First, untangle themselves, and THEN move into a relationship

Seeking always went to a solitary existence, just to meet up with you. No matter where they go, why it is important to meet with him to make his task easier, because in a relationship it becomes difficult because the other brings his suffering.
You already loaded, and here comes another! And then there is a collision, then everything becomes even more complicated. Then this meeting of two diagnoses, and from this is born the other, a very complex disease. Everything becomes twisted and confused.
You already confused, it is better first to untangle himself, and THEN to move in relationships because if you carry no cargo, then you can help others.
And remember, it takes two hands to clap, and two mountains for the collision. If you no longer mount, then you can be in a relationship. Now the other might try to create a clash, but it's impossible because it is impossible to create the sound of one hand. The other starts to feel stupid, and it will be the beginnings of wisdom.
You can help, if not burdened; you can't help if bear the burden. You can be a husband, a father, a mother, but you'll be loading other my burden. Even small children carry their mountains; they crushed you. Differently and can not be, because you never worried to find the clarity of your being, before you enter into a relationship.
Source: oshogid.com/snachala-pomogi-sebe-a-potom-drugim/
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