Interesting article about the usefulness SEEDLINGS IN WINTER !!!

Winter diet contains significantly less vitamins. We feel constant drowsiness, decreased concentration, more annoying and're cold, if the eyes get tired quickly, the skin became dry hair - dull and weak - hence, our body gives signals desperate for help.
In winter fruits and vegetables do not have the right amount of vitamins. However, to help in the fight against disadvantage comes a product that actively eaten by our ancestors. It sprouted grains. Seedlings were superior to vitamin and mineral composition of almost all traditional foods.
Of course, each individual plant species in their chemical composition, but there are average statistical data. Thus, in general terms sprouted grain comprising: 6-20% vegetable protein, similar in composition to the meat protein, 1-9% fat, 60-88% carbohydrate (sugar and starch), 1-4% of dietary fibers (cellulose) 1-3% organic and mineral salts, the optimum set of microelements.
Wheat germ are rich in high content of vitamins A, E and D, which ensures a healthy skin and beautiful hair, good vision. Vitamin E - a natural antioxidant, slows the aging process. B vitamins are responsible for the proper functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular system and muscles. Wheat germ actively feed the body with energy, strengthens the immune system, restore liver. Rich in macro and micro elements: potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc.
Bean seedlings (mung beans, peas Spanish-chickpeas, lentils) - a rich source of vitamin C, A, B1, B2, OT, biotin B6, iron, manganese, silicon, boron. They are an excellent source of vegetable protein. Seedlings were useful in protein, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, atherosclerosis and heart rhythm disturbances, edema of renal origin. "Nut" is particularly useful for those who have problems with excess weight. Calories in it a little, and a lot of vitamins.
LENTILS - a storehouse of vitamin C, an excellent prevention of colds, is recommended for people weakened and after surgery.
Seedlings HAVE a great potential! Adding them to the food, we get a powerful live vitamin complex so necessary in the winter-spring body.