Enlightened wisdom

"So, Subhuti, listen well and carefully»
Good listening means listening usually in a receptive state, in deep receptivity. If you dispute, if you judge, if you say "Yes, that's right, because it coincides with my ideology, and it is - a misnomer, as it is not attractively logically. It's - well, it's - it is wrong. In this I can not believe this, I can not believe ... "You are constantly in sort the things you hear, but listening is not good.
And you're listening to, so that your mind at last all superimposed. Who judges? It's not you, it's your past. You read something, you heard something you toward something fits. This is - constantly superimposed past. Past wants to perpetuate. It does not allow anything that would destroy it. It does not allow anything new; it allows only the old, which he was comfortable. Here's what you do, when you judge, when you criticize when inside to discuss and debate.
Listen right means listening obediently. That word - "obedience" - fine. You will be surprised to learn that the root from which comes the word "obedience" means "attentive listening." Or, as Jewish tradition says, "Open your ears." If you can really open your ears, and there is no overlay or internal disturbance, no distortion, you will not only opened their ears, you also open their hearts.
Need to remove the gag out of his ears. What are these plugs? Home gag - the fear of the truth, no matter what you say, no matter what you again and again that "I want to know the truth." Are you afraid of the truth, so as to live a lie, and you lived a lie for so long that all these lies fear, trembling, if it comes true, it will have to leave you. Lies become your own. Just as darkness is afraid of the light, lie afraid of the truth. At that moment, when you come closer to the truth, the mind becomes very worried. It creates so much commotion, he raises so much dust it creates a cloud around you that you could not hear what the truth is.
Need to remove the gag out of his ears. Home gag - fear. You are locked fear. The Buddha said that, unless you become fearless, you will not reach the truth. And look at their religion, the fact that you are doing. All your so-called religions are based on fear. And in fear is no way to truth; Only fearless know what the truth is.
Russian adaptation of western TV series
Interesting article about the usefulness SEEDLINGS IN WINTER !!!