shells. Light green color due to the fact that barley is not heat treated, which means that in the Bud saved the life of the components.

Green buckwheat is a champion in the speed of obtaining seedlings among the grasses. Her work is very delicate and soft sprouts. Perfect Breakfast!
Sprouted grains are valued for their cleansing, healing qualities. With their help you can easily lose weight.
The main feature of "live" buckwheat is a high protein content (13% -15%). For example, in rice it is only 7%. High protein buckwheat is quite balanced in its amino acid composition and is rich in lysine, which is so little in the other grain. Cereal no gluten, so it can be used for individuals who are on a gluten-free diet. It has anti-cancer effects, and all due to the large number of flavonoids (quercetin, rutin, orientin, isoorientin, isovitexin, vitexin).
It also contains iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, fluorine, zinc, iodine, cobalt, molybdenum, lots of copper (640 mg); vitamins B2, B1, folic acid (31,8 g), E, PP.
The benefits of green buckwheat
Despite the fact that the calorie content of green buckwheat is quite high, it is easily digested and is even recommended to eliminate excess weight. All because of its unique protein content, unsaturated fats of vegetable origin (of 2.5–3%), minerals, and fiber.
This product is recognized as one of the best suppliers of antioxidants, they boost immunity and slow down the ageing process. Studies have confirmed that compared to rice, sprouted buckwheat antioxidants contains 76 times more! The sprouts are concentrated many enzymes, giving the plant strength for further growth. Effect on the body: eliminate the negative impact of environmental (heavy metals, radioactive substances, etc.), eliminate bad cholesterol, increase the protective properties of cells, reduce blood glucose and normalize blood sugar levels.
Perhaps the main advantage of the "live" buckwheat is that it is not accumulated harmful substances from fertilizers, such as pesticides. Therefore, it can rightly be called the most safe and environmentally friendly product.
Thus, if sprouted buckwheat to add to your daily diet, you can bring noticeable health benefits. This includes improving the overall health, metabolism, improving immunity, cleansing, protection from the harmful effects of the environment, daily stress, medical treatment of cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Buckwheat increases the education of black bile and gases perevozbuzdenie the body. Young children too often has to use cool porridge from buckwheat groats is not worth it ― can cause constipation. With increased blood clotting sprouts of cereals are also not recommended because it contains rutin.
How to sprout buckwheat
Take 1 Cup green buckwheat and prepare it for germination. In the future, you will decide about the optimum number. Keep in mind that the mass of the seedlings will grow about 1.5 times by weight of the dry beans.
Rinse thoroughly. Buckwheat makes the water very starchy, so you need to hold the grains under running water for at least minutes before soaking. This procedure will help to reduce the amount of starch (flour), which is always formed during transportation and plowing buckwheat.
Put the grain in a jar and soak in 2-3 cups of cool water. Mix the grain for the best possible contact with water. Leave the buckwheat to 1-1. 5 hours. Buckwheat absorbs water very quickly, so the time for soaking buckwheat short. The grain of buckwheat can become soft if they keep long in the water, and as a result, will not germinate. Do not leave grains of buckwheat in the water!
After soaking, thoroughly drain the water. Water, in which were grains, contains nutrients, so it can be used for watering flowers. Thoroughly rinse the grains with cool water, then drain again.
Water in contact with buckwheat becomes viscous. Buckwheat is not good to grow if You don't get rid of the starchy water. Therefore, to rinse until the water is transparent.
Always pay attention to a very thorough drying of the grains after washing. The most common cause of poor germination is inadequate drainage.
Put a jar of beans away from direct sunlight at room temperature. 21C, the temperature between washes.
Right now the grain starts to germinate. Beans need good air flow so do not hide them in distant corners of the cabinets. It does not matter if they are exposed to scattered sunlight or electric light.
Rinse thoroughly and carefully dry the grain in 8-12 hours. You can repeat the procedure.
Again rinse thoroughly and carefully dry the grain after 6 - 8 hours.
You can stop here. But depending on your preferences, you can continue to sprout the grain, do not forget to wash and dry them every 8-12 hours. Usually after 2-3 cycles of rinsing and draining the sprouts appear 2-6 mm.
Try your sprouts after each rinse cycle, including the first, immediately after soaking. This will help you to determine the time of a stop of procedure of germination depending on your taste preferences..
The swollen grain is a grain that woke up and intensified processes of growth, revealed the vital energy. From this point it is ready to drink. In swollen grains have no enzyme inhibitors, so the grains are easy to digest and nourish your cells without requiring any resources from your body.
After the final washing, thoroughly dry the sprouts. The objective of the final 8-12 hours minimize the surface moisture of your sprouts. If to touch the grains are dry, then it will provide better storage and preservation of the natural taste of the grain.
Store in the refrigerator.
Move the seedlings to a container or jar with a tight lid and refrigerate. In the fridge the grains continue to grow, albeit slightly slower, so grow the amount that you need for the coming week. published
Source: stan-molozhe.ru/?p=2743
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