The famous divination of Osho will give answers to all the exciting questions. Best advisor!

How difficult it is to make an important decision. I want to. glimpse Find out what this or that step will bring. Of course, it is impossible to move a few years ahead, but there is a very good alternative. For advice you can turn to a sage, namely Osho.

Remember one important thing: when we predict the future, make horoscopes, palm guessing, tarot, I Ching, all this is basically reading the human subconscious. It is rather a guessing of the past, and since the future flows from the past, we can learn what awaits us.”

Editorial "Site" will share with you the famous divination, which can give an answer to exciting questions. Choose a card from 1 to 12 and read the advice.

Divination Osho
  1. Love.
    It is time for one powerful king to determine his heir. It was not easy, because his twin sons were equally smart, brave and worthy. Then he gave each one a bag of flower seeds, saying, “He who best preserves them will become a ruler.” The first brother hid the gift in a forged chest, the second planted it. Three years later, the king demanded the good back. The first son took the seeds out of the chest and found that they were moldy, and the second showed his father a beautiful flower garden: “Here are your seeds, when they are ripe, I will collect them and return them.” Guess who inherited the throne.

    Moral: You can’t get anything if you don’t invest. So in love: if you live only what once was, you will end up disappointed.

  2. Confrontation
    One day, a merchant passing by the plantation saw a slave. Stopped, fed him, got him drunk and regretted it. To which the slave replied, “Everything passes, this will pass.” After 3 years, they met again. A slave became a vizier. The former poor man generously showered the merchant with jewelry and uttered the same phrase. The following year, the merchant saw the vizier’s grave. "It all goes away. But it will not pass, the merchant thought bitterly. A few years later, the grave was washed away with water. Only then did the merchant agree: "Indeed, everything passes."

    Morality: There are events that cannot be countered. Sometimes you just have to wait and the problem will resolve itself.

  3. Acceptance
    Early in the morning, going out to the garden, the king found there withering plants. The oak died because it could not be as tall as a pine tree. The pine withered because it could not give birth like grapes. And the grapes dried because they could not smell like a rose. Only honeysuckle blossomed. Why? Here is the response from her the king received: “I realized that by imprisoning me, you wanted me to grow honeysuckle.” And I decided, since I can't be anything else, I'm going to try to be the best of my species.

    Morality: All people have different qualities, abilities and talents. Don’t be jealous of someone or try to imitate them. Accept yourself and develop your best side.

  4. Wisdom
    A gray-haired toothless sheikh came to the doctor and complained: “O you who help all people, help me also.” As soon as I fall asleep, dreams take hold of me. I dream that I came to the square in front of the harem. The women there are delightful, like the flowers of a wonderful garden, the divine curias of paradise. But as soon as I appear in the courtyard, they all disappear, leaving through the secret passage.” The doctor wrinkled his forehead, began to think hard, and finally asked, “You probably want to get me a powder or a drug to get rid of this dream.”

    The sheikh looked at the doctor with a missing look and exclaimed, “Not that!” The only thing I want is for the doors of the secret passage to be locked so that women can't run away from me.

    How happy people would be if they only wanted what was rightfully theirs. They always dream of owning someone else’s property.

  5. Community
    The philosopher had one pair of shoes. One day he asked the shoemaker to fix it urgently. "But the workshop is already closing," he replied, "so I can't fix the shoes in your presence." Why don't you come pick her up tomorrow? “The thing is, I only have one pair of shoes and I just can’t walk without them.” "No worries! I will give you worn shoes for one day.” - What? Wearing someone's shoes? Who do you think I am? To which the master replied, “Why do you object to wearing someone else’s shoes?” You don’t mind carrying other people’s thoughts and ideas in your head.

    Moral: A man who thinks that all his merits are his own. It is impossible to imagine your life without the participation of others. Never give up on help and be grateful for it.

  6. Energy
    One day, society treated Angulimala badly. The man became angry and in revenge promised to take the lives of a thousand people, cut off each finger and make them a necklace. The victims were already 999 when Angulimala met the Buddha. The sage asked the murderer to fulfill his last wish: “Chop off the branch of that beautiful tree over there.” Bring it to me, I want to take a closer look. And then add it back to the tree.” Angulimala raised his eyebrows astonished, and the Buddha continued, “If you cannot create, you have no right to destroy.”

    Moral: Don't wish people harm. Man was created to create and give love. Direct your energy into creative activity, otherwise it will turn into rage.

  7. Light on the way
    On a dark night, two people got lost in a dense forest. They were both very scared, but they behaved differently. One of the travelers was a philosopher and the other a mystic. The first thought about the reason for his unenviable situation, and the second simply believed in fate. Suddenly a severe thunderstorm broke out. Lightning flashed. The philosopher at this moment looked up at the sky, usually thinking and lost his way. And the mystic looked at the path and during the flash of light he saw the right way.

    Moral: Look carefully at your life path, because fate always gives clues. Spend less time thinking, do more!

  8. Gratitude.
    It was evening when an elderly pilgrim wandered into the village and began to ask the locals for a place to sleep. She knocked on every door, but no one ever opened it. As a result, suffering from cold and hunger, the stranger fell asleep under a sprawling fruit tree. And at midnight I woke up and saw how unusually good the flowering branches of the apple tree in the moonlight. The woman stood up, bowed towards the village and thanked the people for not letting her sleep. And then I came home and wrote the famous art canvas.

    Moral: Accept all that life gives with gratitude. Both suffering and pleasure are necessary for human development.

  9. Hope.
    For three days he wandered alone through a living labyrinth and finally came across the same poor fellow. The men hugged and for a while both were incredibly happy. Then they asked each other what they were doing. The first said, "I'm lost and desperate to meet someone." The second replied, “I was lost too, and I was hoping to meet the guide.” But if we both don't know the way, there's nothing to be happy about. Now we shall wander together.” Happiness is possible only when people know how to be happy alone. Otherwise, they make each other even more miserable.

  10. Outside the family
    Joseph asked the little Jesus, “Why are you here?” My mother and I have been looking for you all day! To which the child replied, “Why are you looking for me?” I am busy with my father's case.” “I am your father and I am a carpenter. And you are sitting among the scribes, Joseph rebelled. "I meant my spiritual father," the child proudly replied. Moral: sooner or later, the child must break away from his parents, becoming independent not only physically, but also spiritually. Otherwise, it will be very difficult in his life.

  11. Heaven's Gate
    The samurai came to the master of Zen with the question: Is there heaven and hell? Where's their gate? The master asked the young man who he was, to which he replied that he was a samurai. The landlord said the guy looked more like a tramp. The pride of the warrior was hurt, and he, without hesitation, snatched a sword from his sheath. The sage smiled and said, “This is your answer.” Hell and Heaven are not geographical but psychological. They're inside of us. Both doors are close. By acting unconsciously, we open the gates of hell, and consciously, paradise.

    Moral: Learn to control your feelings and actions. And no matter what you do, the main thing is to be aware of it.

  12. Journey
    The teacher and the student passed through the village on the day of the big holiday. As they approached the main square, the sounds of drums and the cries of people became so loud that the student clasped his ears with his hands. But to his surprise, the teacher, dancing, went deeper and deeper to the center of the square, to the place of the main action. After the holiday was over and the tired people went home, the disciple asked the teacher, “Master, how could you rejoice and celebrate with such a noise?” I didn't even hear my thoughts!

    To this the teacher gave a wonderful answer: "You were tuned to the noise, my friend, but for the villagers it was music." I just took those sounds like they did. Most people go through life only with noise. Let's go ahead and listen to music this time.

    Moral: Know how to enjoy life. A person just needs to turn off his thoughts sometimes and just enjoy the moment.

When making decisions, always be guided by your mind, because only you are responsible for your fate. Observe the environment, analyze your mistakes, because scientists have proven that human intuition develops through life experience.

Tell us in the comments which card you chose and whether you believe in any. fortune-telling. And don't forget to share fortune telling with your friends on social networks!


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