Treatment of dry eyes folk remedies

Various office workers, programmers and other people who spend a lot of time at the computer are familiar with the feeling that sand is poured into their eyes. This sensation is caused by dry eyes. How to treat dry eyes, and what caused it?
As a result of exposure to radiation from various screens, as well as from a lack of vitamin A in the body, which is very important for vision in general, the condition of the tear film worsens. Tears are released in insufficient quantity and dry eyes occur. It is also possible the appearance of dry eyes in some diseases, mainly chronic. Even this phenomenon can occur under improper conditions for work, lack of sleep and so on.
How to treat dry eyes, you can talk for a long time. But if you generalize different information, the treatment of dry eye is reduced to the use of special drops, the abuse of which will further worsen the situation, and you can use funds from the arsenal of traditional medicine.
Basically, the fight against dry eyes with folk remedies consists of applying lotions to the eyes, and lotions themselves are made of infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs.
There is one very simple, but equally effective remedy for eliminating, albeit temporary, dry eyes. We need to blink as often as possible. In addition to moisturizing effect, it will help to keep the eye muscles near the tone.
• Another fairly affordable tool is the installation of an air humidifier in the working room. This will help, if not get rid of the problem completely, then at least reduce its severity.
Treatment of dry eyes implies a must include in your diet more foods that contain vitamin A. It's carrots, potatoes, melon. A sufficient amount of this vitamin will allow the body to maintain eye hydration at the proper level. You also need to eat as many marine varieties of fish as possible, and if for any reason it is not available to you, eat flaxseed oil. It will not be superfluous and walnuts in moderate quantities.
• Lots of green tea in bags perfectly help the eyes. After drinking tea, put warm, slightly pressed bags over your eyes for thirty minutes. Then do a little exercise for the eyes: blink often, bring the pupils left, right, up, down and in a circle. This should be done at least 2 times a day.
• Herbal infusion will be useful to wash the eyes. For this purpose, herbs such as chamomile, panties, rosemary and violets are suitable. The healing infusion is prepared as follows: 2-3 tablespoons of any herb per glass of boiling water, insist for 1 hour. Washing will definitely help you treat dry eyes.
• If you are not allergic to honey, dryness treatment can be carried out with honey solution. Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in three tablespoons of pure water and make a compress on the eyes from the resulting syrup. That's enough for the whole day. You make a new syrup the next day.
• For tearing, you can use essential mustard oil - it knocks out a tear well. They can also lubricate their eyelids.
• For relaxation and treatment of dry eyes, try to apply this folk method: light a candle and look at it with a relaxed gaze for 10-15 minutes. This relaxation relieves fatigue, tension and dry eyes.
Now that you know how to treat dry eyes, leave special drops for an emergency. Walk more often in the fresh air, especially after rain, lead a healthy lifestyle, take breaks while working in front of the computer screen and you will soon forget about the problem.
Source: vsenarodnaya-medicina.ru
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